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i try to add clutter on my island and i get

no entry 'bin\config.bin/cfgworlds/myisland/clutter/defaultclutter.model'


My cfgclutter.hpp is

class Clutter
   class wildfield1: DefaultClutter
model = "A3\plants_f\Clutter\c_StrGrassGreen_group.p3d";
affectedByWind = 0.5;
swLighting = "true";
scaleMin = 0.3;
scaleMax = 0.7;

My cfgsurfaces.h is


class CfgSurfaces 
class Default {};
class wildfield_Surface : Default
files = "syr_wildfield_*";
rough = 0.09;
maxSpeedCoef = 0.9;
dust = 0.5;
soundEnviron = "dirt";
character = "wildfield_Character";
soundHit = "soft_ground";
lucidity = 1;
grassCover = 0.03;
class syr_beach_Surface : Default
files = "syr_beach_*";
rough = 0.09;
maxSpeedCoef = 0.9;
dust = 0.5;
soundEnviron = "dirt";
character = "Empty";
soundHit = "soft_ground";
lucidity = 1;
grassCover = 0.03;
class syr_concrete_Surface : Default
files = "syr_concrete_*";
rough = 0.09;
maxSpeedCoef = 0.9;
dust = 0.5;
soundEnviron = "dirt";
character = "Empty";
soundHit = "soft_ground";
lucidity = 1;
grassCover = 0.03;
class syr_desert_Surface : Default
files = "syr_desert_*";
rough = 0.09;
maxSpeedCoef = 0.9;
dust = 0.5;
soundEnviron = "dirt";
character = "Empty";
soundHit = "soft_ground";
lucidity = 1;
grassCover = 0.03;
class syr_dry_grass_Surface : Default
files = "syr_dry_grass_*";
rough = 0.09;
maxSpeedCoef = 0.9;
dust = 0.5;
soundEnviron = "dirt";
character = "Empty";
soundHit = "soft_ground";
lucidity = 1;
grassCover = 0.03;
class syr_forest_pine_Surface : Default
files = "syr_forest_pine_*";
rough = 0.09;
maxSpeedCoef = 0.9;
dust = 0.5;
soundEnviron = "dirt";
character = "Empty";
soundHit = "soft_ground";
lucidity = 1;
grassCover = 0.03;
class syr_grass_green_Surface : Default
files = "syr_grass_green_*";
rough = 0.09;
maxSpeedCoef = 0.9;
dust = 0.5;
soundEnviron = "dirt";
character = "Empty";
soundHit = "soft_ground";
lucidity = 1;
grassCover = 0.03;
class syr_seabed_Surface : Default
files = "syr_seabed_*";
rough = 0.09;
maxSpeedCoef = 0.9;
dust = 0.5;
soundEnviron = "dirt";
character = "Empty";
soundHit = "soft_ground";
lucidity = 1;
grassCover = 0.03;
class syr_soil_Surface : Default
files = "syr_soil_*";
rough = 0.09;
maxSpeedCoef = 0.9;
dust = 0.5;
soundEnviron = "dirt";
character = "Empty";
soundHit = "soft_ground";
lucidity = 1;
grassCover = 0.03;
class syr_str_concrete_Surface : Default
files = "syr_str_concrete_*";
rough = 0.09;
maxSpeedCoef = 0.9;
dust = 0.5;
soundEnviron = "dirt";
character = "Empty";
soundHit = "soft_ground";
lucidity = 1;
grassCover = 0.03;
class syr_tconcrete_Surface : Default
files = "syr_tconcrete_*";
rough = 0.09;
maxSpeedCoef = 0.9;
dust = 0.5;
soundEnviron = "dirt";
character = "Empty";
soundHit = "soft_ground";
lucidity = 1;
grassCover = 0.03;

class CfgSurfaceCharacters
        class wildfield_Character
probability[] = {0.99};
names[] = {"wildfield1"};


all #included in my config.cpp


where can i find those files? 



files = "grass_*";

must copy some files with this name (grass_something.p3d or paa) somewhere?? 

thanks in advance

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Without seeing your full config, I'll take a stab in the dark and say that your missing the defaultclutter class declaration in your config.cpp.


Do a search in your config.cpp for "DefaultClutter" without the quotes.

If it is not in your config.cpp, then do this:


Open config.cpp

Add this:

class DefaultClutter;

Above this:

class Clutter {

If you are using #include "cfgClutter.hpp" to keep your clutter in a seperate file, then you want your config.cpp lines to look like this:

class DefaultClutter;
#include "cfgClutter.hpp"

The error message you have is telling you that your missing a config entry for the DefaultClutter class, so this should fix it up.  If it doesn't then you may have another error breaking your config.


Again without seeing the full config + all #include *.hpp files, I'm only giving you my best guess as to your issue.

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i had it inside another class  ....

now i do not get any error :)  but i cant see any clutter . no grass........


Tomorow with clean mind i will do tests and see if something has changed...


thank you very much !

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where is those grass_* files??

files = "grass_*";

i must copy some files with this name (grass_something.p3d or paa) somewhere ?? ?

thanks in advance

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In your cfgClutter change the name your clutter from "wildfield1"to "syr_wildfield".


Then in your cfgSurfaces rename both the surface and surface character accordingly. Class "wildfield_Surface" becomes "syr_wildfield_Surface" and within that class the character variable changes from "wildfield_Character" to "syr_wildfield_Character".


In your cfgSurfaceCharacters class you should change the class "wildfield_Character" to 



Coupled with the advice given by Uro, this should see you right!

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still nothing :(


i have this


blah blah.......
class DefaultClutter;
		#include "cfgClutter.hpp"
blah blah.....
..... and at the last line of the code
#include "cfgSurfaces.hpp"

my cfgclutter

class clutter
class syr_grassgreen_clutter: DefaultClutter
model = "A3\Plants_F\Clutter\c_Thistle_Thorn_Gray.p3d"; //c_GrassGreen_GroupSoft.p3d
affectedByWind = 0.5;
swLighting = "true";
scaleMin = 0.3;
scaleMax = 1.0;
class syr_grassgreen2_clutter: DefaultClutter
model = "A3\Plants_F\Clutter\c_bigFallenBranches_pine.p3d";
affectedByWind = 0.5;
swLighting = "true";
scaleMin = 0.3;
scaleMax = 1.0;
class syr_rocky_clutter: DefaultClutter
model = "A3\Plants_F\Clutter\c_bigFallenBranches_pine02.p3d";
affectedByWind = 0.0;
swLighting = "true";
scaleMin = 0.3;
scaleMax = 0.7;




and my cfgsurfaces

class CfgSurfaces 
	class Default {};
	class Water{};
	class syr_grassgreen_surface : Default
		 access = 2;
		 files = "syr_grassgreen_*";
		 character = "syr_grassgreen_character";
		 soundEnviron = "grass";
		 soundHit = "soft_ground";
		 rough = 0.05;
		 maxSpeedCoef = 1;
		 dust = 0.15;
		 lucidity = 0.3;
		 grassCover = 0.0;
		 Impact = "hitGroundSoft";
		 //surfaceFriction = 1.6;
	class syr_GrassGreen2_surface : Default
		 access = 2;
		 files = "syr_grassgreen2_*";
		 character = "syr_grassgreen2_character";
		 soundEnviron = "grassgreen";
		 soundHit = "soft_ground";
		 rough = 0.05;
		 maxSpeedCoef = 1;
		 dust = 0.15;
		 lucidity = 0.3;
		 grassCover = 0.0;
		 Impact = "hitGroundSoft";
	class syr_rocky_surface : Default
		 access = 2;
		 files = "syr_rocky_*";
		 character = "syr_rocky_character";
		 soundEnviron = "rocky";
		 soundHit = "soft_ground";
		 rough = 0.05;
		 maxSpeedCoef = 1;
		 dust = 0.15;
		 lucidity = 0.3;
		 grassCover = 0.0;
		 Impact = "hitGroundSoft";

class CfgSurfaceCharacters
	class syr_grassgreen_character
			probability[]={1.00}; //0.99 still nothing
	class Syr_grassgreen2_character
	class Syr_Rocky_character


no errors ,  no clutter.......

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In your cfgCurfaces the names array should be enclosed in quotations names[]={"syr_grassgreen_clutter"};, maybe that is the issue.


Screenshot of some of my clutter.


I am not sure where you set up your default clutter. The following is a segment from my config.cpp showing how I have set it up (I believe it was Jakerods ATLAS tutorial I followed, but to be honest I cannot remember, and I also had help in the forum). The cfgSurfaces and cfgClutter are similar to yours except that my probabilities add up to 0.99.


class CfgWorlds
    class DefaultWorld
        class Weather;
class CAWorld: DefaultWorld
    class Grid;
    class DefaultClutter;
    class DayLightingBrightAlmost;
    class DayLightingRainy;
    class Weather: Weather
        class Overcast;
class Stratis: CAWorld
    class Weather: Weather
        class Lighting;
        class Overcast: Overcast
            class Weather1;
            class Weather2;
            class Weather3;
            class Weather4;
            class Weather5;
            class Weather6;
class DefaultLighting;
class VPR_VIPERislandV1: Stratis
{ ...etc.


I hope that this helps.

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now i have the quotes in place but still nothing......

 my config for clutter

#define _ARMA_
//Class map_altis : config.bin{
class CfgPatches
class myisland
units[] = {"myisland"};
weapons[] = {};
requiredVersion = 0.1;
requiredAddons[] = {"A3_Data_F","A3_Roads_F","A3_Structures_F","A3_Map_Data"};
class CfgVehicles{};
class CfgWorlds
mapSize = 20480;
mapZone = 35;
mapArea[] = {25.011957,39.718452,25.481527,40.094578};
class DefaultWorld
class Weather
class Overcast;
class CAWorld: DefaultWorld
class Grid{};
class DayLightingBrightAlmost;
class DayLightingRainy;
class DefaultClutter;
class Weather: Weather
class Lighting;
class Overcast: Overcast
class Weather1;
class Weather2;
class Weather3;
class Weather4;
class Weather5;
class Weather6;
class DefaultLighting;
class myisland: CAWorld
class DefaultClutter;
#include "cfgClutter.hpp"
last line
#include "cfgSurfaces.hpp"


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Other than the fact that my island inherits from Stratis (unsure if that makes a difference), your config has two instances of default clutter. Leave the top one in and remove the second. Check to make sure your files are saved as .hpp and if that fails then we will have to see if anyone else can help, because I cannot see what else could be wrong.

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i remove the second default clutter entry , i m sure that my files saved as hpp 

no clutter.......


i notice that when i crunch my island and unpbo the file , my config.cpp is changed.

all #include files is removed and replaced by the code of each file.



#include "cfgSurfaces.hpp"

replaced by

class CfgSurfaces

class Default{};
class Water{};
class syr_grassgreen_surface: Default
access = 2;
files = "syr_grassgreen_*";
character = "syr_grassgreen_character";
soundEnviron = "grass";
soundHit = "soft_ground";
rough = 0.05;
maxSpeedCoef = 1;
dust = 0.15;
lucidity = 0.3;
grassCover = 0.0;
Impact = "hitGroundSoft";
class CfgSurfaceCharacters
class syr_grassgreen_character
probability[] = {0.99};
names[] = {"syr_grassgreen_clutter"};


so, all the code from external files is included in config.cpp after the crunch
i use pboProject.exe to pbo my island . 
i cant think anything else.
what is the problem with the clutter????????
i test also a basic config from here ... also no clutter .

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is the clutter related with the layers.cfg ??????

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i need to clear things.....


lets say that i set corals clutter for my seabed and grass and rocks for ground areas in my island 


i set it in cfgclutter and cfg surfaces (assume with the right way , no errors)

How the engine knows that i need the corals only on sea layer of my island , the grass on my grass areas , the rocks on my rocky areas etc ???


i think that the clutter problem that i have beggins from here.....

