ahmedslimkw 223 Posted July 2, 2016 Hello guys! I got a problem with my Config.cpp on my mod which adds just uniforms. I followed step by step tutorials and did it exactly like it. Once i booted the game up everything was smooth, No errors (For now) But when i go to the virtual arsenal, The fatigues arent invisible. They are just looking like the vanilla ones (E.G I textured the C.S.A.T Uniform made it black, Opened it up and selected it and the texture is still in the hexagonal pattern) same issue with the helmet except its completely invisible Here is my code for reference: (PLS: Ignore the S.D ones. The Panther Division one is the one i got issues with atm) class CfgPatches{ class My_Mod_Config { units[] = {"Custom_Uniform_Mod";}; weapons[] = {}; requiredVersion = 0.1; requiredAddons[] = {"A3_Characters_F"}; };}; //************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************//***** Factions *********************************************************************************************************************************************************//************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************class cfgFactionClasses{ class Custom_Faction { displayName = "C.S.A.T Panther Regiment"; priority = 3; // Position in list. side = 1; // Opfor = 0, Blufor = 1, Indep = 2. icon = ""; //Custom Icon }; }; class UniformSlotInfo{ slotType = 0; linkProxy = "-";}; class CfgVehicles{ //************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************ //***** Units ********************************************************************************************************************************************************* //************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************ class B_Soldier_F; class Panther_RegimentUniform: B_soldier_F { author = "Velocity-Overdrive"; _generalMacro = "B_soldier_F"; scope = 2; displayName = "Infantry"; identityTypes[] = {"Head_NATO", "G_NATO_default"}; genericNames = "NATOMen"; faction = "Panther_Regiment"; model = "\A3\Characters_f\OPFOR\o_Soldier_01.p3d"; uniformClass = "Panther_RegimentUniform"; hiddenSelections[] = {"Camo","Insignia"}; hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"Blood&Sweat\Data\Panther_RegimentUniform.paa"}; weapons[] = {"Throw","Put"}; respawnWeapons[] = {"Throw","Put"}; magazines[] = {"HandGrenade","HandGrenade","SmokeShell","SmokeShellGreen","Chemlight_green","Chemlight_green"}; respawnMagazines[] = {"HandGrenade","HandGrenade","SmokeShell","SmokeShellGreen","Chemlight_green","Chemlight_green"}; linkedItems[] = {"ItemMap","ItemCompass","ItemWatch","ItemRadio"}; respawnLinkedItems[] = {"ItemMap","ItemCompass","ItemWatch","ItemRadio"}; }; class S_D_Combat_Fatigues_SS: B_soldier_F { author = "ToxicVulcan"; _generalMacro = "B_soldier_F"; scope = 2; displayName = "S.D Officer"; identityTypes[] = {"Head_NATO", "G_NATO_default"}; genericNames = "NATOMen"; faction = "Shadow_Divison"; model = "\A3\Characters_f_beta\INDEP\ia_soldier_02.p3d"; uniformClass = "S_D_Combat_Fatigues_SS"; hiddenSelections[] = {"Camo","Insignia"}; hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"Custom_Uniform\Data\S_D_Combat_Fatigues.paa"}; weapons[] = {"Throw","Put"}; respawnWeapons[] = {"Throw","Put"}; magazines[] = {"HandGrenade","HandGrenade","SmokeShell","SmokeShellGreen","Chemlight_green","Chemlight_green"}; respawnMagazines[] = {"HandGrenade","HandGrenade","SmokeShell","SmokeShellGreen","Chemlight_green","Chemlight_green"}; linkedItems[] = {"ItemMap","ItemCompass","ItemWatch","ItemRadio"}; respawnLinkedItems[] = {"ItemMap","ItemCompass","ItemWatch","ItemRadio"}; }; class S_D_Pilot_Jump_Suit: B_soldier_F { author = "ToxicVulcan"; _generalMacro = "B_soldier_F"; scope = 2; displayName = "S.D Pilot"; identityTypes[] = {"Head_NATO", "G_NATO_default"}; genericNames = "NATOMen"; faction = "Shadow_Division"; model = "\A3\characters_f\common\pilot_f.p3d"; uniformClass = "S_D_Pilot_Jump_Suit"; hiddenSelections[] = {"Camo"}; hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"Custom_Uniform\Data\S_D_Pilot_Jump_Suit.paa"}; weapons[] = {"Throw","Put"}; respawnWeapons[] = {"Throw","Put"}; magazines[] = {"HandGrenade","HandGrenade","SmokeShell","SmokeShellGreen","Chemlight_green","Chemlight_green"}; respawnMagazines[] = {"HandGrenade","HandGrenade","SmokeShell","SmokeShellGreen","Chemlight_green","Chemlight_green"}; linkedItems[] = {"ItemMap","ItemCompass","ItemWatch","ItemRadio"}; respawnLinkedItems[] = {"ItemMap","ItemCompass","ItemWatch","ItemRadio"}; }; class S_D_Officer_Fatigues: B_soldier_F { author = "ToxicVulcan"; _generalMacro = "B_soldier_F"; scope = 2; displayName = "S.D Pilot"; identityTypes[] = {"Head_NATO", "G_NATO_default"}; genericNames = "NATOMen"; faction = "Shadow_Division"; model = "\A3\characters_f_epb\guerrilla\ig_guerrilla4_1.p3d"; uniformClass = "S_D_Officer_Fatigues"; hiddenSelections[] = {"Camo"}; hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"Custom_Uniform\Data\S_D_Officer.paa"}; weapons[] = {"Throw","Put"}; respawnWeapons[] = {"Throw","Put"}; magazines[] = {"HandGrenade","HandGrenade","SmokeShell","SmokeShellGreen","Chemlight_green","Chemlight_green"}; respawnMagazines[] = {"HandGrenade","HandGrenade","SmokeShell","SmokeShellGreen","Chemlight_green","Chemlight_green"}; linkedItems[] = {"ItemMap","ItemCompass","ItemWatch","ItemRadio"}; respawnLinkedItems[] = {"ItemMap","ItemCompass","ItemWatch","ItemRadio"}; }; class B_AssaultPack_Base; class S_D_Assault_Backpack: B_AssaultPack_Base { scope = 2; displayName = "S.D Assault Backpack"; picture = ""; hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"Custom_Uniform\Data\S_D_Assault_Backpack.paa"}; }; class LandVehicle; class B_G_Offroad_01_F; class B_G_Offroad_01_armed_F; class B_MRAP_01_F; class B_MRAP_01_HMG_F; class B_Heli_Light_01_F; class Custom_Offroad_F: B_G_Offroad_01_F { crew = "S_D_Combat_Fatigues"; side = 1; scope = 2; faction = "Shadow_Division"; displayName = "S.D Offroad 4x4"; hiddenSelections[] = {"Camo"}; hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"Custom_Uniform\Data\S_D_Offroad_4x4.paa"}; class EventHandlers { init = "(_this select 0) setVariable [""BIS_enableRandomization"", false];"; }; }; class Custom_Offroad_HMG_F: B_G_Offroad_01_armed_F { side = 1; scope = 2; crew = "Custom_Uniform_TShirt"; faction = "Custom_Faction"; displayName = "Custom Offroad 4x4 (HMG)"; hiddenSelections[] = {"Camo"}; hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"Custom_Uniform\Data\offroad_base_co.paa"}; class EventHandlers { init = "(_this select 0) setVariable [""BIS_enableRandomization"", false];"; }; }; class Custom_Hunter_F: B_MRAP_01_F { side = 1; scope = 2; crew = "Custom_Uniform_TShirt"; faction = "Custom_Faction"; displayName = "Custom M-ATV MRAP"; hiddenSelections[] = {"Camo1","Camo2"}; hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"Custom_Uniform\Data\hunter_base_co.paa","Custom_Uniform\Data\hunter_adds_co.paa"}; }; class Custom_Hunter_HMG_F: B_MRAP_01_HMG_F { side = 1; scope = 2; crew = "Custom_Uniform_TShirt"; faction = "Custom_Faction"; displayName = "Custom M-ATV MRAP (HMG)"; hiddenSelections[] = {"Camo1","Camo2"}; hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"Custom_Uniform\Data\hunter_base_co.paa","Custom_Uniform\Data\hunter_adds_co.paa"}; }; class Custom_MH6: B_Heli_Light_01_F { side = 1; scope = 2; crew = "Custom_Uniform_TShirt"; faction = "Custom_Faction"; displayName = "Custom MH-6 Hummingbird"; hiddenSelections[] = {"Camo1"}; hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"Custom_Uniform\Data\hummingbird_base_co.paa"}; };}; class cfgWeapons{ //******************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************** //***** Uniforms ***************************************************************************************************************************************************** //******************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************** class ItemCore; class UniformItem; class Uniform_Base: ItemCore { class ItemInfo; }; class P_R_Fatigues: Uniform_Base { scope = 2; displayName = "Fatigues (H.P.P)"; picture = "-"; model = "\A3\Characters_F\OPFOR\o_soldier_01.p3d"; class ItemInfo : UniformItem { uniformClass = "Panther_RegimentUniform"; containerClass = "Supply50"; mass = 50; }; }; class S_D_Combat_Fatigue_SS: Uniform_Base { scope = 2; displayName = "S.D Combat Fatigues (Rolled Sleeves)"; picture = "-"; model = "\A3\characters_f_beta\INDEP\ia_soldier_02.p3d"; class ItemInfo : UniformItem { uniformClass = "S_D_Combat_Fatigues_SS"; containerClass = "Supply50"; mass = 50; }; }; class S_D_Pilot: Uniform_Base { scope = 2; displayName = "S.D Pilot Suit"; picture = "-"; model = "\A3\characters_f\common\pilot_f.p3d"; class ItemInfo : UniformItem { uniformClass = "S_D_Pilot_Jump_Suit"; containerClass = "Supply30"; mass = 35; }; };class S_D_Officer: Uniform_Base { scope = 2; displayName = "S.D Officer Fatigues"; picture = "-"; model = "\A3\characters_f_epb\guerrilla\ig_guerrilla4_1.p3d"; class ItemInfo : UniformItem { uniformClass = "S_D_Pilot_Officer_Fatigue"; containerClass = "Supply30"; mass = 35; }; }; //************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************ //***** Vests ********************************************************************************************************************************************************* //************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************class VestItem; class Vest_Camo_Base: ItemCore { class ItemInfo; }; class S_D_Plate_Carrier: Vest_Camo_Base { scope = 2; displayName = "S.D Plate Carrier"; picture = "icon_S_D_Plate_Carrier.paa"; model = "A3\Characters_F\BLUFOR\equip_b_Vest01"; hiddenSelections[] = {"Camo"}; hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"Custom_Uniform\Data\S_D_Plate_Carrier.paa"}; class ItemInfo: VestItem { uniformModel = "A3\Characters_F\BLUFOR\equip_b_Vest01.p3d"; containerClass = "Supply120"; mass = 80; armor = "5"; passThrough = 0.3; hiddenSelections[] = {"camo"}; }; }; class S_D_Ballistic_Vest: Vest_Camo_Base { scope = 2; displayName = "S.D Ballistic Vest"; picture = "\Custom_Uniform\ui\icon_S_D_Plate_Carrier.paa"; model = "A3\Characters_F\BLUFOR\equip_b_Vest02"; hiddenSelections[] = {"Camo"}; hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"Custom_Uniform\Data\S_D_Ballistic_Vest.paa"}; class ItemInfo: VestItem { uniformModel = "A3\Characters_F\common\equip_tacticalvest.p3d"; containerClass = "Supply120"; mass = 80; armor = "5"; passThrough = 0.3; hiddenSelections[] = {"camo"}; }; }; class Custom_Vest3: Vest_Camo_Base { scope = 2; displayName = "Custom Platecarrier Kerry"; picture = "-"; model = "A3\Charactrs_F_EPA\BLUFOR\equip_b_vest_kerry"; hiddenSelections[] = {"Camo"}; hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"Custom_Uniform\Data\custom_vest_co.paa"}; class ItemInfo: VestItem { uniformModel = "A3\Characters_F_EPA\BLUFOR\equip_b_vest_kerry.p3d"; containerClass = "Supply120"; mass = 80; armor = "5"; passThrough = 0.3; hiddenSelections[] = {"camo"}; }; }; //************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************ //***** Headgear ********************************************************************************************************************************************************* //************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************ class H_HelmetB: ItemCore { class ItemInfo; }; class P_R_Tech: H_HelmetB { displayName = "Protector Helmet (H.P.P)"; picture = ""; model = "\A3\Characters_F_EPA\OPFOR\headgear_o_helmet_ballistic.p3d"; hiddenSelections[] = {"Camo"}; hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"\Blood&Sweat\Data\Tech_Panther_Regiment.paa"}; class ItemInfo: ItemInfo { mass = 20; allowedSlots[] = {901,605}; uniformModel = "\A3\Characters_F_EPA\OPFOR\headgear_o_helmet_ballistic.p3d"; modelSides[] = {3,1}; hiddenSelections[] = {"Camo"}; armor = "3*0.4"; passThrough = 0.65; }; }; class S_D_Helmet_Heli: H_HelmetB { displayName = "S.D Helicopter Helmet"; picture = ""; model = "\A3\Characters_F\BLUFOR\headgear_b_helmet_light"; hiddenSelections[] = {"Camo"}; hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"\Custom_Uniform\Data\S_D_Helmet_Heli.paa"}; class ItemInfo: ItemInfo { mass = 15; allowedSlots[] = {901,605}; uniformModel = "\A3\Characters_F\common\headgear_helmet_heli.p3d"; modelSides[] = {3,1}; hiddenSelections[] = {"Camo"}; armor = "3*0.3"; passThrough = 0.75; }; }; class S_D_Booniehat: H_HelmetB { displayName = "S.D Booniehat"; picture = ""; model = "\A3\Characters_F\common\headgear_helmet_heli.p3d"; hiddenSelections[] = {"Camo"}; hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"\Custom_Uniform\Data\S_D_Booniehat.paa"}; class ItemInfo: ItemInfo { mass = 15; allowedSlots[] = {901,605}; uniformModel = "\A3\Characters_F\common\booniehat.p3d"; modelSides[] = {3,1}; hiddenSelections[] = {"Camo"}; armor = "3*0.3"; passThrough = 0.75; }; }; };Any help is appreciated! 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badluckburt 78 Posted July 2, 2016 Does the helmet texture still work? If so, change: {"Blood&Sweat\Data\Panther_RegimentUniform.paa"}; to {"\Blood&Sweat\Data\Panther_RegimentUniform.paa"}; to make it an absolute path. On a sidenote, I'd stay away from special characters like & in your folder structure just to be on the safe side. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ahmedslimkw 223 Posted July 2, 2016 Does the helmet texture still work? If so, change: {"Blood&Sweat\Data\Panther_RegimentUniform.paa"}; to {"\Blood&Sweat\Data\Panther_RegimentUniform.paa"}; to make it an absolute path. On a sidenote, I'd stay away from special characters like & in your folder structure just to be on the safe side. Thanks a lot! Il try it out tomorrow as ATM I'm preparing to sleep :P il remove special characters and think of a better name :3 Il test the helmet tommorow :D il report in once I get it working. Appreciate it! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ahmedslimkw 223 Posted July 3, 2016 Does the helmet texture still work? If so, change: {"Blood&Sweat\Data\Panther_RegimentUniform.paa"}; to {"\Blood&Sweat\Data\Panther_RegimentUniform.paa"}; to make it an absolute path. On a sidenote, I'd stay away from special characters like & in your folder structure just to be on the safe side. Hello its me again! I decided to remove special characters and made it an absolute path. My uniform isnt textured and my helmet is still invisible. Thanks for helping though! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
badluckburt 78 Posted July 3, 2016 Hello its me again! I decided to remove special characters and made it an absolute path. My uniform isnt textured and my helmet is still invisible. Thanks for helping though! There's one other thing I just noticed, you're not following the texture naming conventions: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/ArmA:_Texture_Naming_Rules In your case you'd need the _CO suffix. You'll need to rename your source files, open them in Texture View again and save them as .paa. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ahmedslimkw 223 Posted July 3, 2016 There's one other thing I just noticed, you're not following the texture naming conventions: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/ArmA:_Texture_Naming_Rules In your case you'd need the _CO suffix. You'll need to rename your source files, open them in Texture View again and save them as .paa. Oh. I never actually saw the texture naming rules on one of the videos I watched! That must be the problem... Thanks a lot! Il try it out and then il report in. (Yeah ATM it's night again was busy outside) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ahmedslimkw 223 Posted July 4, 2016 There's one other thing I just noticed, you're not following the texture naming conventions: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/ArmA:_Texture_Naming_Rules In your case you'd need the _CO suffix. You'll need to rename your source files, open them in Texture View again and save them as .paa. So i did what you said and added the _co suffix. However everything is still the same? I checked the .PAA files and they are ok. Here is my new code for reference (How do you even add a spoiler here anyways) class CfgPatches { class My_Mod_Config { units[] = {"Custom_Uniform_Mod";}; weapons[] = {}; requiredVersion = 0.1; requiredAddons[] = {"A3_Characters_F"}; }; }; //************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************ //***** Factions ********************************************************************************************************************************************************* //************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************ class cfgFactionClasses { class Custom_Faction { displayName = "C.S.A.T Panther Regiment"; priority = 3; // Position in list. side = 1; // Opfor = 0, Blufor = 1, Indep = 2. icon = ""; //Custom Icon }; }; class UniformSlotInfo { slotType = 0; linkProxy = "-"; }; class CfgVehicles { //************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************ //***** Units ********************************************************************************************************************************************************* //************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************ class B_Soldier_F; class Panther_RegimentUniform: B_soldier_F { author = "Velocity-Overdrive"; _generalMacro = "B_soldier_F"; scope = 2; displayName = "Infantry"; identityTypes[] = {"Head_NATO", "G_NATO_default"}; genericNames = "NATOMen"; faction = "Panther_Regiment"; model = "\A3\Characters_f\OPFOR\o_Soldier_01.p3d"; uniformClass = "Panther_RegimentUniform"; hiddenSelections[] = {"Camo","Insignia"}; hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"\Renegade\Data\Panther_RegimentUniform_co.paa"}; weapons[] = {"Throw","Put"}; respawnWeapons[] = {"Throw","Put"}; magazines[] = {"HandGrenade","HandGrenade","SmokeShell","SmokeShellGreen","Chemlight_green","Chemlight_green"}; respawnMagazines[] = {"HandGrenade","HandGrenade","SmokeShell","SmokeShellGreen","Chemlight_green","Chemlight_green"}; linkedItems[] = {"ItemMap","ItemCompass","ItemWatch","ItemRadio"}; respawnLinkedItems[] = {"ItemMap","ItemCompass","ItemWatch","ItemRadio"}; }; class S_D_Combat_Fatigues_SS: B_soldier_F { author = "ToxicVulcan"; _generalMacro = "B_soldier_F"; scope = 2; displayName = "S.D Officer"; identityTypes[] = {"Head_NATO", "G_NATO_default"}; genericNames = "NATOMen"; faction = "Shadow_Divison"; model = "\A3\Characters_f_beta\INDEP\ia_soldier_02.p3d"; uniformClass = "S_D_Combat_Fatigues_SS"; hiddenSelections[] = {"Camo","Insignia"}; hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"\Renegade\Data\S_D_Combat_Fatigues.paa"}; weapons[] = {"Throw","Put"}; respawnWeapons[] = {"Throw","Put"}; magazines[] = {"HandGrenade","HandGrenade","SmokeShell","SmokeShellGreen","Chemlight_green","Chemlight_green"}; respawnMagazines[] = {"HandGrenade","HandGrenade","SmokeShell","SmokeShellGreen","Chemlight_green","Chemlight_green"}; linkedItems[] = {"ItemMap","ItemCompass","ItemWatch","ItemRadio"}; respawnLinkedItems[] = {"ItemMap","ItemCompass","ItemWatch","ItemRadio"}; }; class S_D_Pilot_Jump_Suit: B_soldier_F { author = "ToxicVulcan"; _generalMacro = "B_soldier_F"; scope = 2; displayName = "S.D Pilot"; identityTypes[] = {"Head_NATO", "G_NATO_default"}; genericNames = "NATOMen"; faction = "Shadow_Division"; model = "\A3\characters_f\common\pilot_f.p3d"; uniformClass = "S_D_Pilot_Jump_Suit"; hiddenSelections[] = {"Camo"}; hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"Custom_Uniform\Data\S_D_Pilot_Jump_Suit.paa"}; weapons[] = {"Throw","Put"}; respawnWeapons[] = {"Throw","Put"}; magazines[] = {"HandGrenade","HandGrenade","SmokeShell","SmokeShellGreen","Chemlight_green","Chemlight_green"}; respawnMagazines[] = {"HandGrenade","HandGrenade","SmokeShell","SmokeShellGreen","Chemlight_green","Chemlight_green"}; linkedItems[] = {"ItemMap","ItemCompass","ItemWatch","ItemRadio"}; respawnLinkedItems[] = {"ItemMap","ItemCompass","ItemWatch","ItemRadio"}; }; class S_D_Officer_Fatigues: B_soldier_F { author = "ToxicVulcan"; _generalMacro = "B_soldier_F"; scope = 2; displayName = "S.D Pilot"; identityTypes[] = {"Head_NATO", "G_NATO_default"}; genericNames = "NATOMen"; faction = "Shadow_Division"; model = "\A3\characters_f_epb\guerrilla\ig_guerrilla4_1.p3d"; uniformClass = "S_D_Officer_Fatigues"; hiddenSelections[] = {"Camo"}; hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"Custom_Uniform\Data\S_D_Officer.paa"}; weapons[] = {"Throw","Put"}; respawnWeapons[] = {"Throw","Put"}; magazines[] = {"HandGrenade","HandGrenade","SmokeShell","SmokeShellGreen","Chemlight_green","Chemlight_green"}; respawnMagazines[] = {"HandGrenade","HandGrenade","SmokeShell","SmokeShellGreen","Chemlight_green","Chemlight_green"}; linkedItems[] = {"ItemMap","ItemCompass","ItemWatch","ItemRadio"}; respawnLinkedItems[] = {"ItemMap","ItemCompass","ItemWatch","ItemRadio"}; }; class B_AssaultPack_Base; class S_D_Assault_Backpack: B_AssaultPack_Base { scope = 2; displayName = "S.D Assault Backpack"; picture = ""; hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"Custom_Uniform\Data\S_D_Assault_Backpack.paa"}; }; class LandVehicle; class B_G_Offroad_01_F; class B_G_Offroad_01_armed_F; class B_MRAP_01_F; class B_MRAP_01_HMG_F; class B_Heli_Light_01_F; class Custom_Offroad_F: B_G_Offroad_01_F { crew = "S_D_Combat_Fatigues"; side = 1; scope = 2; faction = "Shadow_Division"; displayName = "S.D Offroad 4x4"; hiddenSelections[] = {"Camo"}; hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"Custom_Uniform\Data\S_D_Offroad_4x4.paa"}; class EventHandlers { init = "(_this select 0) setVariable [""BIS_enableRandomization"", false];"; }; }; class Custom_Offroad_HMG_F: B_G_Offroad_01_armed_F { side = 1; scope = 2; crew = "Custom_Uniform_TShirt"; faction = "Custom_Faction"; displayName = "Custom Offroad 4x4 (HMG)"; hiddenSelections[] = {"Camo"}; hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"Custom_Uniform\Data\offroad_base_co.paa"}; class EventHandlers { init = "(_this select 0) setVariable [""BIS_enableRandomization"", false];"; }; }; class Custom_Hunter_F: B_MRAP_01_F { side = 1; scope = 2; crew = "Custom_Uniform_TShirt"; faction = "Custom_Faction"; displayName = "Custom M-ATV MRAP"; hiddenSelections[] = {"Camo1","Camo2"}; hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"Custom_Uniform\Data\hunter_base_co.paa","Custom_Uniform\Data\hunter_adds_co.paa"}; }; class Custom_Hunter_HMG_F: B_MRAP_01_HMG_F { side = 1; scope = 2; crew = "Custom_Uniform_TShirt"; faction = "Custom_Faction"; displayName = "Custom M-ATV MRAP (HMG)"; hiddenSelections[] = {"Camo1","Camo2"}; hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"Custom_Uniform\Data\hunter_base_co.paa","Custom_Uniform\Data\hunter_adds_co.paa"}; }; class Custom_MH6: B_Heli_Light_01_F { side = 1; scope = 2; crew = "Custom_Uniform_TShirt"; faction = "Custom_Faction"; displayName = "Custom MH-6 Hummingbird"; hiddenSelections[] = {"Camo1"}; hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"Custom_Uniform\Data\hummingbird_base_co.paa"}; }; }; class cfgWeapons { //******************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************** //***** Uniforms ***************************************************************************************************************************************************** //******************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************** class ItemCore; class UniformItem; class Uniform_Base: ItemCore { class ItemInfo; }; class P_R_Fatigues: Uniform_Base { scope = 2; displayName = "Fatigues (H.P.P)"; picture = "-"; model = "\A3\Characters_F\OPFOR\o_soldier_01.p3d"; hiddenSelections[] = {"Camo"}; hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"/Renegade\Data\Panther_RegimentUniform_co.paa"}; class ItemInfo : UniformItem { uniformClass = "Panther_RegimentUniform"; containerClass = "Supply50"; mass = 50; }; }; class S_D_Combat_Fatigue_SS: Uniform_Base { scope = 2; displayName = "S.D Combat Fatigues (Rolled Sleeves)"; picture = "-"; model = "\A3\characters_f_beta\INDEP\ia_soldier_02.p3d"; class ItemInfo : UniformItem { uniformClass = "S_D_Combat_Fatigues_SS"; containerClass = "Supply50"; mass = 50; }; }; class S_D_Pilot: Uniform_Base { scope = 2; displayName = "S.D Pilot Suit"; picture = "-"; model = "\A3\characters_f\common\pilot_f.p3d"; class ItemInfo : UniformItem { uniformClass = "S_D_Pilot_Jump_Suit"; containerClass = "Supply30"; mass = 35; }; }; class S_D_Officer: Uniform_Base { scope = 2; displayName = "S.D Officer Fatigues"; picture = "-"; model = "\A3\characters_f_epb\guerrilla\ig_guerrilla4_1.p3d"; class ItemInfo : UniformItem { uniformClass = "S_D_Pilot_Officer_Fatigue"; containerClass = "Supply30"; mass = 35; }; }; //************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************ //***** Vests ********************************************************************************************************************************************************* //************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************ class VestItem; class Vest_Camo_Base: ItemCore { class ItemInfo; }; class S_D_Plate_Carrier: Vest_Camo_Base { scope = 2; displayName = "S.D Plate Carrier"; picture = "icon_S_D_Plate_Carrier.paa"; model = "A3\Characters_F\BLUFOR\equip_b_Vest01"; hiddenSelections[] = {"Camo"}; hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"Custom_Uniform\Data\S_D_Plate_Carrier.paa"}; class ItemInfo: VestItem { uniformModel = "A3\Characters_F\BLUFOR\equip_b_Vest01.p3d"; containerClass = "Supply120"; mass = 80; armor = "5"; passThrough = 0.3; hiddenSelections[] = {"camo"}; }; }; class S_D_Ballistic_Vest: Vest_Camo_Base { scope = 2; displayName = "S.D Ballistic Vest"; picture = "\Custom_Uniform\ui\icon_S_D_Plate_Carrier.paa"; model = "A3\Characters_F\BLUFOR\equip_b_Vest02"; hiddenSelections[] = {"Camo"}; hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"Custom_Uniform\Data\S_D_Ballistic_Vest.paa"}; class ItemInfo: VestItem { uniformModel = "A3\Characters_F\common\equip_tacticalvest.p3d"; containerClass = "Supply120"; mass = 80; armor = "5"; passThrough = 0.3; hiddenSelections[] = {"camo"}; }; }; class Custom_Vest3: Vest_Camo_Base { scope = 2; displayName = "Custom Platecarrier Kerry"; picture = "-"; model = "A3\Charactrs_F_EPA\BLUFOR\equip_b_vest_kerry"; hiddenSelections[] = {"Camo"}; hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"Custom_Uniform\Data\custom_vest_co.paa"}; class ItemInfo: VestItem { uniformModel = "A3\Characters_F_EPA\BLUFOR\equip_b_vest_kerry.p3d"; containerClass = "Supply120"; mass = 80; armor = "5"; passThrough = 0.3; hiddenSelections[] = {"camo"}; }; }; //************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************ //***** Headgear ********************************************************************************************************************************************************* //************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************ class H_HelmetB: ItemCore { class ItemInfo; }; class P_R_Tech: H_HelmetB { displayName = "Protector Helmet (H.P.P)"; picture = ""; model = "\A3\Characters_F_EPA\OPFOR\headgear_o_helmet_ballistic.p3d"; hiddenSelections[] = {"Camo"}; hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"\Renegade\Data\Tech_Panther_Regiment_co.paa"}; class ItemInfo: ItemInfo { mass = 20; allowedSlots[] = {901,605}; uniformModel = "\A3\Characters_F_EPA\OPFOR\headgear_o_helmet_ballistic.p3d"; modelSides[] = {3,1}; hiddenSelections[] = {"Camo"}; armor = "3*0.4"; passThrough = 0.65; }; }; class S_D_Helmet_Heli: H_HelmetB { displayName = "S.D Helicopter Helmet"; picture = ""; model = "\A3\Characters_F\BLUFOR\headgear_b_helmet_light"; hiddenSelections[] = {"Camo"}; hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"\Custom_Uniform\Data\S_D_Helmet_Heli.paa"}; class ItemInfo: ItemInfo { mass = 15; allowedSlots[] = {901,605}; uniformModel = "\A3\Characters_F\common\headgear_helmet_heli.p3d"; modelSides[] = {3,1}; hiddenSelections[] = {"Camo"}; armor = "3*0.3"; passThrough = 0.75; }; }; class S_D_Booniehat: H_HelmetB { displayName = "S.D Booniehat"; picture = ""; model = "\A3\Characters_F\common\headgear_helmet_heli.p3d"; hiddenSelections[] = {"Camo"}; hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"\Custom_Uniform\Data\S_D_Booniehat.paa"}; class ItemInfo: ItemInfo { mass = 15; allowedSlots[] = {901,605}; uniformModel = "\A3\Characters_F\common\booniehat.p3d"; modelSides[] = {3,1}; hiddenSelections[] = {"Camo"}; armor = "3*0.3"; passThrough = 0.75; }; }; }; Thanks for your time! 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badluckburt 78 Posted July 4, 2016 Which tutorial(s) did you follow? Initially I just focused on the config properties but the more I look at the whole config, the stranger it gets. units[] in CfgPatches is supposed to have the CfgVehicles classes that are contained in the addon. Yours just says Custom_Uniform_Mod and that class isn't even defined in your config which makes me think you may not have followed the tutorial correctly or the tutorial itself is flawed. https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/CfgPatches hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"/Renegade\Data\Panther_RegimentUniform_co.paa"}; should be hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"\Renegade\Data\Panther_RegimentUniform_co.paa"}; My best advice would be to first create an addon that only alters 1 unit, once you've got that working in-game, expand on it to add the rest of the units you want. Reading up on altering existing classes might help too: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/ArmA_3_Replacement_Config_Tutorial https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3_Characters_And_Gear_Encoding_Guide Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ahmedslimkw 223 Posted July 4, 2016 Which tutorial(s) did you follow? Initially I just focused on the config properties but the more I look at the whole config, the stranger it gets. units[] in CfgPatches is supposed to have the CfgVehicles classes that are contained in the addon. Yours just says Custom_Uniform_Mod and that class isn't even defined in your config which makes me think you may not have followed the tutorial correctly or the tutorial itself is flawed. https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/CfgPatches hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"/Renegade\Data\Panther_RegimentUniform_co.paa"}; should be hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"\Renegade\Data\Panther_RegimentUniform_co.paa"}; My best advice would be to first create an addon that only alters 1 unit, once you've got that working in-game, expand on it to add the rest of the units you want. Reading up on altering existing classes might help too: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/ArmA_3_Replacement_Config_Tutorial https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3_Characters_And_Gear_Encoding_Guide Hmm this gets even more confusing once i try to correct my mistakes... Do you have a normal template? I tried to follow the links you showed me and its pretty tough to be honest. Maybe you got a config with just 1 unit and a helmet + uniform? Sorry if i took the easy way out i have been trying to find the mistake (Fixed the Custom_Uniform_Mod thing. No avail) I apologize for me confusing you alot! First time configuring a mod and god is it tough... Thanks! (P.S Reading throughout the links you sent me as i type this) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
badluckburt 78 Posted July 4, 2016 The only time I retextured a unit was when the Kart DLC was released. class CfgPatches { class BLB_Pony_Drivers { requiredAddons[] = {"A3_Characters_F_Kart"}; requiredVersion = 0.1; units[] = {"BLB_Pony_Kart_Derpy_Driver_F","BLB_Pony_Kart_Burt_Driver_F"}; weapons[] = {}; }; }; class CfgVehicles { class C_Driver_1_F; class BLB_Pony_Kart_Derpy_Driver_F: C_Driver_1_F { author = "BadLuckBurt"; displayName = "Pony Kart Derpy Driver"; hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"blb\pony_drivers\data\textures\derpy_race_suit.paa"}; class EventHandlers { init = "(_this select 0) setObjectTexture[0,""blb\pony_drivers\data\textures\derpy_race_suit.paa""]"; }; }; class BLB_Pony_Kart_Burt_Driver_F: C_Driver_1_F { author = "BadLuckBurt"; displayName = "Pony Kart Burt Driver"; hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"blb\pony_drivers\data\textures\burt_race_suit.paa"}; class EventHandlers { init = "(_this select 0) setObjectTexture[0,""blb\pony_drivers\data\textures\burt_race_suit.paa""]"; }; }; }; Funny to see I myself didn't use an absolute path that time :D And looking at it again a day after, no texture suffix :O the horror! How much I've learned since then. And excuse the ponies ;) The best thing to do is to cut it down to bare essentials and take it one step at a time. And there's a good chance that author attribute is invalid now, I believe it's an array these days. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ahmedslimkw 223 Posted July 4, 2016 The only time I retextured a unit was when the Kart DLC was released. class CfgPatches { class BLB_Pony_Drivers { requiredAddons[] = {"A3_Characters_F_Kart"}; requiredVersion = 0.1; units[] = {"BLB_Pony_Kart_Derpy_Driver_F","BLB_Pony_Kart_Burt_Driver_F"}; weapons[] = {}; }; }; class CfgVehicles { class C_Driver_1_F; class BLB_Pony_Kart_Derpy_Driver_F: C_Driver_1_F { author = "BadLuckBurt"; displayName = "Pony Kart Derpy Driver"; hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"blb\pony_drivers\data\textures\derpy_race_suit.paa"}; class EventHandlers { init = "(_this select 0) setObjectTexture[0,""blb\pony_drivers\data\textures\derpy_race_suit.paa""]"; }; }; class BLB_Pony_Kart_Burt_Driver_F: C_Driver_1_F { author = "BadLuckBurt"; displayName = "Pony Kart Burt Driver"; hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"blb\pony_drivers\data\textures\burt_race_suit.paa"}; class EventHandlers { init = "(_this select 0) setObjectTexture[0,""blb\pony_drivers\data\textures\burt_race_suit.paa""]"; }; }; }; Funny to see I myself didn't use an absolute path that time :D How much I've learned since then. And excuse the ponies ;) The best thing to do is to cut it down to bare essentials and take it one step at a time. And there's a good chance that author attribute is invalid now, I believe it's an array these days. Thanks alot! Atm im gonna sleep tomorrow il put it to good use! Alright il cut it down and i god hope the dang uniform will load! Il report in tomorrow once again (Dammit time flies fast :P) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
