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Issue initializing end game spectator

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In my framework, I have:

respawn = 1; 
respawnTemplates[] = {"PT_Spec"};

class CfgRespawnTemplates
class PT_Spec
onPlayerKilled = ["Initialize", [player, [], true]] call BIS_fnc_EGSpectator;

However, the player just stays dead after being killed and doesn't change to spec. Any thoughts?


I've also tried just having respawn = 1; but spectator never initializes. However, if I use

respawnTemplates[] = {"ace_spectator"};

ace spectator works fine.

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Have you defined the "PT_Spec" respawn template properly?  The example uses onPlayerRespawn instead of Killed?


I've tried both respawn and killed with no luck. I've also tried just setting 

respawn = 1;
respawnTemplates[] = {"Spectator"}; 

in hopes that it initializes it by default. No luck. I'll attach the entire framework so it gives a bit more insight in case something is being overwritten. 



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Does it work with standard spectator mode? As far as I can tell the End Game specific one is a unique slot added to a mission, but I've never tried it before and I'm away from game so can't inspect that BIS_fnc_EGSpectator function (which isn't listed on the biki).

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Does it work with standard spectator mode? As far as I can tell the End Game specific one is a unique slot added to a mission, but I've never tried it before and I'm away from game so can't inspect that BIS_fnc_EGSpectator function (which isn't listed on the biki).


Tried. The player gets killed and just stays in first person dead.

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Seems the latest update broke it. I can't get any spectator mode to work on dedicated servers.

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