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How do I create objects that block AI movement?

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I am trying to make a custom mission in the arma 3 eden editor where there is a course set for the players in kavala using objects like walls and barriers. I was wondering how to place these objects, like the walls, so that the AI doesn’t just walk through them. These walls are supposed to guide the players in a certain path along the streets, but I would also want the AI to be restricted by these as well. Plus if the AI walks out of the bounds, the players won’t be able to take them out and then I can’t rely on triggers that are waiting for all the AI to die. When the AI is in a firefight they seem to use the objects as cover, even though they walk through them.


Here is a link to a video where I recorded what exactly is happening:



Does anyone else ran into this problem before? I tried googling this, I saw that arma 2 had this issue, but I didn't find any way to solve this.


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Unfortunately this is not one of the engine cabablities. The AI movement in houses is controlled by predefined paths so that AI does not get stuck anywhere and this means AI passes through anything when it is on the path.

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Roads also have defined paths that AI will choose to follow most of the time when not in combat mode. While on these paths they can walk through most objects. :(

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It is a problematic thing for any indoor operations. Don't think there is any way around it either.

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Hi, I think all of us who edit have that same problem, it would be time for the Bohemia Interactive programmers to give us a solution to this old and annoying problem ...

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