(AEF)Duck 12 Posted July 5, 2016 Edit - FormattingHi Mate,I had a read of your config and I must admit that I am a bit confused by it. IMO I feel that you are trying to do to much with the one file, I know that this possible to do, but it can make fault finding harder.my suggestion is to break it up, at least until you know everything is working. I am happy you help you set this up too. for example@Your mod\Addons\Your mod_uniformsYour mod_vestsYour mod_unitsetc...How I normally do mine, is to define all the individual item classes, IE, uniforms, Vests, Headgear, Packs etc. Once I know each one is working, I then do my units and define the existing items in there.The other part that is confusing me is your unit selection. In some parts you seem to be using a mix of Opfor and Blufor in the one class, this could also lead config problems.I've put together some configs to help you get started off, and as I said before, more then happy to help. Either PM me or ask here.Uniform: //Uniforms class Default EventHandlers; class CfgPatches { class My_Mod_Config { units[] = {}; weapons[] = {}; requiredVersion = 0.1; requiredAddons[] = {"A3_Characters_F"}; author[] = {"Velocity-Overdrive"}; //authorUrl = ""; //Add a URL here if you want to }; }; /* class CfgMods { class Mod_Base; // External Class Reference class mod_name : Mod_Base //Name your mod here { logo = ""; //.paa file. use ratio of 128x128 logoOver = ""; //.paa file. use ratio of 128x128. This will change when you select it. Re: the DLC's }; }; */ class cfgVehicles { class B_soldier_base_F; class Panther_RegimentUniform_veh: B_soldier_base_F { scope = 2; //Usable ingame scopeArsenal = 2; //visiable in the VA scopeCurator = 0; //usable with Zeus displayName = "Infantry"; author = "Velocity-Overdrive" uniformClass = "Panther_RegimentUniform_veh"; //Use the new classname model = "\A3\characters_f\blufor\b_soldier_01.p3d"; //b_soldier_01.p3d = long sleeve, b_soldier_02.p3d = tee, 03 = short sleeve.p3d hiddenSelections[] = {"camo","insignia"} hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"Blood&Sweat\Data\Panther_RegimentUniform.paa"}; }; }; class cfgWeapons { class ItemCore; class ItemInfo class Uniform_Base; class UniformItem; class Panther_RegimentUniform_we: Uniform_Base { scope = 1; author = "Velocity-Overdrive"; displayName = "Infantry"; descriptionShort = "Uniform of the Panther Regiment" //put in your own short description here. use <br> or <br><br> to add seperate lines model = "\A3\characters_f\common\suitpacks\suitpack_blufor_diver"; picture = "\A3\characters_f\data\ui\icon_U_B_CombatUniform_mcam_ca.paa"; // dlc = ""; //If required class Iteminfo: UniformItem { uniformModel = "="; uniformClass = "Panther_RegimentUniform_we"; containerClass = "Supply40"; mass = "40"; }; }; }; Vests: //vests class Default EventHandlers; class CfgPatches { class My_Mod_Config { units[] = {}; weapons[] = {}; requiredVersion = 0.1; requiredAddons[] = {"A3_Characters_F"}; author[] = {"Velocity-Overdrive"}; //authorUrl = ""; //Add a URL here if you want to }; }; /* class CfgMods { class Mod_Base; // External Class Reference class mod_name : Mod_Base //Name your mod here { logo = ""; //.paa file. use ratio of 128x128 logoOver = ""; //.paa file. use ratio of 128x128. This will change when you select it. Re: the DLC's }; }; */ class cfgWeapons { class ItemCore; class ItemInfo; class Vest_Camo_Base; class Vest_NoCamo_Base; class S_D_Plate_Carrier: Vest_Camo_Base { author = "Velocity-Overdrive" //dlc = ""; _generalMacro = "S_D_Plate_Carrier"; scope = 2; scopeArsenal = 2; picture = "icon_S_D_Plate_Carrier.paa"; displayName = "S.D Plate Carrier"; hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"Custom_Uniform\Data\S_D_Plate_Carrier.paa"}; model = "\A3\Characters_F\BLUFOR\equip_b_vest02.p3d"; descriptionShort = "Armour Level III"; class ItemInfo : ItemInfo { uniformModel = "\A3\Characters_F\BLUFOR\equip_b_vest02.p3d"; containerClass = "Supply140"; mass = 80; class HitpointsProtectionInfo { class Chest { HitpointName = "HitChest"; armor = 16; PassThrough = 0.3; }; class Diaphragm { HitpointName = "HitDiaphragm"; armor = 16; PassThrough = 0.3; }; class Abdomen { hitpointName = "HitAbdomen"; armor = 16; passThrough = 0.3; }; class Body { hitpointName = "HitBody"; passThrough = 0.3; }; }; }; }; class S_D_Ballistic_Vest: Vest_NoCamo_Base { author = "Velocity-Overdrive" //dlc = ""; _generalMacro = "S_D_Ballistic_Vest"; scope = 2; scopeArsenal = 2; displayName = "S.D Ballistic Vest"; picture = "\Custom_Uniform\ui\icon_S_D_Plate_Carrier.paa"; model = "\A3\Characters_F\BLUFOR\equip_b_vest01"; descriptionShort = "Armour Level V"; hiddenSelections[] = {"camo"}; hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"Custom_Uniform\Data\S_D_Ballistic_Vest.paa"}; class ItemInfo : ItemInfo { uniformModel = "\A3\Characters_F\BLUFOR\equip_b_vest01"; containerClass = "Supply140"; mass = 120; hiddenSelections[] = {"camo"}; class HitpointsProtectionInfo { class Neck { hitpointName = "HitNeck"; armor = 8; passThrough = 0.5; }; class Arms { hitpointName = "HitArms"; armor = 8; passThrough = 0.5; }; class Chest { hitpointName = "HitChest"; armor = 24; passThrough = 0.1; }; class Diaphragm { hitpointName = "HitDiaphragm"; armor = 24; passThrough = 0.1; }; class Abdomen { hitpointName = "HitAbdomen"; armor = 24; passThrough = 0.1; }; class Body { hitpointName = "HitBody"; passThrough = 0.1; }; }; }; }; }; Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jackal326 1182 Posted July 5, 2016 Edit - Formatting Hi Mate, I had a read of your config and I must admit that I am a bit confused by it. IMO I feel that you are trying to do to much with the one file, I know that this possible to do, but it can make fault finding harder. my suggestion is to break it up, at least until you know everything is working. I am happy you help you set this up too. for example @Your mod\ Addons\ Your mod_uniforms Your mod_vests Your mod_units etc... [sNIP] I'd be surprised if that works given the numerous typos in your class inheritance... B_soilder_base_F ... B_solider_base_F I've also seen posts from Locklear (A BI Dev) that have said its bad form to have your uniform classnames the exact same as your cfgVehicles unit classnames (common-sense also dictates that if you try to spawn it via script the game will shit a house trying to figure out which you want to spawn)... 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
(AEF)Duck 12 Posted July 5, 2016 I'd be surprised if that works given the numerous typos in your class inheritance... B_soilder_base_F ... B_solider_base_F I've also seen posts from Locklear (A BI Dev) that have said its bad form to have your uniform classnames the exact same as your cfgVehicles unit classnames (common-sense also dictates that if you try to spawn it via script the game will shit a house trying to figure out which you want to spawn)... So far I personally have not had any issues doing it this way, It has always worked. But what your saying makes sense. as I said before I edited that post...It was done on a phone, so I should get some slack :P and was only trying to help.. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jackal326 1182 Posted July 5, 2016 So far I personally have not had any issues doing it this way, It has always worked. But what your saying makes sense. as I said before I edited that post...It was done on a phone, so I should get some slack :P and was only trying to help.. I know, but its important that when trying to help someone who has little/no idea what they're doing that the information given is accurate, else we all end up chasing our tails trying to fix issues we've caused :P 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
(AEF)Duck 12 Posted July 5, 2016 Post #12 has since been edited and corrected. you should be able to use that to get you started. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jackal326 1182 Posted July 5, 2016 Post #12 has since been edited and corrected. you should be able to use that to get you started. Its still wrong as you reference the classes the wrong way around. uniformClass within the define of the uniform itself should reference the UNIT that is created in cfgVehicles, not the class of the uniform itself... 