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Tanoa. Violation of stealth and tactical behavior.

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The card of Tanoa requires the solution of the ticket.
The problem in preservation of the hidden behavior, when necessary to keep the situation "lie on the earth". At night, in the mode of the hidden behavior, you need to keep position of a body "to lie on the earth". Movement lying, sometimes, it can be automatically broken.
Roughnesses of a surface of the earth and subjects on the earth. Contact with them can automatically lift up you. Crawling away back "S", you can touch by feet a subject, it too will automatically lift up you. To creep "to the left\to the right" too it is broken.
I have to have opportunity to control position of a body. It breaks the hidden behavior.
In the mode of conducting fight. Quickly to reach the position "lie on the earth" (attempt to leave from defeat) can be not successful. The contact to subjects on the earth, will automatically lift up you.


BIS choose these three ticket problem.


One more ticket. Too concerns a situation when your presence on the card can be found, the camera the UAV.


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Yesterday I played the company "Apex Protocol" . 50% of the caught bullets - for the reason that in this ticket.

Mission "Heart of Darkness" was heartless. :)

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