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Sorry buddy, didn't even think about that! The layers.cfg assigns a colour from your attributes mask in TB. Here is a copy of mine, the texture section does not need filling in, just leave as is.


class Layers
  class vpr_viperislandv1_gravel
    texture = "";//#(rgb,1,1,1)color(0.5,0.5,0.5,1,cdt);
    material = "VPR\VPR_VIPERislandV1\data\vpr_viperislandv1_gravel.rvmat";
  class vpr_viperislandv1_rock
    texture = "";//#(rgb,1,1,1)color(0.5,0.5,0.5,1,cdt);
    material = "VPR\VPR_VIPERislandV1\data\vpr_viperislandv1_rock.rvmat";
  class vpr_viperislandv1_grass
    texture = "";//#(rgb,1,1,1)color(0.5,0.5,0.5,1,cdt);
    material = "VPR\VPR_VIPERislandV1\data\vpr_viperislandv1_grass.rvmat";
  class vpr_viperislandv1_deepsea
    texture = "";//#(rgb,1,1,1)color(0.5,0.5,0.5,1,cdt);
    material = "VPR\VPR_VIPERislandV1\data\vpr_viperislandv1_deepsea.rvmat";
  class vpr_viperislandv1_concrete_bare_rough
    texture = "";//#(rgb,1,1,1)color(0.5,0.5,0.5,1,cdt);
    material = "VPR\VPR_VIPERislandV1\data\vpr_viperislandv1_concrete_bare_rough.rvmat";
class Legend
  class Colors


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i have my layers.cfg with custom tex. is ok

I ask if the layers have some relation with the clutter names .

How the engine knows that i need the corals only on sea layer of my island , the grass on my grass areas , the rocks on my rocky areas etc ???

look my last question

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In terrain builder you need to have imported an attributes map/mask. I use L3DT to generate my island and it generates a coloured map for me. From this map I select the colours that are listed in the class legend section of the code in my last post.

For example the yellow parts of my attribute map are for gravel and in the code this is: vpr_viperislandv1_gravel[]={{230,230,120}};  Where {230,230,120} represents the RGB value of the yellow that I want associated with my gravel clutter.

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i know that , but do you use  vpr_viperislandv1_gravel  (the name from layers.cfg) in your cfgclutter.hpp or cfgsurfaces.cfg ??

thats i need to know

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The answer is: you dont have to use the same class name in you layers config and your surfaces config. What is defined in layers.cfg is only used for the color matching process (texture placement).

As long as your "files" token (in CfgSurfaces) points to the right texture where you want the right clutter on it AND you assign a "character" to that surface, it is fine.

So it takes the texture you put in "files" then it reads the "character" entry then it iterates through CfgSurfaceCharacters classes and find the "character" you defined. Then it assigns the clutter(s) that is/are in the "names" array with the given "probability".

Clutter classes must be defined in their respective config obviously.

A bit of reading: https://sites.google.com/site/islandconfigs/cfgworlds-overview/cfgworlds-clutter

For A2 but still accurate.

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so , layers.cfg have no association with the clutter.

what is the problem then.......

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so , layers.cfg have no association with the clutter.

what is the problem then.......

Ain't soothsayer, post your full setup (not truncated) and well formatted so we can have a closer look.

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ok then....

here my config (part1 because is too long for post)

#define _ARMA_

//Class map_altis : config.bin{
class CfgPatches
class myisland
units[] = {"myisland"};
weapons[] = {};
requiredVersion = 0.1;
requiredAddons[] = {"A3_Data_F","A3_Roads_F","A3_Structures_F","A3_Map_Data"};
class CfgVehicles{};
class CfgWorlds
mapSize = 20480;
mapZone = 35;
mapArea[] = {25.011957,39.718452,25.481527,40.094578};
class DefaultWorld
class Weather
class Overcast;
class CAWorld: DefaultWorld
class Grid{};
class DayLightingBrightAlmost;
class DayLightingRainy;
class DefaultClutter;
class Weather: Weather
class Lighting;
class Overcast: Overcast
class Weather1;
class Weather2;
class Weather3;
class Weather4;
class Weather5;
class Weather6;
class DefaultLighting;
class myisland: CAWorld
class DefaultClutter;
#include "cfgClutter.hpp"