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ahmedslimkw 223 Posted July 5, 2016 Edit - Formatting Hi Mate, I had a read of your config and I must admit that I am a bit confused by it. IMO I feel that you are trying to do to much with the one file, I know that this possible to do, but it can make fault finding harder. my suggestion is to break it up, at least until you know everything is working. I am happy you help you set this up too. for example @Your mod\ Addons\ Your mod_uniforms Your mod_vests Your mod_units etc... How I normally do mine, is to define all the individual item classes, IE, uniforms, Vests, Headgear, Packs etc. Once I know each one is working, I then do my units and define the existing items in there. The other part that is confusing me is your unit selection. In some parts you seem to be using a mix of Opfor and Blufor in the one class, this could also lead config problems. I've put together some configs to help you get started off, and as I said before, more then happy to help. Either PM me or ask here. Uniform: //Uniforms class Default EventHandlers; class CfgPatches { class My_Mod_Config { units[] = {}; weapons[] = {}; requiredVersion = 0.1; requiredAddons[] = {"A3_Characters_F"}; author[] = {"Velocity-Overdrive"}; //authorUrl = ""; //Add a URL here if you want to }; }; /* class CfgMods { class Mod_Base; // External Class Reference class mod_name : Mod_Base //Name your mod here { logo = ""; //.paa file. use ratio of 128x128 logoOver = ""; //.paa file. use ratio of 128x128. This will change when you select it. Re: the DLC's }; }; */ class cfgVehicles { class B_soldier_base_F; class Panther_RegimentUniform_veh: B_soldier_base_F { scope = 2; //Usable ingame scopeArsenal = 2; //visiable in the VA scopeCurator = 0; //usable with Zeus displayName = "Infantry"; author = "Velocity-Overdrive" uniformClass = "Panther_RegimentUniform_veh"; //Use the new classname model = "\A3\characters_f\blufor\b_soldier_01.p3d"; //b_soldier_01.p3d = long sleeve, b_soldier_02.p3d = tee, 03 = short sleeve.p3d hiddenSelections[] = {"camo","insignia"} hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"Blood&Sweat\Data\Panther_RegimentUniform.paa"}; }; }; class cfgWeapons { class ItemCore; class ItemInfo class Uniform_Base; class UniformItem; class Panther_RegimentUniform_we: Uniform_Base { scope = 1; author = "Velocity-Overdrive"; displayName = "Infantry"; descriptionShort = "Uniform of the Panther Regiment" //put in your own short description here. use <br> or <br><br> to add seperate lines model = "\A3\characters_f\common\suitpacks\suitpack_blufor_diver"; picture = "\A3\characters_f\data\ui\icon_U_B_CombatUniform_mcam_ca.paa"; // dlc = ""; //If required class Iteminfo: UniformItem { uniformModel = "="; uniformClass = "Panther_RegimentUniform_we"; containerClass = "Supply40"; mass = "40"; }; }; };Vests: //vests class Default EventHandlers; class CfgPatches { class My_Mod_Config { units[] = {}; weapons[] = {}; requiredVersion = 0.1; requiredAddons[] = {"A3_Characters_F"}; author[] = {"Velocity-Overdrive"}; //authorUrl = ""; //Add a URL here if you want to }; }; /* class CfgMods { class Mod_Base; // External Class Reference class mod_name : Mod_Base //Name your mod here { logo = ""; //.paa file. use ratio of 128x128 logoOver = ""; //.paa file. use ratio of 128x128. This will change when you select it. Re: the DLC's }; }; */ class cfgWeapons { class ItemCore; class ItemInfo; class Vest_Camo_Base; class Vest_NoCamo_Base; class S_D_Plate_Carrier: Vest_Camo_Base { author = "Velocity-Overdrive" //dlc = ""; _generalMacro = "S_D_Plate_Carrier"; scope = 2; scopeArsenal = 2; picture = "icon_S_D_Plate_Carrier.paa"; displayName = "S.D Plate Carrier"; hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"Custom_Uniform\Data\S_D_Plate_Carrier.paa"}; model = "\A3\Characters_F\BLUFOR\equip_b_vest02.p3d"; descriptionShort = "Armour Level III"; class ItemInfo : ItemInfo { uniformModel = "\A3\Characters_F\BLUFOR\equip_b_vest02.p3d"; containerClass = "Supply140"; mass = 80; class HitpointsProtectionInfo { class Chest { HitpointName = "HitChest"; armor = 16; PassThrough = 0.3; }; class Diaphragm { HitpointName = "HitDiaphragm"; armor = 16; PassThrough = 0.3; }; class Abdomen { hitpointName = "HitAbdomen"; armor = 16; passThrough = 0.3; }; class Body { hitpointName = "HitBody"; passThrough = 0.3; }; }; }; }; class S_D_Ballistic_Vest: Vest_NoCamo_Base { author = "Velocity-Overdrive" //dlc = ""; _generalMacro = "S_D_Ballistic_Vest"; scope = 2; scopeArsenal = 2; displayName = "S.D Ballistic Vest"; picture = "\Custom_Uniform\ui\icon_S_D_Plate_Carrier.paa"; model = "\A3\Characters_F\BLUFOR\equip_b_vest01"; descriptionShort = "Armour Level V"; hiddenSelections[] = {"camo"}; hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"Custom_Uniform\Data\S_D_Ballistic_Vest.paa"}; class ItemInfo : ItemInfo { uniformModel = "\A3\Characters_F\BLUFOR\equip_b_vest01"; containerClass = "Supply140"; mass = 120; hiddenSelections[] = {"camo"}; class HitpointsProtectionInfo { class Neck { hitpointName = "HitNeck"; armor = 8; passThrough = 0.5; }; class Arms { hitpointName = "HitArms"; armor = 8; passThrough = 0.5; }; class Chest { hitpointName = "HitChest"; armor = 24; passThrough = 0.1; }; class Diaphragm { hitpointName = "HitDiaphragm"; armor = 24; passThrough = 0.1; }; class Abdomen { hitpointName = "HitAbdomen"; armor = 24; passThrough = 0.1; }; class Body { hitpointName = "HitBody"; passThrough = 0.1; }; }; }; }; }; Hello there! Thanks for the config! It definitely is confusing so which is why I requested a normal 1 unit template :P Il try this out today and il definitely keep it as some sort of config-backup (incase I screw up again) Thanks for trying to help! :D Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Boose82 14 Posted July 25, 2016 Could I ask for a link to guides to follow as I'm struggling with my config Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ahmedslimkw 223 Posted July 27, 2016 Alright... It has been an hour already i managed to redo all the config files but its still invisible! I figured i would post here instead of creating a new thread... Here is my code. I re-followed the tutorial online and edited 1 uniform. Now everything is going insane and its still invisible. class CfgPatches { class Renegade { units[] = {"East_Coast_Families";}; weapons[] = {}; requiredVersion = 0.1; requiredAddons[] = {"A3_Characters_F"}; }; }; //************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************ //***** Factions ********************************************************************************************************************************************************* //************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************ class cfgFactionClasses { class East_Coast_Families { displayName = "East Coast Families"; priority = 3; // Position in list. side = 2; // Opfor = 0, Blufor = 1, Indep = 2. icon = ""; //Custom Icon }; }; class UniformSlotInfo { slotType = 0; linkProxy = "-"; }; class CfgVehicles { //************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************ //***** Units ********************************************************************************************************************************************************* //************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************ class East_Coast_Families_Units; class Sotiris_M: East_Coast_Families_Units { author = "Velocity-Overdrive"; _generalMacro = "East_Coast_Families_Units"; scope = 2; displayName = "Sotiris Militidas"; identityTypes[] = {"Sotiris_M"}; genericNames = "NATOMen"; faction = "East_Coast_Families"; model = "\A3\characters_f\Civil\c_poloshirt.p3d"; //Default NATO uniformClass = "Sotiris_M"; hiddenSelections[] = {"Camo"}; hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"\Renegade\Clothing\Data\sotiris_default_clothing.paa"}; weapons[] = {"Throw","Put"}; respawnWeapons[] = {"Throw","Put"}; linkedItems[] = {"ItemMap","ItemCompass","ItemWatch","ItemRadio"}; respawnLinkedItems[] = {"ItemMap","ItemCompass","ItemWatch","ItemRadio"}; }; class Custom_Uniform_SS: East_Coast_Families_Units { author = "Astartes"; _generalMacro = "East_Coast_Families_Units"; scope = 2; displayName = "Custom Team Leader"; identityTypes[] = {"Head_NATO", "G_NATO_default"}; genericNames = "NATOMen"; faction = "Custom_Faction"; model = "\A3\characters_f_beta\INDEP\ia_soldier_02.p3d"; //NATO Rolled Up Sleeves uniformClass = "Custom_Camo_SS"; hiddenSelections[] = {"Camo","Insignia"}; hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"Custom_Uniform\Data\custom_camo_co.paa"}; weapons[] = {"Throw","Put"}; respawnWeapons[] = {"Throw","Put"}; magazines[] = {"HandGrenade","HandGrenade","SmokeShell","SmokeShellGreen","Chemlight_green","Chemlight_green"}; respawnMagazines[] = {"HandGrenade","HandGrenade","SmokeShell","SmokeShellGreen","Chemlight_green","Chemlight_green"}; linkedItems[] = {"ItemMap","ItemCompass","ItemWatch","ItemRadio"}; respawnLinkedItems[] = {"ItemMap","ItemCompass","ItemWatch","ItemRadio"}; }; class Custom_Uniform_TShirt: East_Coast_Families_Units { author = "Astartes"; _generalMacro = "East_Coast_Families_Units"; scope = 2; displayName = "Custom Combat Life Saver"; identityTypes[] = {"Head_NATO", "G_NATO_default"}; genericNames = "NATOMen"; faction = "Custom_Faction"; model = "\A3\characters_f_gamma\Guerrilla\ig_guerrilla1_1.p3d"; //NATO Rolled Up Sleeves uniformClass = "Custom_Camo_TShirt"; hiddenSelections[] = {"Camo1","Camo2"}; hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"Custom_Uniform\Data\tshirt_brown_co.paa","Custom_Uniform\Data\custom_camo_co.paa"}; weapons[] = {"Throw","Put"}; respawnWeapons[] = {"Throw","Put"}; magazines[] = {"HandGrenade","HandGrenade","SmokeShell","SmokeShellGreen","Chemlight_green","Chemlight_green"}; respawnMagazines[] = {"HandGrenade","HandGrenade","SmokeShell","SmokeShellGreen","Chemlight_green","Chemlight_green"}; linkedItems[] = {"ItemMap","ItemCompass","ItemWatch","ItemRadio"}; respawnLinkedItems[] = {"ItemMap","ItemCompass","ItemWatch","ItemRadio"}; }; }; class cfgWeapons { //******************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************** //***** Uniforms ***************************************************************************************************************************************************** //******************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************** class ItemCore; class UniformItem; class East_Coast_Families_Clothing: ItemCore { class ItemInfo; }; class Sotiris_Clothes: East_Coast_Families_Clothing { scope = 2; displayName = "Poloshirt (Sotiris Militidas)"; picture = "-"; model = "\A3\characters_f\civil\c_poloshirt.p3d"; hiddenSelections[] = {"Camo"}; hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"\Renegade\Clothing\Data\sotiris_default_clothing.paa"}; class ItemInfo : UniformItem { uniformClass = "Sotiris_Clothes"; containerClass = "Supply50"; mass = 50; }; }; class Custom_Camo_SS: East_Coast_Families_Clothing { scope = 2; displayName = "Custom Camo (Rolled Sleeves)"; picture = "-"; model = "\A3\characters_f_beta\INDEP\ia_soldier_02.p3d"; class ItemInfo : UniformItem { uniformClass = "Custom_Uniform_SS"; containerClass = "Supply50"; mass = 50; }; }; class Custom_Camo_TShirt: East_Coast_Families_Clothing { scope = 2; displayName = "Custom Camo (T-Shirt)"; picture = "-"; model = "\A3\characters_f_gamma\Guerrilla\ig_guerrilla1_1.p3d"; class ItemInfo : UniformItem { uniformClass = "Custom_Uniform_TShirt"; containerClass = "Supply30"; mass = 35; }; }; //************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************ //***** Vests ********************************************************************************************************************************************************* //************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************ class VestItem; class Vest_Camo_Base: ItemCore { class ItemInfo; }; class Custom_Vest: Vest_Camo_Base { scope = 2; displayName = "Custom Platecarrier"; picture = "-"; model = "A3\Characters_F\BLUFOR\equip_b_Vest01"; hiddenSelections[] = {"Camo"}; hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"Custom_Uniform\Data\___________.paa"}; class ItemInfo: VestItem { uniformModel = "A3\Characters_F\BLUFOR\equip_b_Vest01.p3d"; containerClass = "Supply120"; mass = 80; armor = "5"; passThrough = 0.3; hiddenSelections[] = {"camo"}; }; }; }; If anyone could help me on whats the problem with my character i would greatly appreciate it! Thanks! (P.S I took a thorough check through the forums and still i haven't found a solution, Reviewed this thread and still no avail) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jackal326 1182 Posted July 27, 2016 Inside each uniform define within cfgWeapons there is a line that refers to UniformClass e.g. class ItemInfo : UniformItem { uniformClass = "Sotiris_Clothes"; // THIS MOFO RIGHT HERE containerClass = "Supply30"; mass = 35; }; This classname MUST be the exact SAME as the unit classname you are linking the uniform to. Its invisible because you're linking it to a non-existent classname. Some of your classnames link some don't Also, you're referencing a few custom external classnames but your required addons field only contains default ArmA3 content. And your cfgPatches is junk. The units array is supposed to contain the classnames of all the units, why on Earth you've put "East_Coast_Families"; is anyone's guess (and it doesn't need the ; within the { } - if you're going to add more than one entry just separate them with a comma. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ahmedslimkw 223 Posted July 27, 2016 Inside each uniform define within cfgWeapons there is a line that refers to UniformClass e.g. class ItemInfo : UniformItem { uniformClass = "Sotiris_Clothes"; // THIS MOFO RIGHT HERE containerClass = "Supply30"; mass = 35; }; This classname MUST be the exact SAME as the unit classname you are linking the uniform to. Its invisible because you're linking it to a non-existent classname. Some of your classnames link some don't Also, you're referencing a few custom external classnames but your required addons field only contains default ArmA3 content. And your cfgPatches is junk. The units array is supposed to contain the classnames of all the units, why on Earth you've put "East_Coast_Families"; is anyone's guess (and it doesn't need the ; within the { } - if you're going to add more than one entry just separate them with a comma. Oh god my bad... I referenced the uniformClass with the Class: Sotiris_Clothes... Regarding the East_Coast_Families thing it's the faction classname. Maybe I'm wrong. Oh and it finally worked! Cheers jackal! Thanks a bunch! :D Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jackal326 1182 Posted July 27, 2016 (edited) It is the faction name, but you're inheriting it as if its a unit classname, which it isn't....at all..... Try this: Read the points after // and take heed of them...learn from them. class CfgPatches { class Renegade { units[] = {"Sotiris_M","Custom_Uniform_SS","Custom_Uniform_TShirt"}; weapons[] = {"Sotiris_Clothes","Custom_Camo_SS","Custom_Camo_TShirt","Custom_Vest"}; requiredVersion = 0.1; requiredAddons[] = {"A3_Characters_F"}; }; }; class cfgFactionClasses { class East_Coast_Families { displayName = "East Coast Families"; priority = 3; // Position in list. side = 2; // Opfor = 0, Blufor = 1, Indep = 2. icon = ""; //Custom Icon }; }; class CfgVehicles { class I_soldier_F; // an ACTUAL UNIT CLASSNAME that actually exists... class Sotiris_M: I_soldier_F { author = "Velocity-Overdrive"; scope = 2; displayName = "Sotiris Militidas"; identityTypes[] = {"Sotiris_M"}; // have you even defined this somewhere? genericNames = "NATOMen"; faction = "East_Coast_Families"; // where you actually define the unit's faction... model = "\A3\characters_f\Civil\c_poloshirt.p3d"; //Default NATO (no it isn't) uniformClass = "Sotiris_Clothes"; hiddenSelections[] = {"Camo"}; hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"\Renegade\Clothing\Data\sotiris_default_clothing.paa"}; // check these paths are correct, you use so many different ones I've lost track weapons[] = {"Throw","Put"}; respawnWeapons[] = {"Throw","Put"}; linkedItems[] = {"ItemMap","ItemCompass","ItemWatch","ItemRadio"}; respawnLinkedItems[] = {"ItemMap","ItemCompass","ItemWatch","ItemRadio"}; }; // DO YOU EVEN USE THE CLASSNAMES BELOW THIS POINT? IF NOT WHY ARE THEY EVEN HERE?! class Custom_Uniform_SS: I_soldier_F { author = "Astartes"; // who?! scope = 2; displayName = "Custom Team Leader"; identityTypes[] = {"Head_NATO", "G_NATO_default"}; genericNames = "NATOMen"; faction = "East_Coast_Families"; model = "\A3\characters_f_beta\INDEP\ia_soldier_02.p3d"; //NATO Rolled Up Sleeves uniformClass = "Custom_Camo_SS"; hiddenSelections[] = {"Camo","Insignia"}; hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"\Renegade\Clothing\Data\custom_camo_co.paa"}; // check these paths are correct, you use so many different ones I've lost track weapons[] = {"Throw","Put"}; respawnWeapons[] = {"Throw","Put"}; magazines[] = {"HandGrenade","HandGrenade","SmokeShell","SmokeShellGreen","Chemlight_green","Chemlight_green"}; respawnMagazines[] = {"HandGrenade","HandGrenade","SmokeShell","SmokeShellGreen","Chemlight_green","Chemlight_green"}; linkedItems[] = {"ItemMap","ItemCompass","ItemWatch","ItemRadio"}; respawnLinkedItems[] = {"ItemMap","ItemCompass","ItemWatch","ItemRadio"}; }; class Custom_Uniform_TShirt: I_soldier_F { author = "Astartes"; // who?! scope = 2; displayName = "Custom Combat Life Saver"; identityTypes[] = {"Head_NATO", "G_NATO_default"}; genericNames = "NATOMen"; faction = "East_Coast_Families"; model = "\A3\characters_f_gamma\Guerrilla\ig_guerrilla1_1.p3d"; //NATO Rolled Up Sleeves (no it isn't) uniformClass = "Custom_Camo_TShirt"; hiddenSelections[] = {"Camo1","Camo2"}; hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"\Renegade\Clothing\Data\tshirt_brown_co.paa","\Renegade\Clothing\Data\custom_camo_co.paa"}; // check these paths are correct, you use so many different ones I've lost track weapons[] = {"Throw","Put"}; respawnWeapons[] = {"Throw","Put"}; magazines[] = {"HandGrenade","HandGrenade","SmokeShell","SmokeShellGreen","Chemlight_green","Chemlight_green"}; respawnMagazines[] = {"HandGrenade","HandGrenade","SmokeShell","SmokeShellGreen","Chemlight_green","Chemlight_green"}; linkedItems[] = {"ItemMap","ItemCompass","ItemWatch","ItemRadio"}; respawnLinkedItems[] = {"ItemMap","ItemCompass","ItemWatch","ItemRadio"}; }; }; class cfgWeapons { class ItemCore; class Uniform_Base; class UniformItem; class Sotiris_Clothes: Uniform_Base { scope = 2; displayName = "Poloshirt (Sotiris Militidas)"; picture = "-"; model = "\A3\characters_f\civil\c_poloshirt.p3d"; hiddenSelections[] = {"Camo"}; hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"\Renegade\Clothing\Data\sotiris_default_clothing.paa"}; class ItemInfo : UniformItem { uniformModel = "-"; uniformClass = "Sotiris_M"; containerClass = "Supply50"; hiddenSelections[] = {"Camo"}; hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"\Renegade\Clothing\Data\sotiris_default_clothing.paa"}; mass = 50; }; }; class Custom_Camo_SS: Uniform_Base { scope = 2; displayName = "Custom Camo (Rolled Sleeves)"; picture = "-"; model = "\A3\characters_f_beta\INDEP\ia_soldier_02.p3d"; class ItemInfo : UniformItem { uniformModel = "-"; uniformClass = "Custom_Uniform_SS"; containerClass = "Supply50"; mass = 50; }; }; class Custom_Camo_TShirt: Uniform_Base { scope = 2; displayName = "Custom Camo (T-Shirt)"; picture = "-"; model = "\A3\characters_f_gamma\Guerrilla\ig_guerrilla1_1.p3d"; class ItemInfo : UniformItem { uniformClass = "Custom_Uniform_TShirt"; containerClass = "Supply30"; mass = 35; }; }; class Vest_Camo_Base: ItemCore { class ItemInfo; }; class Custom_Vest: Vest_Camo_Base { scope = 2; displayName = "Custom Platecarrier"; picture = "-"; model = "A3\Characters_F\BLUFOR\equip_b_Vest01"; hiddenSelections[] = {"Camo"}; hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"Custom_Uniform\Data\___________.paa"}; // WHAT>?! class ItemInfo: ItemInfo { uniformModel = "A3\Characters_F\BLUFOR\equip_b_Vest01.p3d"; containerClass = "Supply120"; mass = 80; hiddenSelections[] = {"camo"}; class HitpointsProtectionInfo { class Chest { HitpointName = "HitChest"; armor = 16; PassThrough = 0.2; }; class Diaphragm { HitpointName = "HitDiaphragm"; armor = 16; PassThrough = 0.2; }; class Abdomen { HitpointName = "HitAbdomen"; armor = 16; passThrough = 0.2; }; class Body { HitpointName = "HitBody"; passThrough = 0.2; }; }; }; }; }; Edited July 27, 2016 by Jackal326 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ahmedslimkw 223 Posted July 27, 2016 It is the faction name, but you're inheriting it as if its a unit classname, which it isn't....at all..... Try this: Read the points after // and take heed of them...learn from them. class CfgPatches { class Renegade { units[] = {"Sotiris_M","Custom_Uniform_SS","Custom_Uniform_TShirt"}; weapons[] = {"Sotiris_Clothes","Custom_Camo_SS","Custom_Camo_TShirt","Custom_Vest"}; requiredVersion = 0.1; requiredAddons[] = {"A3_Characters_F"}; }; }; class cfgFactionClasses { class East_Coast_Families { displayName = "East Coast Families"; priority = 3; // Position in list. side = 2; // Opfor = 0, Blufor = 1, Indep = 2. icon = ""; //Custom Icon }; }; class CfgVehicles { class I_soldier_F; // an ACTUAL UNIT CLASSNAME that actually exists... class Sotiris_M: I_soldier_F { author = "Velocity-Overdrive"; scope = 2; displayName = "Sotiris Militidas"; identityTypes[] = {"Sotiris_M"}; // have you even defined this somewhere? genericNames = "NATOMen"; faction = "East_Coast_Families"; // where you actually define the unit's faction... model = "\A3\characters_f\Civil\c_poloshirt.p3d"; //Default NATO (no it isn't) uniformClass = "Sotiris_Clothes"; hiddenSelections[] = {"Camo"}; hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"\Renegade\Clothing\Data\sotiris_default_clothing.paa"}; // check these paths are correct, you use so many different ones I've lost track weapons[] = {"Throw","Put"}; respawnWeapons[] = {"Throw","Put"}; linkedItems[] = {"ItemMap","ItemCompass","ItemWatch","ItemRadio"}; respawnLinkedItems[] = {"ItemMap","ItemCompass","ItemWatch","ItemRadio"}; };// DO YOU EVEN USE THE CLASSNAMES BELOW THIS POINT? IF NOT WHY ARE THEY EVEN HERE?! class Custom_Uniform_SS: I_soldier_F { author = "Astartes"; // who?! scope = 2; displayName = "Custom Team Leader"; identityTypes[] = {"Head_NATO", "G_NATO_default"}; genericNames = "NATOMen"; faction = "East_Coast_Families"; model = "\A3\characters_f_beta\INDEP\ia_soldier_02.p3d"; //NATO Rolled Up Sleeves uniformClass = "Custom_Camo_SS"; hiddenSelections[] = {"Camo","Insignia"}; hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"\Renegade\Clothing\Data\custom_camo_co.paa"}; // check these paths are correct, you use so many different ones I've lost track weapons[] = {"Throw","Put"}; respawnWeapons[] = {"Throw","Put"}; magazines[] = {"HandGrenade","HandGrenade","SmokeShell","SmokeShellGreen","Chemlight_green","Chemlight_green"}; respawnMagazines[] = {"HandGrenade","HandGrenade","SmokeShell","SmokeShellGreen","Chemlight_green","Chemlight_green"}; linkedItems[] = {"ItemMap","ItemCompass","ItemWatch","ItemRadio"}; respawnLinkedItems[] = {"ItemMap","ItemCompass","ItemWatch","ItemRadio"}; }; class Custom_Uniform_TShirt: I_soldier_F { author = "Astartes"; // who?! scope = 2; displayName = "Custom Combat Life Saver"; identityTypes[] = {"Head_NATO", "G_NATO_default"}; genericNames = "NATOMen"; faction = "East_Coast_Families"; model = "\A3\characters_f_gamma\Guerrilla\ig_guerrilla1_1.p3d"; //NATO Rolled Up Sleeves (no it isn't) uniformClass = "Custom_Camo_TShirt"; hiddenSelections[] = {"Camo1","Camo2"}; hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"\Renegade\Clothing\Data\tshirt_brown_co.paa","\Renegade\Clothing\Data\custom_camo_co.paa"}; // check these paths are correct, you use so many different ones I've lost track weapons[] = {"Throw","Put"}; respawnWeapons[] = {"Throw","Put"}; magazines[] = {"HandGrenade","HandGrenade","SmokeShell","SmokeShellGreen","Chemlight_green","Chemlight_green"}; respawnMagazines[] = {"HandGrenade","HandGrenade","SmokeShell","SmokeShellGreen","Chemlight_green","Chemlight_green"}; linkedItems[] = {"ItemMap","ItemCompass","ItemWatch","ItemRadio"}; respawnLinkedItems[] = {"ItemMap","ItemCompass","ItemWatch","ItemRadio"}; };};class cfgWeapons { class ItemCore; class Uniform_Base; class UniformItem; class Sotiris_Clothes: Uniform_Base { scope = 2; displayName = "Poloshirt (Sotiris Militidas)"; picture = "-"; model = "\A3\characters_f\civil\c_poloshirt.p3d"; hiddenSelections[] = {"Camo"}; hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"\Renegade\Clothing\Data\sotiris_default_clothing.paa"}; class ItemInfo : UniformItem { uniformModel = "-"; uniformClass = "Sotiris_M"; hiddenSelections[] = {"Camo"}; hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"\Renegade\Clothing\Data\sotiris_default_clothing.paa"}; containerClass = "Supply50"; mass = 50; }; }; class Custom_Camo_SS: Uniform_Base { scope = 2; displayName = "Custom Camo (Rolled Sleeves)"; picture = "-"; model = "\A3\characters_f_beta\INDEP\ia_soldier_02.p3d"; class ItemInfo : UniformItem { uniformModel = "-"; uniformClass = "Custom_Uniform_SS"; containerClass = "Supply50"; mass = 50; }; }; class Custom_Camo_TShirt: Uniform_Base { scope = 2; displayName = "Custom Camo (T-Shirt)"; picture = "-"; model = "\A3\characters_f_gamma\Guerrilla\ig_guerrilla1_1.p3d"; class ItemInfo : UniformItem { uniformClass = "Custom_Uniform_TShirt"; containerClass = "Supply30"; mass = 35; }; }; class Vest_Camo_Base: ItemCore { class ItemInfo; }; class Custom_Vest: Vest_Camo_Base { scope = 2; displayName = "Custom Platecarrier"; picture = "-"; model = "A3\Characters_F\BLUFOR\equip_b_Vest01"; hiddenSelections[] = {"Camo"}; hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"Custom_Uniform\Data\___________.paa"}; // WHAT>?! class ItemInfo: ItemInfo { uniformModel = "A3\Characters_F\BLUFOR\equip_b_Vest01.p3d"; containerClass = "Supply120"; mass = 80; armor = "5"; passThrough = 0.3; hiddenSelections[] = {"camo"}; }; };}; Okay mate! Thanks apparently the identity Sotiris_M is my head I already got working ingame. Keep in mind I picked this online on tutorial and edited it :) I got a lot to learn heh. Thanks! Btw the other classnames are simply placeholders. I left all the // (This is embarrasing XD) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ClumsyBaron 0 Posted August 5, 2017 um i seem to have a problem with my mod with the vests, the vest handle is visible and the shadow is aswell but the base is invisible here is the code: class VestItem; class Vest_Camo_Base: ItemCore { class ItemInfo; }; class Iron_Skulls_Combat_Vest_Lite: Vest_Camo_Base { scope = 2; displayName = "Iron Skulls Combat Vest Lite"; picture = "-"; model = "a3\characters_f_beta\indep\equip_ia_vest01"; hiddenSelections[] = {"Camo"}; hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"arma3_Iron_Skulls_PMC\Data\pmc_combat_vest.paa"}; class ItemInfo : VestItem { uniformModel = "a3\characters_f_beta\indep\equip_ia_vest01.p3d"; containerClass = "Supply120"; mass = 80; armor = "4"; passThrough = 0.3; hiddenSelections[] = {"camo"}; }; }; class Iron_Skulls_Combat_Vest: Vest_Camo_Base { scope = 2; displayName = "Iron Skulls Combat Vest"; picture = "-"; model = "a3\characters_f_beta\indep\equip_ia_vest02"; hiddenSelections[] = {"Camo"}; hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"arma3_Iron_Skulls_PMC\Data\pmc_combat_vest.paa"}; class ItemInfo : VestItem { uniformModel = "a3\characters_f_beta\indep\equip_ia_vest02.p3d"; containerClass = "Supply120"; mass = 90; armor = "5"; passThrough = 0.3; hiddenSelections[] = {"camo"}; }; }; }; Share this post Link to post Share on other sites