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Zeus noob - A few questions if you please

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1. How can one spawn vehicles without AI?


Easy in the 3D editor but despite researching, I cannot see how to do it in Zeus. I can spawn a vehicle then remove the crew, but that seems fiddly.


In the the 3D editor, it is easy, just tick the box to spawn empty vehicle.


2. How can you spawn AI but not have them moving around, just standing still? Target practice etc :D


I LOVE the 3D editor and maybe I am expecting too much from Zeus but why not just have the 3D editor be Zeus for the most part?


Many thanks for any help.

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1. spawn a vehicle from the empty category (yellow)


2. After shooting at Ai, they will probably run for cover. otherwise just don't assign any way points and they shouldn't move

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Thank you.


Has anything been mentioned about Zeus gaining parity with Eden regarding UI?


A large part of Eden to me seems a perfect replacement for Zeus in the way things are done.

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i got some extra hints for zeus. things that can be useful to know.


1. Pressing G will Force AI to disembark. even when they are flying mid-air.

2. if you place a move marker by clicking the r-mouse button you can change walk speed and awareness by dubbel clicking the move marker.

3. if you want AI to walk in circles you can place multiple move markers by holding Left CTRL and you can place a cycle marker by holding Left ALT.

4. you can destroy or kill units with the END button located above the arrow keys.


hope you found out new stuff.

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Hi, is there a way to destroy a unit in Zeus, but not delete it? Like I don't want to have to shoot it with a remote controlled AI, but is there a way for it to explode and just die? (Hotkey)

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On 5/2/2017 at 10:57 PM, WreckageM8 - said:

Hi, is there a way to destroy a unit in Zeus, but not delete it? Like I don't want to have to shoot it with a remote controlled AI, but is there a way for it to explode and just die? (Hotkey)

pressing END will kill a unit or vehicle or detonate mines etc

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Pro tip.: Open your options menu and check the zeus-keybindings.

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In the bottom right you should be able to select "spawn without AI"

For units, just double click their squad icon and set their behavior to "careless" and to "never engange".

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Hi. I'm creating a zeus missions for me and some friends lately and i noticed i don't see them with icons in zeus like i can't edit them (heal,  select them , others...)

So any solutions?

Or how to make zeus from systemEntities work of at least make spawn for it

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