dynLightMinBrightnessAmbientCoef = 0.5;
dynLightMinBrightnessAbsolute = 0.05;
class Sea
seaTexture = "a3\data_f\seatexture_co.paa";
seaMaterial = "#water";
shoreMaterial = "#shore";
shoreFoamMaterial = "#shorefoam";
shoreWetMaterial = "#shorewet";
WaterMapScale = 20;
WaterGrid = 50;
MaxTide = 0;
MaxWave = 0.25;
SeaWaveXScale = "2.0/50";
SeaWaveZScale = "1.0/50";
SeaWaveHScale = 1.0;
SeaWaveXDuration = 5000;
SeaWaveZDuration = 10000;
class Underwater
noWaterFog = -0.001;
fullWaterFog = 0.001;
deepWaterFog = 200;
waterFogDistanceNear = 10;
waterFogDistance = 40;
waterColor[] = {0.04,0.16,0.22};
deepWaterColor[] = {0.0,0.001,0.009};
surfaceColor[] = {0.04,0.16,0.22};
deepSurfaceColor[] = {0.0,0.001,0.009};
class SeaWaterShaderPars
refractionMoveCoef = 0.03;
minWaterOpacity = 0.0;
waterOpacityDistCoef = 0.4;
underwaterOpacity = 0.5;
waterOpacityFadeStart = 60;
waterOpacityFadeLength = 120;
startWeather = 0.3;
startFog = 0.0;
forecastWeather = 0.3;
forecastFog = 0.0;
startFogBase = 0.0;
forecastFogBase = 0.0;
startFogDecay = 0.013;
forecastFogDecay = 0.013;
fogBeta0Min = 0.0;
fogBeta0Max = 0.05;
class Lighting: DefaultLighting
groundReflection[] = {0.132,0.133,0.122};
moonObjectColorFull[] = {550,500,450,1.0};
moonHaloObjectColorFull[] = {20,20,20,0.5};
moonsetObjectColor[] = {275,250,225,1.0};
moonsetHaloObjectColor[] = {10,10,10,0.25};
class ThunderBoltLight
diffuse[] = {2120,2170,8550};
ambient[] = {0.001,0.001,0.001};
intensity = 120000;
class Attenuation
start = 0.0;
constant = 0.0;
linear = 0.0;
quadratic = 1.0;
starEmissivity = 30.0;
class DayLightingBrightAlmost: DayLightingBrightAlmost
deepNight[] = {-15,{0.005,0.01,0.01},{0.0,0.002,0.003},{0.0,0.0,0.0},{0.0,0.0,0.0},{0.0,0.002,0.003},{0.0,0.002,0.003},0};
fullNight[] = {-5,{0.182,0.213,0.25},{0.05,0.111,0.221},{0.04,0.034,0.004},{0.039,0.049,0.072},{0.082,0.128,0.185},{0.283,0.35,0.431},0};
sunMoon[] = {-3.75,{0.377,0.441,0.518},{0.103,0.227,0.453},{0.04,0.034,0.004},{0.039,0.049,0.072},{0.174,0.274,0.395},{0.582,0.72,0.887},0.5};
earlySun[] = {-2.5,{0.675,0.69,0.784},{0.22,0.322,0.471},{0.04,0.034,0.004},{0.039,0.049,0.072},{0.424,0.549,0.745},{0.698,0.753,0.894},1};
sunrise[] = {0,{0.675,0.69,0.784},{0.478,0.51,0.659},{0.2,0.19,0.07},{0.124,0.161,0.236},{{0.847,0.855,0.965},0.2},{{0.933,0.949,0.996},2},1};
earlyMorning[] = {3,{{0.844,0.61,0.469},0.8},{0.424,0.557,0.651},{{1,0.45,0.2},1},{0.12,0.26,0.38},{{0.428,0.579,0.743},2},{{0.844,0.61,0.469},2.7},1};
midMorning[] = {8,{{0.822,0.75,0.646},3.8},{{0.383,0.58,0.858},1.3},{{1.3,0.9,0.61},2.8},{{0.12,0.18,0.28},0.5},{{0.322,0.478,0.675},3.5},{{1.0,0.929,0.815},4.7},1};
morning[] = {16,{{1,0.95,0.91},12.2},{{0.12,0.18,0.28},9.2},{{1,0.95,0.91},11.2},{{0.12,0.18,0.28},8.5},{{0.14,0.18,0.24},11.0},{{0.5,0.6,0.9},13.2},1};
noon[] = {45,{{0.98,0.94,0.94},13.8},{{0.2,0.27,0.35},10.8},{{0.98,0.94,0.94},13.8},{{0.2,0.27,0.35},10.8},{{0.5,0.64,1.0},12.0},{{0.5,0.5,0.5},14.8},1,0.5,0.4,0.5,0.4};
class DayLightingRainy: DayLightingRainy
deepNight[] = {-15,{0.005,0.01,0.01},{0.0,0.002,0.003},{0.0,0.0,0.0},{0.0,0.0,0.0},{0.0,0.002,0.003},{0.0,0.002,0.003},0};
fullNight[] = {-5,{0.023,0.023,0.023},{0.02,0.02,0.02},{0.023,0.023,0.023},{0.02,0.02,0.02},{0.01,0.01,0.02},{0.08,0.06,0.06},0};
sunMoon[] = {-3.75,{0.04,0.04,0.05},{0.04,0.04,0.05},{0.04,0.04,0.05},{0.04,0.04,0.05},{0.04,0.035,0.04},{0.11,0.08,0.09},0.5};
earlySun[] = {-2.5,{0.0689,0.0689,0.0804},{0.06,0.06,0.07},{0.0689,0.0689,0.0804},{0.06,0.06,0.07},{0.08,0.07,0.08},{0.14,0.1,0.12},0.5};
earlyMorning[] = {3,{{1,1,1},"(-4)+3.95"},{{1,1,1},"(-4)+3.0"},{{1,1,1},"(-4)+3.95"},{{1,1,1},"(-4)+3.0"},{{1,1,1},"(-4)+4"},{{1,1,1},"(-4)+5.5"},1};
morning[] = {16,{{1,1,1},"(-4)+5.7"},{{1,1,1},"(-4)+4.5"},{{1,1,1},"(-4)+5.7"},{{1,1,1},"(-4)+4.5"},{{1,1,1},"(-4)+7"},{{1,1,1},"(-4)+8"},1};
lateMorning[] = {25,{{1,1,1},"(-4)+10.45"},{{1,1,1},"(-4)+9.75"},{{1,1,1},"(-4)+10.45"},{{1,1,1},"(-4)+9.75"},{{1,1,1},"(-4)+12"},{{1,1,1},"(-4)+12.75"},1};
noon[] = {45,{{1,1,1},10.0},{{1,1,1},9.0},{{1,1,1},9.0},{{1,1,1},8.0},{{0.5,0.64,1},12.0},{{0.5,0.5,0.5},14.8},1};
class Weather: Weather
class LightingNew
class Lighting0
height = 0;
overcast = 0.4;
sunAngle = -14;
sunOrMoon = 0;
diffuse[] = {{0.11,0.2744,0.97},3};
diffuseCloud[] = {{0.099,0.24696,0.873},2.7};
ambient[] = {0.02,0.11,0.54};
ambientCloud[] = {0.018,0.099,0.486};
ambientMid[] = {0.018,0.099,0.486};
ambientMidCloud[] = {0.0162,0.0891,0.4374};
groundReflection[] = {0.0162,0.0891,0.4374};
groundReflectionCloud[] = {0.01458,0.08019,0.39366};
bidirect[] = {0.0284,0.02712,0.0254};
bidirectCloud[] = {0.02556,0.024408,0.02286};
sky[] = {{0.001273,0.001838,0.004057},0.001404};
skyAroundSun[] = {4e-006,0.000104,0.000366};
fogColor[] = {0.1,0.2,0.4};
apertureMin = 5.916064;
apertureStandard = 6.859;
apertureMax = 17.1475;
standardAvgLum = 1.08;
desiredLuminanceCoef = 0.118098;
desiredLuminanceCoefCloud = 0.059049;
luminanceRectCoef = 0.4;
luminanceRectCoefCloud = 0.2;
rayleigh[] = {0.00749,0.01388,0.02878};
mie[] = {0.0046,0.0046,0.0046};
cloudsColor[] = {{0.3,0.4,1},13.61492};
swBrightness = 5;
class Lighting1
height = 0;
overcast = 0.4;
sunAngle = -10;
sunOrMoon = 0;
diffuse[] = {{0.11,0.2744,0.97},2.8};
diffuseCloud[] = {{0.11,0.2744,0.97},2.52};
ambient[] = {0.02,0.11,0.54};
ambientCloud[] = {0.018,0.099,0.486};
ambientMid[] = {0.032,0.176,0.864};
ambientMidCloud[] = {0.0288,0.1584,0.7776};
groundReflection[] = {0.0224,0.1232,0.6048};
groundReflectionCloud[] = {0.02016,0.11088,0.54432};
bidirect[] = {0,0,0};
bidirectCloud[] = {0,0,0};
sky[] = {{0.004316,0.006232,0.013752},0.014036};
skyAroundSun[] = {0.004332,0.005212,0.009138};
fogColor[] = {0.09,0.18,0.32};
apertureMin = 7.39508;
apertureStandard = 7.22;
apertureMax = 18.05;
standardAvgLum = 1.8;
desiredLuminanceCoef = 0.13122;
desiredLuminanceCoefCloud = 0.06561;
luminanceRectCoef = 0.4;
luminanceRectCoefCloud = 0.2;
rayleigh[] = {0.00749,0.01388,0.02878};
mie[] = {0.0046,0.0046,0.0046};
cloudsColor[] = {{0.8,0.81,1},13.61492};
swBrightness = 5;
class Lighting2
height = 0;
overcast = 0.4;
sunAngle = -9;
sunOrMoon = 0;
diffuse[] = {{0.11,0.2744,0.97},2.4};
diffuseCloud[] = {{0.11,0.2744,0.97},2.16};
ambient[] = {0.02,0.11,0.16};
ambientCloud[] = {0.018,0.099,0.144};
ambientMid[] = {0.028,0.154,0.224};
ambientMidCloud[] = {0.0252,0.1386,0.2016};
groundReflection[] = {0.0168,0.0924,0.1344};
groundReflectionCloud[] = {0.01512,0.08316,0.12096};
bidirect[] = {0,0,0};
bidirectCloud[] = {0,0,0};
sky[] = {{0.014632,0.021125,0.034815},0.14036};
skyAroundSun[] = {{0.00456,0.005486,0.009619},0.4};
fogColor[] = {0.085,0.12,0.15};
apertureMin = 7.546;
apertureStandard = 7.6;
apertureMax = 19;
standardAvgLum = 3;
desiredLuminanceCoef = 0.1458;
desiredLuminanceCoefCloud = 0.0729;
luminanceRectCoef = 0.4;
luminanceRectCoefCloud = 0.2;
rayleigh[] = {0.00749,0.01388,0.02878};
mie[] = {0.0046,0.0046,0.0046};
cloudsColor[] = {{0.8,0.81,1},13.61492};
swBrightness = 5;
class Lighting3
height = 0;
overcast = 0.4;
sunAngle = -8;
sunOrMoon = 0;
diffuse[] = {{0.11,0.2744,0.97},2};
diffuseCloud[] = {{0.099,0.24696,0.873},1.8};
ambient[] = {0.04,0.077,0.153};
ambientCloud[] = {0.036,0.0693,0.1377};
ambientMid[] = {0.048,0.0924,0.1836};
ambientMidCloud[] = {0.0432,0.08316,0.16524};
groundReflection[] = {0.024,0.0462,0.0918};
groundReflectionCloud[] = {0.0216,0.04158,0.08262};
bidirect[] = {0.000213,0.000203,0.000191};
bidirectCloud[] = {0.000192,0.000183,0.000171};
sky[] = {{0.0496,0.07161,0.118017},1.4036};
skyAroundSun[] = {{0.0048,0.005775,0.010125},1.8183};
fogColor[] = {0.07,0.08,0.12};
apertureMin = 7.7;
apertureStandard = 8;
apertureMax = 20;
standardAvgLum = 5;
desiredLuminanceCoef = 0.13122;
desiredLuminanceCoefCloud = 0.06561;
luminanceRectCoef = 0.4;
luminanceRectCoefCloud = 0.2;
rayleigh[] = {0.00749,0.01388,0.02878};
mie[] = {0.0046,0.0046,0.0046};
cloudsColor[] = {{0.8,0.81,1},12};
swBrightness = 4;
class Lighting4
height = 0;
overcast = 0.4;
sunAngle = -6;
sunOrMoon = 0;
diffuse[] = {{0.11,0.2744,0.97},1.7};
diffuseCloud[] = {{0.099,0.24696,0.873},1.53};
ambient[] = {{0.06,0.11,0.225},0.48488};
ambientCloud[] = {{0.054,0.099,0.2025},0.436392};
ambientMid[] = {{0.06,0.11,0.225},0.339416};
ambientMidCloud[] = {{0.054,0.099,0.2025},0.305474};
groundReflection[] = {{0.03,0.055,0.1125},0.237591};
groundReflectionCloud[] = {{0.027,0.0495,0.10125},0.213832};
bidirect[] = {0.00213,0.002034,0.001905};
bidirectCloud[] = {0.001917,0.001831,0.001715};
sky[] = {{0.16,0.231,0.3807},4.2108};
skyAroundSun[] = {{0.048,0.05775,0.10125},4.8488};
fogColor[] = {0.0532,0.0639,0.089242};
apertureMin = 7.8;
apertureStandard = 9;
apertureMax = 20;
standardAvgLum = 10;
desiredLuminanceCoef = 0.1458;
desiredLuminanceCoefCloud = 0.0729;
luminanceRectCoef = 0.4;
luminanceRectCoefCloud = 0.2;
rayleigh[] = {0.00749,0.01388,0.02878};
mie[] = {0.00368,0.0046,0.00552};
cloudsColor[] = {{0.8,0.81,1},11};
swBrightness = 3;
class Lighting5
height = 0;
overcast = 0.4;
sunAngle = -2;
sunOrMoon = 0.5;
diffuse[] = {{0.22,0.1764,0.3007},1.595};
diffuseCloud[] = {{0.198,0.15876,0.27063},1.4355};
ambient[] = {{0.2,0.275,0.54},4.60636};
ambientCloud[] = {{0.18,0.2475,0.486},4.145724};
ambientMid[] = {{0.2,0.275,0.54},3.45477};
ambientMidCloud[] = {{0.18,0.2475,0.486},3.109293};
groundReflection[] = {{0.1,0.1375,0.27},2.418339};
groundReflectionCloud[] = {{0.09,0.12375,0.243},2.176505};
bidirect[] = {0.00497,0.004746,0.004445};
bidirectCloud[] = {0.004473,0.004271,0.004001};
sky[] = {{0.32,0.33,0.423},8.70232};
skyAroundSun[] = {{0.12,0.1155,0.1125},9.0915};
fogColor[] = {0.056,0.071,0.111552};
apertureMin = 8;
apertureStandard = 10;
apertureMax = 20;
standardAvgLum = 20;
desiredLuminanceCoef = 0.162;
desiredLuminanceCoefCloud = 0.081;
luminanceRectCoef = 0.4;
luminanceRectCoefCloud = 0.2;
rayleigh[] = {0.00749,0.01388,0.02878};
mie[] = {0.0023,0.0046,0.0069};
cloudsColor[] = {{0.8,0.81,1},11};
swBrightness = 2;
class Lighting6
height = 0;
overcast = 0.4;
sunAngle = 0;
sunOrMoon = 1;
diffuse[] = {{0.99,0.2744,0.2134},6.061};
diffuseCloud[] = {{0.891,0.24696,0.19206},5.4549};
ambient[] = {{0.4,0.42735,0.6777},4.8488};
