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StowMarines - Arma 3 Semi-Realism Unit - Recruiting

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Who are we?:

We are a NATO, Arma 3, military semi-realism unit. We are a british clan but all nationalities are welcome (as long as you can speak good English and attend most events).

What is different about our clan:

We make our missions and trainings as realistic as possible whilst still having a bucket load of fun!

Times & Events:

We have a training session on Fridays from 7:30pm and a main mission on Saturdays from 7:30pm. All the rest of the week we play paintball on the server and patrol ops 3.


We use multiple mods to make our events realistic (all can be found on the website) and we also do a paintball event every now and then if people are on and we are bored.


How do I apply?:

To apply, head over to our website: (http://typhoonwebsites.wix.com/stowmarinesa3)

We hope to see you in the field soon!

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