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Tanoa random position help within forests

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Hi all.  So I'm been trying to figure out a way to find a random position that is tied to forests.  This will be used to spawn either patrols and/or ammoboxes.  The problem i am having is being able to find a POS that 100% of time does not end up colliding or inside an object (tree, etc..).  The findsafepos had a really hard time finding POS in dense forests, so not really working for me (i submitted a ticket on it).  I then played with the below, but testing it i ended up in a tree once or twice after multiple attempts which i would like to avoid.  Any tips/ideas?

_PosList = selectBestPlaces [(getMarkerPos "TEST"), 500, "FOREST", 80, 1]; 
   _PosSelect = _PosList select (floor random (count _PosList)); 
   _Pos =  _PosSelect select 0; 
player setpos _POS;

As i'm writing this....would even be cool to find positions along the walking paths, but not all the time.  :)

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Hi all.  So I'm been trying to figure out a way to find a random position that is tied to forests.  This will be used to spawn either patrols and/or ammoboxes.  The problem i am having is being able to find a POS that 100% of time does not end up colliding or inside an object (tree, etc..).  The findsafepos had a really hard time finding POS in dense forests, so not really working for me (i submitted a ticket on it).  I then played with the below, but testing it i ended up in a tree once or twice after multiple attempts which i would like to avoid.  Any tips/ideas?

_PosList = selectBestPlaces [(getMarkerPos "TEST"), 500, "FOREST", 80, 1]; 
   _PosSelect = _PosList select (floor random (count _PosList)); 
   _Pos =  _PosSelect select 0; 
player setpos _POS;

As i'm writing this....would even be cool to find positions along the walking paths, but not all the time.  :)


Maybe something like this:

_Forests = selectBestPlaces [position player, 500, "(1 + forest + trees) * (1 - sea) * (1 - houses)", 30, 20];  
_Forests = _Forests apply {_x select 0};
_Position = (selectRandom _Forests) findEmptyPosition [0, 10, "B_UAV_01_F"];

You would need to add a check to make sure an actual position is returned, though.

Edited by hallyg
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Maybe remove trees near the position just to make a clearing?


This seems to clear much of it.  Remove the sleep and move the setPos to the end once you're happy with how it works.

_PosList = selectBestPlaces [(getMarkerPos "TEST"), 500, "FOREST", 80, 1];  
   _PosSelect = _PosList select (floor random (count _PosList));  
   _Pos =  _PosSelect select 0;  

player setpos _POS;

sleep 2;

    hideObjectGlobal _x;
    _x enableSimulation false; 
} forEach nearestTerrainObjects [_pos, ["TREE", "BUSH", "FOREST", "SMALL TREE", "HIDE"], 10];
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Maybe remove trees near the position just to make a clearing?


This seems to clear much of it.  Remove the sleep and move the setPos to the end once you're happy with how it works.

_PosList = selectBestPlaces [(getMarkerPos "TEST"), 500, "FOREST", 80, 1];  
   _PosSelect = _PosList select (floor random (count _PosList));  
   _Pos =  _PosSelect select 0;  

player setpos _POS;

sleep 2;

    hideObjectGlobal _x;
    _x enableSimulation false; 
} forEach nearestTerrainObjects [_pos, ["TREE", "BUSH", "FOREST", "SMALL TREE", "HIDE"], 10];


This is freaking great for my composition script.  Thanks!

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does it disable the vehicle physx as well?


IIRC hidden objects will not collide with the player, but will collide with other vehicles, creating invisible obstructions

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Nope.  Even without the enableSimulation false AI don't see the object at all.  I used two gamelogics with this code to remove a curb and hanger and the AI drive right through where they used to be.

house1 = (nearestterrainObjects[position this, ["HOUSE"], 30]) select 0; 
house1 hideObjectGlobal true; 


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does it disable the vehicle physx as well?


IIRC hidden objects will not collide with the player, but will collide with other vehicles, creating invisible obstructions

Yea I noticed with 'Hideobject', this seems to be true...but not the global command....which is weird but i like it better this way

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Hi, this looks like something that I could use, again on map Tanoa, Vanilla ARMA 3 (APEX)....

_PosList = selectBestPlaces [(getMarkerPos "TEST"), 500, "FOREST", 80, 1];  
   _PosSelect = _PosList select (floor random (count _PosList));  
   _Pos =  _PosSelect select 0;  

player setpos _POS;

sleep 2;

    hideObjectGlobal _x;
    _x enableSimulation false; 
} forEach nearestTerrainObjects [_pos, ["TREE", "BUSH", "FOREST", "SMALL TREE", "HIDE"], 10];

What I'm trying to do is to find a location to place an item.. that is clear of objects and on a flat surface,  I have been using isflatempty while on altis map.

however on Tanoa as it has more slopes and hills and steeper then Altis.. this does not work all the time... 

while {true} do {
	scopeName "SpawnPosGen";
	_randir = floor(random 360);
	_randis = _mindis + floor(random _radius);
	_spawnpos = [(_markpos select 0) + ((sin _randir) * _randis), (_markpos select 1) + ((cos _randir) * _randis), 1];
	_houses = nearestObjects [_spawnpos, ["house","wall"], 20];
	_vehicles = nearestObjects [_spawnpos, ["LandVehicle", "Land_BagBunker_01_large_green_F", "Land_TTowerBig_2_F"], 20];
	// have disabled the flat part of the line below as a work around, however still too many places it will not spawn
        _isFlat = _spawnpos isFlatEmpty [ 10, -1, -1, 5, 0, false, HaloFlag ];//[minDistance, mode, maxGradient, maxGradientRadius, overLandOrWater, shoreLine, ignoreObject]
	_danger = false;
	{ if (floor(_spawnpos distance getPos _x) < 30) then { _danger=true; }; } forEach _houses;
	{ if (floor(_spawnpos distance getPos _x) < 20) then { _danger=true; }; } forEach _vehicles;
	if (surfaceIsWater _spawnpos) then { _danger=true; };
	if (count _isFlat < 1 ) then { _danger=true; };
	if (!_danger) then { breakOut "SpawnPosGen" };

if (vMissionTargetType == "Command Post") then{
	_unit = "Land_Cargo_House_V4_F" createVehicle _spawnpos;
	_unit setPosATL _spawnpos;
	_dir = floor(random 360);
	_unit setDir _dir;
	_unit lock true;
	_unit setVehicleVarName _unitname;
	_unit call compile format ["%1=_This; PublicVariable '%1'",_unitname];
}; if (vMissionTargetType == "Transmitter Box") then{
	_unit = "Land_TBox_F" createVehicle _spawnpos;
	_unit setPosATL _spawnpos;
	_dir = floor(random 360);
	_unit setDir _dir;
	_unit lock true;
	_unit setVehicleVarName _unitname;
	_unit call compile format ["%1=_This; PublicVariable '%1'",_unitname];

how could I make use of this code and remove this offending objects which are unknown before spawn of the "Transmitter box"

this is only one object that gets spawn through this code.. but have reduced to make it clearer. (I think).


Cheers any help would be much appreciated.

I"m only a newbie at this so needs a walk through LOL 

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