ambientCloud[] = {{0.36,0.384615,0.60993},4.36392};
ambientMid[] = {{0.4512,0.485775,0.7608},3.87904};
ambientMidCloud[] = {{0.40608,0.437198,0.68472},3.491136};
groundReflection[] = {{0.28187,0.2712,0.37973},3.801459};
groundReflectionCloud[] = {{0.253683,0.24408,0.341757},3.421313};
bidirect[] = {0.0142,0.01356,0.0127};
bidirectCloud[] = {0.01278,0.012204,0.01143};
sky[] = {{0.52,0.44,0.4239},9.1234};
skyAroundSun[] = {{0.3,0.1925,0.0999},9.849125};
fogColor[] = {0.1644,0.100485,0.13944};
apertureMin = 9;
apertureStandard = 12;
apertureMax = 20;
standardAvgLum = 60;
desiredLuminanceCoef = 0.18;
desiredLuminanceCoefCloud = 0.09;
luminanceRectCoef = 0.4;
luminanceRectCoefCloud = 0.2;
rayleigh[] = {0.00749,0.01388,0.02878};
mie[] = {0.00046,0.00322,0.0092};
cloudsColor[] = {{0.8,0.81,1},12};
swBrightness = 1;
class Lighting7
height = 0;
overcast = 0.4;
sunAngle = 2;
sunOrMoon = 1;
diffuse[] = {{1.1,0.4116,0.194},8.7725};
diffuseCloud[] = {{0.99,0.37044,0.1746},7.89525};
ambient[] = {{0.354,0.463,0.746},5.702125};
ambientCloud[] = {{0.3186,0.4167,0.6714},5.131913};
ambientMid[] = {{0.4782,0.52197,0.784},4.5617};
ambientMidCloud[] = {{0.43038,0.469773,0.7056},4.10553};
groundReflection[] = {{0.3692,0.35256,0.438785},4.333615};
groundReflectionCloud[] = {{0.33228,0.317304,0.394907},3.900254};
bidirect[] = {0.0213,0.02034,0.01905};
bidirectCloud[] = {0.01917,0.018306,0.017145};
sky[] = {{0.4312,0.4433,0.5175},10.94808};
skyAroundSun[] = {{0.4392,0.32186,0.3609},12.122};
fogColor[] = {0.137,0.11165,0.1743};
apertureMin = 10;
apertureStandard = 15;
apertureMax = 20;
standardAvgLum = 70;
desiredLuminanceCoef = 0.2;
desiredLuminanceCoefCloud = 0.4;
luminanceRectCoef = 0.4;
luminanceRectCoefCloud = 0.2;
rayleigh[] = {0.00749,0.01388,0.02878};
mie[] = {0.0023,0.00322,0.00552};
cloudsColor[] = {{0.8,0.81,1},13};
swBrightness = 1;
class Lighting8
height = 0;
overcast = 0.4;
sunAngle = 6;
sunOrMoon = 1;
diffuse[] = {{1.1,0.588,0.291},12.76};
diffuseCloud[] = {{0.99,0.5292,0.2619},11.484};
ambient[] = {{0.38,0.491,0.798},7.975};
ambientCloud[] = {{0.342,0.4419,0.7182},7.1775};
ambientMid[] = {{0.522,0.56134,0.796},6.77875};
ambientMidCloud[] = {{0.4698,0.505206,0.7164},6.100875};
groundReflection[] = {{0.48635,0.467142,0.509905},6.100875};
groundReflectionCloud[] = {{0.437715,0.420428,0.458915},5.490788};
bidirect[] = {0.02485,0.02373,0.022225};
bidirectCloud[] = {0.022365,0.021357,0.020003};
sky[] = {{0.42,0.46255,0.6507},12.6324};
skyAroundSun[] = {{0.424,0.344575,0.396},13.3342};
fogColor[] = {0.275,0.2475,0.315};
apertureMin = 15;
apertureStandard = 28;
apertureMax = 40;
standardAvgLum = 120;
desiredLuminanceCoef = 0.2;
desiredLuminanceCoefCloud = 0.4;
luminanceRectCoef = 0.4;
luminanceRectCoefCloud = 0.2;
rayleigh[] = {0.00749,0.01388,0.02878};
mie[] = {0.0046,0.0046,0.0046};
cloudsColor[] = {{0.8,0.81,1},13};
swBrightness = 1;
class Lighting9
height = 0;
overcast = 0.4;
sunAngle = 16;
sunOrMoon = 1;
diffuse[] = {{1.1,0.7252,0.485},14.355};
diffuseCloud[] = {{0.99,0.65268,0.4365},12.9195};
ambient[] = {{0.42,0.52195,0.855},8.971875};
ambientCloud[] = {{0.378,0.469755,0.7695},8.074688};
ambientMid[] = {{0.5652,0.600075,0.796},8.074688};
ambientMidCloud[] = {{0.50868,0.540068,0.7164},7.267219};
groundReflection[] = {{0.6035,0.575622,0.575945},6.45975};
groundReflectionCloud[] = {{0.54315,0.51806,0.518351},5.813775};
bidirect[] = {0.0284,0.02712,0.0254};
bidirectCloud[] = {0.02556,0.024408,0.02286};
sky[] = {{0.408,0.48565,0.62163},13.47456};
skyAroundSun[] = {{0.412,0.36498,0.42435},13.9403};
fogColor[] = {0.29,0.319,0.406};
apertureMin = 20;
apertureStandard = 35;
apertureMax = 85;
standardAvgLum = 450;
desiredLuminanceCoef = 0.2;
desiredLuminanceCoefCloud = 0.4;
luminanceRectCoef = 0.4;
luminanceRectCoefCloud = 0.2;
rayleigh[] = {0.00749,0.01388,0.02878};
mie[] = {0.0046,0.0046,0.0046};
cloudsColor[] = {{0.8,0.81,1},13};
swBrightness = 1;
class Lighting10
height = 0;
overcast = 0.4;
sunAngle = 45;
sunOrMoon = 1;
diffuse[] = {{1.1,0.98,0.97},15.95};
diffuseCloud[] = {{0.99,0.882,0.873},14.355};
ambient[] = {{0.4,0.55,0.9},9.96875};
ambientCloud[] = {{0.36,0.495,0.81},8.971875};
ambientMid[] = {{0.84,0.73025,0.8},10.96562};
ambientMidCloud[] = {{0.756,0.657225,0.72},9.869062};
groundReflection[] = {{0.71,0.678,0.635},8.224218};
groundReflectionCloud[] = {{0.639,0.6102,0.5715},7.401797};
bidirect[] = {0.0284,0.02712,0.0254};
bidirectCloud[] = {0.02556,0.024408,0.02286};
sky[] = {{0.4,0.55,0.9},14.036};
skyAroundSun[] = {{0.4,0.385,0.45},15.1525};
fogColor[] = {0.5,0.55,0.816};
apertureMin = 45;
apertureStandard = 65;
apertureMax = 85;
standardAvgLum = 800;
desiredLuminanceCoef = 0.2;
desiredLuminanceCoefCloud = 0.4;
luminanceRectCoef = 0.4;
luminanceRectCoefCloud = 0.2;
rayleigh[] = {0.00749,0.01388,0.02878};
mie[] = {0.006,0.0046,0.004};
cloudsColor[] = {{0.8,0.81,1},13.61492};
swBrightness = 1;
class Lighting11
height = 0;
overcast = 0.95;
sunAngle = -14;
sunOrMoon = 0;
diffuse[] = {0,0,0};
diffuseCloud[] = {0,0,0};
ambient[] = {0.0135,0.07425,0.3645};
ambientCloud[] = {0.010125,0.055688,0.273375};
ambientMid[] = {0.0081,0.04455,0.2187};
ambientMidCloud[] = {0.006075,0.033413,0.164025};
groundReflection[] = {0.00486,0.02673,0.13122};
groundReflectionCloud[] = {0.003645,0.020048,0.098415};
bidirect[] = {0.01917,0.018306,0.017145};
bidirectCloud[] = {0.014378,0.01373,0.012859};
sky[] = {{0.001273,0.001838,0.004057},0.001404};
skyAroundSun[] = {4e-006,0.000104,0.000366};
fogColor[] = {5e-005,5e-005,5.1e-005};
apertureMin = 5.916064;
apertureStandard = 6.859;
apertureMax = 17.1475;
standardAvgLum = 1.08;
desiredLuminanceCoef = 0.118098;
desiredLuminanceCoefCloud = 0.059049;
luminanceRectCoef = 0.4;
luminanceRectCoefCloud = 0.2;
rayleigh[] = {0.00749,0.01388,0.02878};
mie[] = {0.0046,0.0046,0.0046};
cloudsColor[] = {{0.3,0.4,1},13.61492};
swBrightness = 5;
class Lighting12
height = 0;
overcast = 0.95;
sunAngle = -10;
sunOrMoon = 0;
diffuse[] = {0.0825,0.2058,0.7275};
diffuseCloud[] = {0.061875,0.15435,0.545625};
ambient[] = {0.004,0.008,0.018};
ambientCloud[] = {0.003,0.006,0.0135};
ambientMid[] = {0.0024,0.0048,0.0108};
ambientMidCloud[] = {0.0018,0.0036,0.0081};
groundReflection[] = {0.00144,0.00288,0.00648};
groundReflectionCloud[] = {0.00108,0.00216,0.00486};
bidirect[] = {0,0,0};
bidirectCloud[] = {0,0,0};
sky[] = {{0.004316,0.006232,0.013752},0.014036};
skyAroundSun[] = {0.004332,0.005212,0.009138};
fogColor[] = {0.0001,0.0001,0.000102};
apertureMin = 6.517;
apertureStandard = 7.448;
apertureMax = 11.7;
standardAvgLum = 0.001;
desiredLuminanceCoef = 0.13122;
desiredLuminanceCoefCloud = 0.06561;
luminanceRectCoef = 0.4;
luminanceRectCoefCloud = 0.2;
rayleigh[] = {0.00749,0.01388,0.02878};
mie[] = {0.0046,0.0046,0.0046};
cloudsColor[] = {{0.8,0.81,1},13.61492};
swBrightness = 5;
class Lighting13
height = 0;
overcast = 0.95;
sunAngle = -9;
sunOrMoon = 0;
diffuse[] = {0,0,0};
diffuseCloud[] = {0,0,0};
ambient[] = {0.029,0.028,0.134};
ambientCloud[] = {0.02175,0.021,0.1005};
ambientMid[] = {0.0174,0.0168,0.0804};
ambientMidCloud[] = {0.01305,0.0126,0.0603};
groundReflection[] = {0.01044,0.01008,0.04824};
groundReflectionCloud[] = {0.00783,0.00756,0.03618};
bidirect[] = {0,0,0};
bidirectCloud[] = {0,0,0};
sky[] = {{0.014632,0.021125,0.034815},0.14036};
skyAroundSun[] = {{0.00456,0.005486,0.009619},0.4};
fogColor[] = {0.000199,0.000199,0.000203};
apertureMin = 6.86;
apertureStandard = 7.84;
apertureMax = 13;
standardAvgLum = 0.002;
desiredLuminanceCoef = 0.1458;
desiredLuminanceCoefCloud = 0.0729;
luminanceRectCoef = 0.4;
luminanceRectCoefCloud = 0.2;
rayleigh[] = {0.00749,0.01388,0.02878};
mie[] = {0.0046,0.0046,0.0046};
cloudsColor[] = {{0.8,0.81,1},13.61492};
swBrightness = 5;
class Lighting14
height = 0;
overcast = 0.95;
sunAngle = -8;
sunOrMoon = 0;
diffuse[] = {0,0,0};
diffuseCloud[] = {0,0,0};
ambient[] = {0.047,0.051,0.183};
ambientCloud[] = {0.03525,0.03825,0.13725};
ambientMid[] = {0.0282,0.0306,0.1098};
ambientMidCloud[] = {0.02115,0.02295,0.08235};
groundReflection[] = {0.01692,0.01836,0.06588};
groundReflectionCloud[] = {0.01269,0.01377,0.04941};
bidirect[] = {0.000144,0.000137,0.000129};
bidirectCloud[] = {0.000108,0.000103,9.6e-005};
sky[] = {{0.0496,0.07161,0.118017},1.4036};
skyAroundSun[] = {{0.0048,0.005775,0.010125},1.8183};
fogColor[] = {0.000398,0.000398,0.000406};
apertureMin = 7;
apertureStandard = 8;
apertureMax = 20;
standardAvgLum = 0.003;
desiredLuminanceCoef = 0.13122;
desiredLuminanceCoefCloud = 0.06561;
luminanceRectCoef = 0.4;
luminanceRectCoefCloud = 0.2;
rayleigh[] = {0.00749,0.01388,0.02878};
mie[] = {0.0046,0.0046,0.0046};
cloudsColor[] = {{0.8,0.81,1},10.8};
swBrightness = 4;
class Lighting15
height = 0;
overcast = 0.95;
sunAngle = -6;
sunOrMoon = 0;
diffuse[] = {0,0,0};
diffuseCloud[] = {0,0,0};
ambient[] = {{0.047,0.091,0.4},0.460636};
ambientCloud[] = {{0.03525,0.06825,0.3},0.345477};
ambientMid[] = {{0.0282,0.0546,0.24},0.230318};
ambientMidCloud[] = {{0.02115,0.04095,0.18},0.172739};
groundReflection[] = {{0.01692,0.03276,0.144},0.172739};
groundReflectionCloud[] = {{0.01269,0.02457,0.108},0.129554};
bidirect[] = {0.001438,0.001373,0.001286};
bidirectCloud[] = {0.001078,0.00103,0.000964};
sky[] = {{0.16,0.231,0.3807},4.2108};
skyAroundSun[] = {{0.048,0.05775,0.10125},4.8488};
fogColor[] = {0.000797,0.000797,0.000813};
apertureMin = 7;
apertureStandard = 9;
apertureMax = 20;
standardAvgLum = 0.006;
desiredLuminanceCoef = 0.1458;
desiredLuminanceCoefCloud = 0.0729;
luminanceRectCoef = 0.4;
luminanceRectCoefCloud = 0.2;
rayleigh[] = {0.00749,0.01388,0.02878};
mie[] = {0.0046,0.0046,0.0046};
cloudsColor[] = {{0.8,0.81,1},13.2};
swBrightness = 3;
class Lighting16
height = 0;
overcast = 0.95;
sunAngle = -2;
sunOrMoon = 0.5;
diffuse[] = {0,0,0};
diffuseCloud[] = {0,0,0};
ambient[] = {{0.07,0.155,0.43},4.376042};
ambientCloud[] = {{0.0525,0.11625,0.3225},3.282032};
ambientMid[] = {{0.042,0.093,0.258},2.625625};
ambientMidCloud[] = {{0.0315,0.06975,0.1935},1.969219};
groundReflection[] = {{0.0252,0.0558,0.1548},1.575375};
groundReflectionCloud[] = {{0.0189,0.04185,0.1161},1.181531};
bidirect[] = {0.003355,0.003204,0.003};
bidirectCloud[] = {0.002516,0.002403,0.00225};
sky[] = {{0.32,0.33,0.423},8.70232};
skyAroundSun[] = {{0.12,0.1155,0.1125},9.0915};
fogColor[] = {0.001594,0.001594,0.001625};
apertureMin = 8;
apertureStandard = 10;
apertureMax = 20;
standardAvgLum = 0.01;
desiredLuminanceCoef = 0.162;
desiredLuminanceCoefCloud = 0.081;
luminanceRectCoef = 0.4;
luminanceRectCoefCloud = 0.2;
rayleigh[] = {0.00749,0.01388,0.02878};
mie[] = {0.0046,0.0046,0.0046};
cloudsColor[] = {{0.8,0.81,1},11.437};
swBrightness = 2;
class Lighting17
height = 0;
overcast = 0.95;
sunAngle = 0;
sunOrMoon = 1;
diffuse[] = {{1,1,1},0.54549};
diffuseCloud[] = {{0.75,0.75,0.75},0.409118};
ambient[] = {{0.207,0.26,0.43},4.60636};
ambientCloud[] = {{0.15525,0.195,0.3225},3.45477};
ambientMid[] = {{0.1242,0.156,0.258},3.224452};
ambientMidCloud[] = {{0.09315,0.117,0.1935},2.418339};
groundReflection[] = {{0.07452,0.0936,0.1548},1.773449};
groundReflectionCloud[] = {{0.05589,0.0702,0.1161},1.330086};
bidirect[] = {0.009585,0.009153,0.008573};
bidirectCloud[] = {0.007189,0.006865,0.006429};
sky[] = {{0.52,0.44,0.4239},9.1234};
skyAroundSun[] = {{0.3,0.1925,0.0999},9.849125};
fogColor[] = {0.003188,0.003188,0.00325};
apertureMin = 9;
apertureStandard = 12;
apertureMax = 20;
standardAvgLum = 1;
desiredLuminanceCoef = 0.18;
desiredLuminanceCoefCloud = 0.09;
luminanceRectCoef = 0.4;
luminanceRectCoefCloud = 0.2;
rayleigh[] = {0.00749,0.01388,0.02878};
mie[] = {0.0046,0.0046,0.0046};
cloudsColor[] = {{0.8,0.81,1},8.612};
swBrightness = 1;
class Lighting18
height = 0;
overcast = 0.95;
sunAngle = 2;
sunOrMoon = 1;
diffuse[] = {{1,1,1},1.184288};
diffuseCloud[] = {{0.75,0.75,0.75},0.888216};
ambient[] = {{0.297,0.347,0.522},5.417019};
ambientCloud[] = {{0.22275,0.26025,0.3915},4.062764};
ambientMid[] = {{0.2376,0.2776,0.4176},4.333615};
ambientMidCloud[] = {{0.1782,0.2082,0.3132},3.250211};
groundReflection[] = {{0.16632,0.19432,0.29232},2.166807};
groundReflectionCloud[] = {{0.12474,0.14574,0.21924},1.625106};
bidirect[] = {0.014378,0.01373,0.012859};
bidirectCloud[] = {0.010783,0.010297,0.009644};
sky[] = {{0.4312,0.4433,0.5175},10.94808};
skyAroundSun[] = {{0.4392,0.32186,0.3609},12.122};
fogColor[] = {0.006375,0.006375,0.0065};
apertureMin = 10;
apertureStandard = 15;
apertureMax = 20;
standardAvgLum = 5;
desiredLuminanceCoef = 0.2;
desiredLuminanceCoefCloud = 0.4;
luminanceRectCoef = 0.4;
luminanceRectCoefCloud = 0.2;
rayleigh[] = {0.00749,0.01388,0.02878};
mie[] = {0.0046,0.0046,0.0046};
cloudsColor[] = {{0.8,0.81,1},8.78};
swBrightness = 1;
class Lighting19
height = 0;
overcast = 0.95;
sunAngle = 6;
sunOrMoon = 1;
diffuse[] = {{1,1,1},2.2968};
diffuseCloud[] = {{0.75,0.75,0.75},1.7226};
ambient[] = {{0.396,0.443,0.623},7.57625};
ambientCloud[] = {{0.297,0.33225,0.46725},5.682188};
ambientMid[] = {{0.3168,0.3544,0.4984},6.061};
ambientMidCloud[] = {{0.2376,0.2658,0.3738},4.54575};
groundReflection[] = {{0.22176,0.24808,0.34888},2.72745};
groundReflectionCloud[] = {{0.16632,0.18606,0.26166},2.045588};
bidirect[] = {0.016774,0.016018,0.015002};
bidirectCloud[] = {0.01258,0.012013,0.011251};
sky[] = {{0.42,0.46255,0.6507},12.6324};
skyAroundSun[] = {{0.424,0.344575,0.396},13.3342};
fogColor[] = {0.01275,0.01275,0.013};
apertureMin = 15;
apertureStandard = 20;
apertureMax = 40;
standardAvgLum = 60;
desiredLuminanceCoef = 0.2;
desiredLuminanceCoefCloud = 0.4;
luminanceRectCoef = 0.4;
luminanceRectCoefCloud = 0.2;
rayleigh[] = {0.00749,0.01388,0.02878};
mie[] = {0.0046,0.0046,0.0046};
cloudsColor[] = {{0.8,0.81,1},10.106};
swBrightness = 1;
class Lighting20
height = 0;
overcast = 0.95;
sunAngle = 16;
sunOrMoon = 1;
diffuse[] = {{1,1,1},3.87585};
diffuseCloud[] = {{0.75,0.75,0.75},2.906888};
ambient[] = {{0.477,0.52,0.706},8.523281};
ambientCloud[] = {{0.35775,0.39,0.5295},6.392461};
ambientMid[] = {{0.3816,0.416,0.5648},6.818625};
ambientMidCloud[] = {{0.2862,0.312,0.4236},5.113969};
groundReflection[] = {{0.26712,0.2912,0.39536},2.72745};
groundReflectionCloud[] = {{0.20034,0.2184,0.29652},2.045588};
bidirect[] = {0.01917,0.018306,0.017145};
bidirectCloud[] = {0.014378,0.01373,0.012859};
sky[] = {{0.408,0.48565,0.62163},13.47456};
skyAroundSun[] = {{0.412,0.36498,0.42435},13.9403};
fogColor[] = {0.0255,0.0255,0.026};
apertureMin = 15;
apertureStandard = 25;
apertureMax = 85;
standardAvgLum = 30;
desiredLuminanceCoef = 0.2;
desiredLuminanceCoefCloud = 0.4;
luminanceRectCoef = 0.4;
luminanceRectCoefCloud = 0.2;
rayleigh[] = {0.00749,0.01388,0.02878};
mie[] = {0.0046,0.0046,0.0046};
cloudsColor[] = {{0.8,0.81,1},10.78};
swBrightness = 1;
class Lighting21
height = 0;
overcast = 0.95;
sunAngle = 45;
sunOrMoon = 1;
diffuse[] = {{1,1,1},5.742};
diffuseCloud[] = {{0.75,0.75,0.75},4.3065};
ambient[] = {{0.60325,0.594,0.6592},10.96562};
ambientCloud[] = {{0.452438,0.4455,0.4944},8.224218};
ambientMid[] = {{0.4826,0.4752,0.52736},9.869062};
ambientMidCloud[] = {{0.36195,0.3564,0.39552},7.401797};
groundReflection[] = {{0.33782,0.33264,0.369152},8.882156};
groundReflectionCloud[] = {{0.253365,0.24948,0.276864},6.661617};
bidirect[] = {0.0284,0.02712,0.0254};
bidirectCloud[] = {0.0213,0.02034,0.01905};
sky[] = {{0.4,0.55,0.9},14.036};
skyAroundSun[] = {{0.4,0.385,0.45},15.1525};
fogColor[] = {0.051,0.051,0.052};
apertureMin = 15;
apertureStandard = 35;
apertureMax = 85;
standardAvgLum = 150;
desiredLuminanceCoef = 0.2;
desiredLuminanceCoefCloud = 0.4;
luminanceRectCoef = 0.4;
luminanceRectCoefCloud = 0.2;
rayleigh[] = {0.00749,0.01388,0.02878};
mie[] = {0.006,0.0046,0.004};
cloudsColor[] = {{0.8,0.81,1},14.036};
swBrightness = 1;
class Lighting22
height = -0.001;
overcast = 0.4;
sunAngle = -14;
sunOrMoon = 0;
diffuse[] = {{0.033,0.19208,0.679},2.1};
diffuseCloud[] = {{0.033,0.19208,0.679},2.1};
ambient[] = {0.015,0.121,0.4482};
ambientCloud[] = {0.015,0.121,0.4482};
ambientMid[] = {0.015,0.121,0.4482};
ambientMidCloud[] = {0.015,0.121,0.4482};
groundReflection[] = {0.015,0.1452,0.4482};
groundReflectionCloud[] = {0.015,0.1452,0.4482};
bidirect[] = {0,0,0};
bidirectCloud[] = {0,0,0};
sky[] = {{0.001273,0.000735,0.004057},0.001123};
skyAroundSun[] = {4e-006,0.000104,0.000366};
fogColor[] = {0.005,0.005,0.005};
apertureMin = 5.916064;
apertureStandard = 6.859;
apertureMax = 17.1475;
standardAvgLum = 1.08;
desiredLuminanceCoef = 0;
desiredLuminanceCoefCloud = 0;
luminanceRectCoef = 1;
luminanceRectCoefCloud = 1;
rayleigh[] = {0.00749,0.01388,0.02878};
mie[] = {0.0046,0.0046,0.0046};
cloudsColor[] = {{0.3,0.4,1},13.61492};
swBrightness = 5;
class Lighting23
height = -0.001;
overcast = 0.4;
sunAngle = -10;
sunOrMoon = 0;
diffuse[] = {{0.077,0.24696,0.97},2.24};
diffuseCloud[] = {{0.077,0.24696,0.97},2.24};
ambient[] = {0.015,0.121,0.4482};
ambientCloud[] = {0.015,0.121,0.4482};
ambientMid[] = {0.015,0.121,0.4482};
ambientMidCloud[] = {0.015,0.121,0.4482};
groundReflection[] = {0.015,0.1452,0.4482};
groundReflectionCloud[] = {0.015,0.1452,0.4482};
bidirect[] = {0,0,0};
bidirectCloud[] = {0,0,0};
sky[] = {{0.004316,0.002493,0.013752},0.011229};
skyAroundSun[] = {0.004332,0.005212,0.009138};
fogColor[] = {0.005,0.005,0.005};
apertureMin = 7.39508;
apertureStandard = 7.22;
apertureMax = 18.05;
standardAvgLum = 1.8;
desiredLuminanceCoef = 0;
desiredLuminanceCoefCloud = 0;
luminanceRectCoef = 1;
luminanceRectCoefCloud = 1;
rayleigh[] = {0.00749,0.01388,0.02878};
mie[] = {0.0046,0.0046,0.0046};
cloudsColor[] = {{0.8,0.81,1},13.61492};
swBrightness = 5;
class Lighting24
height = -0.001;
overcast = 0.4;
sunAngle = -9;
sunOrMoon = 0;
diffuse[] = {{0.077,0.24696,0.97},1.92};
diffuseCloud[] = {{0.077,0.24696,0.97},1.92};
ambient[] = {{0.015,0.121,0.1328},1.536};
ambientCloud[] = {{0.015,0.121,0.1328},1.536};
ambientMid[] = {{0.015,0.121,0.1328},1.6128};
ambientMidCloud[] = {{0.015,0.121,0.1328},1.6128};
groundReflection[] = {{0.015,0.1452,0.1328},1.29024};
groundReflectionCloud[] = {{0.015,0.1452,0.1328},1.29024};
bidirect[] = {0,0,0};
bidirectCloud[] = {0,0,0};
sky[] = {0.014632,0.00845,0.034815};
skyAroundSun[] = {{0.00456,0.005486,0.009619},0.4};
fogColor[] = {0.005,0.005,0.005};
apertureMin = 7.546;
apertureStandard = 7.6;
apertureMax = 19;
standardAvgLum = 3;
desiredLuminanceCoef = 0;
desiredLuminanceCoefCloud = 0;
luminanceRectCoef = 1;
luminanceRectCoefCloud = 1;
rayleigh[] = {0.00749,0.01388,0.02878};
mie[] = {0.0046,0.0046,0.0046};
cloudsColor[] = {{0.8,0.81,1},13.61492};
swBrightness = 5;
class Lighting25
height = -0.001;
overcast = 0.4;
sunAngle = -8;
sunOrMoon = 0;
diffuse[] = {{0.077,0.24696,0.97},1.6};
diffuseCloud[] = {{0.077,0.24696,0.97},1.6};
ambient[] = {{0.03,0.0847,0.12699},1.28};
ambientCloud[] = {{0.03,0.0847,0.12699},1.28};
ambientMid[] = {{0.03,0.0847,0.12699},1.344};
ambientMidCloud[] = {{0.03,0.0847,0.12699},1.344};
groundReflection[] = {{0.03,0.10164,0.12699},1.0752};
groundReflectionCloud[] = {{0.03,0.10164,0.12699},1.0752};
bidirect[] = {3.2e-005,5.1e-005,7.2e-005};
bidirectCloud[] = {3.2e-005,5.1e-005,7.2e-005};
sky[] = {{0.0496,0.028644,0.118017},0.014036};
skyAroundSun[] = {{0.0048,0.005775,0.010125},1.8183};
fogColor[] = {0.005,0.005,0.005};
apertureMin = 7.7;
apertureStandard = 8;
apertureMax = 20;
standardAvgLum = 5;
desiredLuminanceCoef = 0;
desiredLuminanceCoefCloud = 0;
luminanceRectCoef = 1;
luminanceRectCoefCloud = 1;
rayleigh[] = {0.00749,0.01388,0.02878};
mie[] = {0.0046,0.0046,0.0046};
cloudsColor[] = {{0.8,0.81,1},12};
swBrightness = 4;
class Lighting26
height = -0.001;
overcast = 0.4;
sunAngle = -6;
sunOrMoon = 0;
diffuse[] = {{0.077,0.24696,0.97},1.36};
diffuseCloud[] = {{0.077,0.24696,0.97},1.36};
ambient[] = {{0.045,0.121,0.18675},1.088};
ambientCloud[] = {{0.045,0.121,0.18675},1.088};
ambientMid[] = {{0.045,0.121,0.18675},1.1424};
ambientMidCloud[] = {{0.045,0.121,0.18675},1.1424};
groundReflection[] = {{0.045,0.1452,0.18675},0.91392};
groundReflectionCloud[] = {{0.045,0.1452,0.18675},0.91392};
bidirect[] = {0.00032,0.000509,0.000724};
bidirectCloud[] = {0.00032,0.000509,0.000724};
sky[] = {{0.16,0.0924,0.3807},0.84216};
skyAroundSun[] = {{0.048,0.05775,0.10125},4.8488};
fogColor[] = {0.005,0.005,0.005};
apertureMin = 7.8;
apertureStandard = 9;
apertureMax = 20;
standardAvgLum = 10;
desiredLuminanceCoef = 0;
desiredLuminanceCoefCloud = 0;
luminanceRectCoef = 1;
luminanceRectCoefCloud = 1;
rayleigh[] = {0.00749,0.01388,0.02878};
mie[] = {0.0046,0.0046,0.0046};
cloudsColor[] = {{0.8,0.81,1},11};
swBrightness = 3;
class Lighting27
height = -0.001;
overcast = 0.4;
sunAngle = -2;
sunOrMoon = 0.5;
diffuse[] = {{0.154,0.15876,0.3007},1.276};
diffuseCloud[] = {{0.154,0.15876,0.3007},1.276};
ambient[] = {{0.15,0.3025,0.4482},1.276};
ambientCloud[] = {{0.15,0.3025,0.4482},1.276};
ambientMid[] = {{0.15,0.3025,0.4482},1.3398};
ambientMidCloud[] = {{0.15,0.3025,0.4482},1.3398};
groundReflection[] = {{0.15,0.363,0.4482},1.07184};
groundReflectionCloud[] = {{0.15,0.363,0.4482},1.07184};
bidirect[] = {0.000746,0.001187,0.001689};
bidirectCloud[] = {0.000746,0.001187,0.001689};
sky[] = {{0.16,0.165,0.2115},3.045812};
skyAroundSun[] = {{0.12,0.10395,0.09},9.0915};
fogColor[] = {0.005,0.005,0.005};
apertureMin = 8;
apertureStandard = 10;
apertureMax = 20;
standardAvgLum = 20;
desiredLuminanceCoef = 0;
desiredLuminanceCoefCloud = 0;
luminanceRectCoef = 1;
luminanceRectCoefCloud = 1;
rayleigh[] = {0.00749,0.01388,0.02878};
mie[] = {0.0046,0.0046,0.0046};
cloudsColor[] = {{0.8,0.81,1},11};
swBrightness = 2;
class Lighting28
height = -0.001;
overcast = 0.4;
sunAngle = 0;
sunOrMoon = 1;
diffuse[] = {{0.693,0.24696,0.2134},4.8488};
diffuseCloud[] = {{0.693,0.24696,0.2134},4.8488};
ambient[] = {{0.3,0.470085,0.562491},4.36392};
ambientCloud[] = {{0.3,0.470085,0.562491},4.36392};
ambientMid[] = {{0.3,0.470085,0.562491},4.582116};
ambientMidCloud[] = {{0.3,0.470085,0.562491},4.582116};
groundReflection[] = {{0.3,0.564102,0.562491},3.665693};
groundReflectionCloud[] = {{0.3,0.564102,0.562491},3.665693};
bidirect[] = {0.00213,0.00339,0.004826};
bidirectCloud[] = {0.00213,0.00339,0.004826};
sky[] = {{0.52,0.264,0.4239},4.10553};
skyAroundSun[] = {{0.3,0.09625,0.02997},9.849125};
fogColor[] = {0.005,0.005,0.005};
apertureMin = 9;
apertureStandard = 12;
apertureMax = 20;
standardAvgLum = 60;
desiredLuminanceCoef = 0;
desiredLuminanceCoefCloud = 0;
luminanceRectCoef = 1;
luminanceRectCoefCloud = 1;
rayleigh[] = {0.00749,0.01388,0.02878};
mie[] = {0.0046,0.0046,0.0046};
cloudsColor[] = {{0.8,0.81,1},12};
swBrightness = 1;
class Lighting29
height = -0.001;
overcast = 0.4;
sunAngle = 2;
sunOrMoon = 1;
diffuse[] = {{0.77,0.37044,0.194},7.018};
diffuseCloud[] = {{0.77,0.37044,0.194},7.018};
ambient[] = {{0.2655,0.5093,0.61918},5.6144};
ambientCloud[] = {{0.2655,0.5093,0.61918},5.6144};
ambientMid[] = {{0.2655,0.5093,0.61918},5.89512};
ambientMidCloud[] = {{0.2655,0.5093,0.61918},5.89512};
groundReflection[] = {{0.2655,0.61116,0.61918},4.716096};
groundReflectionCloud[] = {{0.2655,0.61116,0.61918},4.716096};
bidirect[] = {0.003195,0.005085,0.007239};
bidirectCloud[] = {0.003195,0.005085,0.007239};
sky[] = {{0.4312,0.31031,0.5175},6.568848};
skyAroundSun[] = {{0.4392,0.128744,0.03609},13.3342};
fogColor[] = {0.005,0.005,0.005};
apertureMin = 10;
apertureStandard = 15;
apertureMax = 20;
standardAvgLum = 70;
desiredLuminanceCoef = 0;
desiredLuminanceCoefCloud = 0;
luminanceRectCoef = 1;
luminanceRectCoefCloud = 1;
rayleigh[] = {0.00749,0.01388,0.02878};
mie[] = {0.0046,0.0046,0.0046};
cloudsColor[] = {{0.8,0.81,1},13};
swBrightness = 1;
class Lighting30
height = -0.001;
overcast = 0.4;
sunAngle = 6;
sunOrMoon = 1;
diffuse[] = {{0.77,0.5292,0.291},10.208};
diffuseCloud[] = {{0.77,0.5292,0.291},10.208};
ambient[] = {{0.285,0.5401,0.66234},8.1664};
ambientCloud[] = {{0.285,0.5401,0.66234},8.1664};
ambientMid[] = {{0.285,0.5401,0.66234},8.57472};
ambientMidCloud[] = {{0.285,0.5401,0.66234},8.57472};
groundReflection[] = {{0.285,0.64812,0.66234},6.859776};
groundReflectionCloud[] = {{0.285,0.64812,0.66234},6.859776};
bidirect[] = {0.003728,0.005933,0.008446};
bidirectCloud[] = {0.003728,0.005933,0.008446};
sky[] = {{0.42,0.37004,0.6507},8.84268};
skyAroundSun[] = {{0.424,0.206745,0.1188},13.3342};
fogColor[] = {0.005,0.005,0.005};
apertureMin = 15;
apertureStandard = 20;
apertureMax = 40;
standardAvgLum = 120;
desiredLuminanceCoef = 0;
desiredLuminanceCoefCloud = 0;
luminanceRectCoef = 1;
luminanceRectCoefCloud = 1;
rayleigh[] = {0.00749,0.01388,0.02878};
mie[] = {0.0046,0.0046,0.0046};
cloudsColor[] = {{0.8,0.81,1},13};
swBrightness = 1;
class Lighting31
height = -0.001;
overcast = 0.4;
sunAngle = 16;
sunOrMoon = 1;
diffuse[] = {{0.77,0.65268,0.485},11.484};
diffuseCloud[] = {{0.77,0.65268,0.485},11.484};
ambient[] = {{0.315,0.574145,0.70965},9.1872};
ambientCloud[] = {{0.315,0.574145,0.70965},9.1872};
ambientMid[] = {{0.315,0.574145,0.70965},9.64656};
ambientMidCloud[] = {{0.315,0.574145,0.70965},9.64656};
groundReflection[] = {{0.315,0.688974,0.70965},7.717248};
groundReflectionCloud[] = {{0.315,0.688974,0.70965},7.717248};
bidirect[] = {0.00426,0.00678,0.009652};
bidirectCloud[] = {0.00426,0.00678,0.009652};
sky[] = {{0.408,0.437085,0.62163},10.77965};
skyAroundSun[] = {{0.412,0.437976,0.42435},13.9403};
fogColor[] = {0.005,0.005,0.005};
apertureMin = 15;
apertureStandard = 25;
apertureMax = 85;
standardAvgLum = 450;
desiredLuminanceCoef = 0;
desiredLuminanceCoefCloud = 0;
luminanceRectCoef = 1;
luminanceRectCoefCloud = 1;
rayleigh[] = {0.00749,0.01388,0.02878};
mie[] = {0.0046,0.0046,0.0046};
cloudsColor[] = {{0.8,0.81,1},13};
swBrightness = 1;
class Lighting32
height = -0.001;
overcast = 0.4;
sunAngle = 45;
sunOrMoon = 1;
diffuse[] = {{0.77,0.882,0.97},12.76};
diffuseCloud[] = {{0.77,0.882,0.97},12.76};
ambient[] = {{0.3,0.605,0.747},10.208};
ambientCloud[] = {{0.3,0.605,0.747},10.208};
ambientMid[] = {{0.3,0.605,0.747},10.7184};
ambientMidCloud[] = {{0.3,0.605,0.747},10.7184};
groundReflection[] = {{0.3,0.726,0.747},8.57472};
groundReflectionCloud[] = {{0.3,0.726,0.747},8.57472};
bidirect[] = {0.00426,0.00678,0.009652};
bidirectCloud[] = {0.00426,0.00678,0.009652};
sky[] = {{0.4,0.55,0.9},11.2288};
skyAroundSun[] = {{0.4,0.385,0.45},15.1525};
fogColor[] = {0.005,0.005,0.005};
apertureMin = 22.5;
apertureStandard = 65;
apertureMax = 85;
standardAvgLum = 800;
desiredLuminanceCoef = 0;
desiredLuminanceCoefCloud = 0;
luminanceRectCoef = 1;
luminanceRectCoefCloud = 1;
rayleigh[] = {0.00749,0.01388,0.02878};
mie[] = {0.006,0.0046,0.004};
cloudsColor[] = {{0.8,0.81,1},13.61492};
swBrightness = 1;
class Lighting33
height = -60;
overcast = 0.4;
sunAngle = -14;
sunOrMoon = 0;
diffuse[] = {0.0165,0.19208,0.679};
diffuseCloud[] = {0.0165,0.19208,0.679};
ambient[] = {0.0075,0.0968,0.4482};
ambientCloud[] = {0.0075,0.0968,0.4482};
ambientMid[] = {0.0075,0.0968,0.4482};
ambientMidCloud[] = {0.0075,0.0968,0.4482};
groundReflection[] = {0.0075,0.0968,0.4482};
groundReflectionCloud[] = {0.0075,0.0968,0.4482};
bidirect[] = {0,0,0};
bidirectCloud[] = {0,0,0};
sky[] = {0.001273,0.001838,0.004057};
skyAroundSun[] = {4e-006,0.000104,0.000366};
fogColor[] = {0.005,0.005,0.005};
apertureMin = 5.916064;
apertureStandard = 6.859;
apertureMax = 17.1475;
standardAvgLum = 1.08;
desiredLuminanceCoef = 0;
desiredLuminanceCoefCloud = 0;
luminanceRectCoef = 1;
luminanceRectCoefCloud = 1;
rayleigh[] = {0.00749,0.01388,0.02878};
mie[] = {0.0046,0.0046,0.0046};
cloudsColor[] = {{0.3,0.4,1},13.61492};
swBrightness = 5;
class Lighting34
height = -60;
overcast = 0.4;
sunAngle = -10;
sunOrMoon = 0;
diffuse[] = {{0.0385,0.24696,0.97},1.12};
diffuseCloud[] = {{0.0385,0.24696,0.97},1.12};
ambient[] = {0.0075,0.0968,0.4482};
ambientCloud[] = {0.0075,0.0968,0.4482};
ambientMid[] = {0.0075,0.0968,0.4482};
ambientMidCloud[] = {0.0075,0.0968,0.4482};
groundReflection[] = {0.0075,0.0968,0.4482};
groundReflectionCloud[] = {0.0075,0.0968,0.4482};
bidirect[] = {0,0,0};
bidirectCloud[] = {0,0,0};
sky[] = {{0.004316,0.006232,0.013752},0.011229};
skyAroundSun[] = {0.004332,0.005212,0.009138};
fogColor[] = {0.005,0.005,0.005};
apertureMin = 7.39508;
apertureStandard = 7.22;
apertureMax = 18.05;
standardAvgLum = 1.8;
desiredLuminanceCoef = 0;
desiredLuminanceCoefCloud = 0;
luminanceRectCoef = 1;
luminanceRectCoefCloud = 1;
rayleigh[] = {0.00749,0.01388,0.02878};
mie[] = {0.0046,0.0046,0.0046};
cloudsColor[] = {{0.8,0.81,1},13.61492};
swBrightness = 5;
class Lighting35
height = -60;
overcast = 0.4;
sunAngle = -9;
sunOrMoon = 0;
diffuse[] = {{0.0385,0.24696,0.97},0.96};
diffuseCloud[] = {{0.0385,0.24696,0.97},0.96};
ambient[] = {{0.0075,0.0968,0.1328},1.3824};
ambientCloud[] = {{0.0075,0.0968,0.1328},1.3824};
ambientMid[] = {{0.0075,0.0968,0.1328},1.10592};
ambientMidCloud[] = {{0.0075,0.0968,0.1328},1.10592};
groundReflection[] = {{0.0075,0.0968,0.1328},0.884736};
groundReflectionCloud[] = {{0.0075,0.0968,0.1328},0.884736};
bidirect[] = {0,0,0};
bidirectCloud[] = {0,0,0};
sky[] = {0.014632,0.021125,0.034815};
skyAroundSun[] = {{0.00456,0.005486,0.009619},0.392};
fogColor[] = {0.005,0.005,0.005};
apertureMin = 7.546;
apertureStandard = 7.6;
apertureMax = 19;
standardAvgLum = 3;
desiredLuminanceCoef = 0;
desiredLuminanceCoefCloud = 0;
luminanceRectCoef = 1;
luminanceRectCoefCloud = 1;
rayleigh[] = {0.00749,0.01388,0.02878};
mie[] = {0.0046,0.0046,0.0046};
cloudsColor[] = {{0.8,0.81,1},13.61492};
swBrightness = 5;
class Lighting36
height = -60;
overcast = 0.4;
sunAngle = -8;
sunOrMoon = 0;
diffuse[] = {{0.0385,0.24696,0.97},0.8};
diffuseCloud[] = {{0.0385,0.24696,0.97},0.8};
ambient[] = {{0.015,0.06776,0.12699},1.152};
ambientCloud[] = {{0.015,0.06776,0.12699},1.152};
ambientMid[] = {{0.015,0.06776,0.12699},0.9216};
ambientMidCloud[] = {{0.015,0.06776,0.12699},0.9216};
groundReflection[] = {{0.015,0.06776,0.12699},0.73728};
groundReflectionCloud[] = {{0.015,0.06776,0.12699},0.73728};
bidirect[] = {1.6e-005,2.5e-005,3.6e-005};
bidirectCloud[] = {1.6e-005,2.5e-005,3.6e-005};
sky[] = {{0.0496,0.07161,0.118017},0.014036};
skyAroundSun[] = {{0.0048,0.005775,0.010125},1.781934};
fogColor[] = {0.005,0.005,0.005};
apertureMin = 7.7;
apertureStandard = 8;
apertureMax = 20;
standardAvgLum = 5;
desiredLuminanceCoef = 0;
desiredLuminanceCoefCloud = 0;
luminanceRectCoef = 1;
luminanceRectCoefCloud = 1;
rayleigh[] = {0.00749,0.01388,0.02878};
mie[] = {0.0046,0.0046,0.0046};
cloudsColor[] = {{0.8,0.81,1},12};
swBrightness = 4;
class Lighting37
height = -60;
overcast = 0.4;
sunAngle = -6;
sunOrMoon = 0;
diffuse[] = {{0.0385,0.24696,0.97},0.68};
diffuseCloud[] = {{0.0385,0.24696,0.97},0.68};
ambient[] = {{0.0225,0.0968,0.18675},0.9792};
ambientCloud[] = {{0.0225,0.0968,0.18675},0.9792};
ambientMid[] = {{0.0225,0.0968,0.18675},0.78336};
ambientMidCloud[] = {{0.0225,0.0968,0.18675},0.78336};
groundReflection[] = {{0.0225,0.0968,0.18675},0.626688};
groundReflectionCloud[] = {{0.0225,0.0968,0.18675},0.626688};
bidirect[] = {0.00016,0.000254,0.000362};
bidirectCloud[] = {0.00016,0.000254,0.000362};
sky[] = {{0.16,0.231,0.3807},0.84216};
skyAroundSun[] = {{0.048,0.05775,0.10125},4.751824};
fogColor[] = {0.005,0.005,0.005};
apertureMin = 7.8;
apertureStandard = 9;
apertureMax = 20;
standardAvgLum = 10;
desiredLuminanceCoef = 0;
desiredLuminanceCoefCloud = 0;
luminanceRectCoef = 1;
luminanceRectCoefCloud = 1;
rayleigh[] = {0.00749,0.01388,0.02878};
mie[] = {0.0046,0.0046,0.0046};
cloudsColor[] = {{0.8,0.81,1},11};
swBrightness = 3;
class Lighting38
height = -60;
overcast = 0.4;
sunAngle = -2;
sunOrMoon = 0.5;
diffuse[] = {{0.077,0.15876,0.3007},0.638};
diffuseCloud[] = {{0.077,0.15876,0.3007},0.638};
ambient[] = {{0.075,0.242,0.4482},1.1484};
ambientCloud[] = {{0.075,0.242,0.4482},1.1484};
ambientMid[] = {{0.075,0.242,0.4482},0.91872};
ambientMidCloud[] = {{0.075,0.242,0.4482},0.91872};
groundReflection[] = {{0.075,0.242,0.4482},0.734976};
groundReflectionCloud[] = {{0.075,0.242,0.4482},0.734976};
bidirect[] = {0.000373,0.000593,0.000845};
bidirectCloud[] = {0.000373,0.000593,0.000845};
sky[] = {{0.32,0.33,0.423},3.045812};
skyAroundSun[] = {{0.12,0.10395,0.09},8.90967};
fogColor[] = {0.005,0.005,0.005};
apertureMin = 8;
apertureStandard = 10;
apertureMax = 20;
standardAvgLum = 20;
desiredLuminanceCoef = 0;
desiredLuminanceCoefCloud = 0;
luminanceRectCoef = 1;
luminanceRectCoefCloud = 1;
rayleigh[] = {0.00749,0.01388,0.02878};
mie[] = {0.0046,0.0046,0.0046};
cloudsColor[] = {{0.8,0.81,1},11};
swBrightness = 2;
class Lighting39
height = -60;
overcast = 0.4;
sunAngle = 0;
sunOrMoon = 1;
diffuse[] = {{0.3465,0.24696,0.2134},2.4244};
diffuseCloud[] = {{0.3465,0.24696,0.2134},2.4244};
ambient[] = {{0.15,0.376068,0.562491},3.927528};
ambientCloud[] = {{0.15,0.376068,0.562491},3.927528};
ambientMid[] = {{0.15,0.376068,0.562491},3.142022};
ambientMidCloud[] = {{0.15,0.376068,0.562491},3.142022};
groundReflection[] = {{0.15,0.376068,0.562491},2.513618};
groundReflectionCloud[] = {{0.15,0.376068,0.562491},2.513618};
bidirect[] = {0.001065,0.001695,0.002413};
bidirectCloud[] = {0.001065,0.001695,0.002413};
sky[] = {{0.52,0.44,0.4239},4.10553};
skyAroundSun[] = {{0.3,0.09625,0.02997},9.652143};
fogColor[] = {0.005,0.005,0.005};
apertureMin = 9;
apertureStandard = 12;
apertureMax = 20;
standardAvgLum = 60;
desiredLuminanceCoef = 0;
desiredLuminanceCoefCloud = 0;
luminanceRectCoef = 1;
luminanceRectCoefCloud = 1;
rayleigh[] = {0.00749,0.01388,0.02878};
mie[] = {0.0046,0.0046,0.0046};
cloudsColor[] = {{0.8,0.81,1},12};
swBrightness = 1;
class Lighting40
height = -60;
overcast = 0.4;
sunAngle = 2;
sunOrMoon = 1;
diffuse[] = {{0.385,0.37044,0.194},3.509};
diffuseCloud[] = {{0.385,0.37044,0.194},3.509};
ambient[] = {{0.13275,0.40744,0.61918},5.05296};
ambientCloud[] = {{0.13275,0.40744,0.61918},5.05296};
ambientMid[] = {{0.13275,0.40744,0.61918},4.042368};
ambientMidCloud[] = {{0.13275,0.40744,0.61918},4.042368};
groundReflection[] = {{0.13275,0.40744,0.61918},3.233894};
groundReflectionCloud[] = {{0.13275,0.40744,0.61918},3.233894};
bidirect[] = {0.001598,0.002543,0.00362};
bidirectCloud[] = {0.001598,0.002543,0.00362};
sky[] = {{0.4312,0.4433,0.5175},6.568848};
skyAroundSun[] = {{0.4392,0.128744,0.03609},11.87956};
fogColor[] = {0.005,0.005,0.005};
apertureMin = 10;
apertureStandard = 15;
apertureMax = 20;
standardAvgLum = 70;
desiredLuminanceCoef = 0;
desiredLuminanceCoefCloud = 0;
luminanceRectCoef = 1;
luminanceRectCoefCloud = 1;
rayleigh[] = {0.00749,0.01388,0.02878};
mie[] = {0.0046,0.0046,0.0046};
cloudsColor[] = {{0.8,0.81,1},13};
swBrightness = 1;
class Lighting41
height = -60;
overcast = 0.4;
sunAngle = 6;
sunOrMoon = 1;
diffuse[] = {{0.385,0.5292,0.291},5.104};
diffuseCloud[] = {{0.385,0.5292,0.291},5.104};
ambient[] = {{0.1425,0.43208,0.66234},7.34976};
ambientCloud[] = {{0.1425,0.43208,0.66234},7.34976};
ambientMid[] = {{0.1425,0.43208,0.66234},5.879808};
ambientMidCloud[] = {{0.1425,0.43208,0.66234},5.879808};
groundReflection[] = {{0.1425,0.43208,0.66234},4.703846};
groundReflectionCloud[] = {{0.1425,0.43208,0.66234},4.703846};
bidirect[] = {0.001864,0.002966,0.004223};
bidirectCloud[] = {0.001864,0.002966,0.004223};
sky[] = {{0.42,0.46255,0.6507},8.84268};
skyAroundSun[] = {{0.424,0.206745,0.1188},13.06752};
fogColor[] = {0.005,0.005,0.005};
apertureMin = 15;
apertureStandard = 20;
apertureMax = 40;
standardAvgLum = 120;
desiredLuminanceCoef = 0;
desiredLuminanceCoefCloud = 0;
luminanceRectCoef = 1;
luminanceRectCoefCloud = 1;
rayleigh[] = {0.00749,0.01388,0.02878};
mie[] = {0.0046,0.0046,0.0046};
cloudsColor[] = {{0.8,0.81,1},13};
swBrightness = 1;
class Lighting42
height = -60;
overcast = 0.4;
sunAngle = 16;
sunOrMoon = 1;
diffuse[] = {{0.385,0.65268,0.485},5.742};
diffuseCloud[] = {{0.385,0.65268,0.485},5.742};
ambient[] = {{0.1575,0.459316,0.70965},8.26848};
ambientCloud[] = {{0.1575,0.459316,0.70965},8.26848};
ambientMid[] = {{0.1575,0.459316,0.70965},6.614784};
ambientMidCloud[] = {{0.1575,0.459316,0.70965},6.614784};
groundReflection[] = {{0.1575,0.459316,0.70965},5.291827};
groundReflectionCloud[] = {{0.1575,0.459316,0.70965},5.291827};
bidirect[] = {0.00213,0.00339,0.004826};
bidirectCloud[] = {0.00213,0.00339,0.004826};
sky[] = {{0.408,0.48565,0.62163},10.77965};
skyAroundSun[] = {{0.412,0.437976,0.42435},13.66149};
fogColor[] = {0.005,0.005,0.005};
apertureMin = 15;
apertureStandard = 25;
apertureMax = 85;
standardAvgLum = 450;
desiredLuminanceCoef = 0;
desiredLuminanceCoefCloud = 0;
luminanceRectCoef = 1;
luminanceRectCoefCloud = 1;
rayleigh[] = {0.00749,0.01388,0.02878};
mie[] = {0.0046,0.0046,0.0046};
cloudsColor[] = {{0.8,0.81,1},13};
swBrightness = 1;
class Lighting43
height = -60;
overcast = 0.4;
sunAngle = 45;
sunOrMoon = 1;
diffuse[] = {{0.385,0.882,0.97},6.38};
diffuseCloud[] = {{0.385,0.882,0.97},6.38};
ambient[] = {{0.15,0.484,0.747},9.1872};
ambientCloud[] = {{0.15,0.484,0.747},9.1872};
ambientMid[] = {{0.15,0.484,0.747},7.34976};
ambientMidCloud[] = {{0.15,0.484,0.747},7.34976};
groundReflection[] = {{0.15,0.484,0.747},5.879808};
groundReflectionCloud[] = {{0.15,0.484,0.747},5.879808};
bidirect[] = {0.00213,0.00339,0.004826};
bidirectCloud[] = {0.00213,0.00339,0.004826};
sky[] = {{0.4,0.55,0.9},11.2288};
skyAroundSun[] = {{0.4,0.385,0.45},14.84945};
fogColor[] = {0.005,0.005,0.005};
apertureMin = 22.5;
apertureStandard = 65;
apertureMax = 85;
standardAvgLum = 800;
desiredLuminanceCoef = 0;
desiredLuminanceCoefCloud = 0;
luminanceRectCoef = 1;
luminanceRectCoefCloud = 1;
rayleigh[] = {0.00749,0.01388,0.02878};
mie[] = {0.006,0.0046,0.004};
cloudsColor[] = {{0.8,0.81,1},13.61492};
swBrightness = 1;
class Lighting44
height = -160;
overcast = 0.4;
sunAngle = -14;
sunOrMoon = 0;
diffuse[] = {0.00825,0.19208,0.679};
diffuseCloud[] = {0.00825,0.19208,0.679};
ambient[] = {0.00375,0.07744,0.4482};
ambientCloud[] = {0.00375,0.07744,0.4482};
ambientMid[] = {0.00375,0.07744,0.4482};
ambientMidCloud[] = {0.00375,0.07744,0.4482};
groundReflection[] = {0.00375,0.07744,0.4482};
groundReflectionCloud[] = {0.00375,0.07744,0.4482};
bidirect[] = {0,0,0};
bidirectCloud[] = {0,0,0};
sky[] = {0.001273,0.001838,0.004057};
skyAroundSun[] = {4e-006,0.000104,0.000366};
fogColor[] = {0.005,0.005,0.005};
apertureMin = 5.916064;
apertureStandard = 6.859;
apertureMax = 17.1475;
standardAvgLum = 1.08;
desiredLuminanceCoef = 0;
desiredLuminanceCoefCloud = 0;
luminanceRectCoef = 1;
luminanceRectCoefCloud = 1;
rayleigh[] = {0.00749,0.01388,0.02878};
mie[] = {0.0046,0.0046,0.0046};
cloudsColor[] = {{0.3,0.4,1},13.61492};
swBrightness = 5;
class Lighting45
height = -160;
overcast = 0.4;
sunAngle = 0;
sunOrMoon = 1;
diffuse[] = {{0.03465,0.148176,0.2134},0.72732};
diffuseCloud[] = {{0.03465,0.148176,0.2134},0.72732};
ambient[] = {{0.01,0.300854,0.562491},2.552893};
ambientCloud[] = {{0.01,0.300854,0.562491},2.552893};
ambientMid[] = {{0.01,0.300854,0.562491},2.042315};
ambientMidCloud[] = {{0.01,0.300854,0.562491},2.042315};
groundReflection[] = {{0.01,0.300854,0.562491},1.633852};
groundReflectionCloud[] = {{0.01,0.300854,0.562491},1.633852};
bidirect[] = {0,0.05,0.07};
bidirectCloud[] = {0,0.05,0.07};
sky[] = {{0.52,0.44,0.4239},1.642212};
skyAroundSun[] = {{0.3,0.09625,0.02997},9.652143};
fogColor[] = {0.005,0.005,0.005};
apertureMin = 9;
apertureStandard = 12;
apertureMax = 20;
standardAvgLum = 60;
desiredLuminanceCoef = 0;
desiredLuminanceCoefCloud = 0;
luminanceRectCoef = 1;
luminanceRectCoefCloud = 1;
rayleigh[] = {0.00749,0.01388,0.02878};
mie[] = {0.0046,0.0046,0.0046};
cloudsColor[] = {{0.8,0.81,1},12};
swBrightness = 1;
class Lighting46
height = -160;
overcast = 0.4;
sunAngle = 45;
sunOrMoon = 1;
diffuse[] = {{0.0385,0.5292,0.97},1.914};
diffuseCloud[] = {{0.0385,0.5292,0.97},1.914};
ambient[] = {{0.01,0.3872,0.747},5.97168};
ambientCloud[] = {{0.01,0.3872,0.747},5.97168};
ambientMid[] = {{0.01,0.3872,0.747},4.777344};
ambientMidCloud[] = {{0.01,0.3872,0.747},4.777344};
groundReflection[] = {{0.01,0.3872,0.747},3.821875};
groundReflectionCloud[] = {{0.01,0.3872,0.747},3.821875};
bidirect[] = {0,0.05,0.07};
bidirectCloud[] = {0,0.05,0.07};
sky[] = {{0.4,0.55,0.9},7.29872};
skyAroundSun[] = {{0.4,0.385,0.45},14.84945};
fogColor[] = {0.005,0.005,0.005};
apertureMin = 22.5;
apertureStandard = 65;
apertureMax = 85;
standardAvgLum = 800;
desiredLuminanceCoef = 0;
desiredLuminanceCoefCloud = 0;
luminanceRectCoef = 1;
luminanceRectCoefCloud = 1;
rayleigh[] = {0.00749,0.01388,0.02878};
mie[] = {0.006,0.0046,0.004};
cloudsColor[] = {{0.8,0.81,1},13.61492};
swBrightness = 1;

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config part2

class Lighting47
height = -250;
overcast = 0.4;
sunAngle = -14;
sunOrMoon = 0;
diffuse[] = {0.0005,0.001,0.001};
diffuseCloud[] = {0,0,0};
ambient[] = {0.0004,0.0008,0.0008};
ambientCloud[] = {0,0,0};
ambientMid[] = {0.000375,0.00075,0.00075};
ambientMidCloud[] = {0,0,0};
groundReflection[] = {0,0,0};
groundReflectionCloud[] = {0,0,0};
bidirect[] = {0,0,0};
bidirectCloud[] = {0,0,0};
sky[] = {0,0.002,0.003};
skyAroundSun[] = {0,0.002,0.003};
fogColor[] = {0,0,0};
apertureMin = 5.916064;
apertureStandard = 6.859;
apertureMax = 17.1475;
standardAvgLum = 1.08;
desiredLuminanceCoef = 0;
desiredLuminanceCoefCloud = 0;
luminanceRectCoef = 1;
luminanceRectCoefCloud = 1;
rayleigh[] = {0.00749,0.01388,0.02878};
mie[] = {0.0046,0.0046,0.0046};
cloudsColor[] = {{0.3,0.4,1},13.61492};
swBrightness = 5;
class Lighting48
height = -250;
overcast = 0.4;
sunAngle = 0;
sunOrMoon = 1;
diffuse[] = {0.4,0.5,0.5};
diffuseCloud[] = {0.2,0.5,0.5};
ambient[] = {0.1,0.2,0.2};
ambientCloud[] = {0,0.5,1};
ambientMid[] = {0.1,0.2,0.2};
ambientMidCloud[] = {0,0.5,1};
groundReflection[] = {0,0.45,0.4};
groundReflectionCloud[] = {0.3,0.3,0.3};
bidirect[] = {0,0.05,0.07};
bidirectCloud[] = {0.03,0.03,0.03};
sky[] = {{0.1,0.64,1},0.164221};
skyAroundSun[] = {{0.5,0.64,1},0.965214};
fogColor[] = {0.05,0.05,0.05};
apertureMin = 9;
apertureStandard = 12;
apertureMax = 20;
standardAvgLum = 60;
desiredLuminanceCoef = 0.02;
desiredLuminanceCoefCloud = 0.02;
luminanceRectCoef = 1;
luminanceRectCoefCloud = 1;
rayleigh[] = {0.00749,0.01388,0.02878};
mie[] = {0.0046,0.0046,0.0046};
cloudsColor[] = {{0.8,0.81,1},12};
swBrightness = 1;
class Lighting49
height = -250;
overcast = 0.4;
sunAngle = 45;
sunOrMoon = 1;
diffuse[] = {0,1,1};
diffuseCloud[] = {0,0,0};
ambient[] = {0,0,0};
ambientCloud[] = {0,0,0};
ambientMid[] = {0,0,0};
ambientMidCloud[] = {0,0,0};
groundReflection[] = {0,0,0};
groundReflectionCloud[] = {0,0,0};
bidirect[] = {0,0,0};
bidirectCloud[] = {0,0,0};
sky[] = {{0.4,0.55,0.9},7.29872};
skyAroundSun[] = {{0.4,0.385,0.45},18.94062};
fogColor[] = {0.005,0.005,0.005};
apertureMin = 22.5;
apertureStandard = 65;
apertureMax = 85;
standardAvgLum = 800;
desiredLuminanceCoef = 0;
desiredLuminanceCoefCloud = 0;
luminanceRectCoef = 1;
luminanceRectCoefCloud = 1;
rayleigh[] = {0.00749,0.01388,0.02878};
mie[] = {0.006,0.0046,0.004};
cloudsColor[] = {{0.8,0.81,1},13.61492};
swBrightness = 1;
class Lighting50
height = -0.001;
overcast = 0.95;
sunAngle = -14;
sunOrMoon = 0;
diffuse[] = {0,0,0};
diffuseCloud[] = {0,0,0};
ambient[] = {0.006372,0.056282,0.354294};
ambientCloud[] = {0.005735,0.050653,0.318865};
ambientMid[] = {0.005098,0.045025,0.283435};
ambientMidCloud[] = {0.005098,0.045025,0.283435};
groundReflection[] = {0.003008,0.041873,0.283435};
groundReflectionCloud[] = {0.003008,0.041873,0.283435};
bidirect[] = {0,0,0};
bidirectCloud[] = {0,0,0};
sky[] = {{0.32,0.2,0.25},0.000898};
skyAroundSun[] = {4e-006,0.000104,0.000366};
fogColor[] = {0.005,0.005,0.005};
apertureMin = 5.916064;
apertureStandard = 6.859;
apertureMax = 17.1475;
standardAvgLum = 1.08;
desiredLuminanceCoef = 0;
desiredLuminanceCoefCloud = 0;
luminanceRectCoef = 1;
luminanceRectCoefCloud = 1;
rayleigh[] = {0.00749,0.01388,0.02878};
mie[] = {0.0046,0.0046,0.0046};
cloudsColor[] = {{0.3,0.4,1},13.61492};
swBrightness = 5;
class Lighting51
height = -0.001;
overcast = 0.95;
sunAngle = -10;
sunOrMoon = 0;
diffuse[] = {0.05775,0.18522,0.7275};
diffuseCloud[] = {0.051975,0.166698,0.65475};
ambient[] = {0.001888,0.006064,0.017496};
ambientCloud[] = {0.001699,0.005458,0.015746};
ambientMid[] = {0.00151,0.004851,0.013997};
ambientMidCloud[] = {0.00151,0.004851,0.013997};
groundReflection[] = {0.000891,0.004512,0.013997};
groundReflectionCloud[] = {0.000891,0.004512,0.013997};
bidirect[] = {0,0,0};
bidirectCloud[] = {0,0,0};
sky[] = {{0.32,0.2,0.25},0.008983};
skyAroundSun[] = {0.004332,0.005212,0.009138};
fogColor[] = {0.005,0.005,0.005};
apertureMin = 7.39508;
apertureStandard = 7.22;
apertureMax = 18.05;
standardAvgLum = 1.8;
desiredLuminanceCoef = 0;
desiredLuminanceCoefCloud = 0;
luminanceRectCoef = 1;
luminanceRectCoefCloud = 1;
rayleigh[] = {0.00749,0.01388,0.02878};
mie[] = {0.0046,0.0046,0.0046};
cloudsColor[] = {{0.8,0.81,1},13.61492};
swBrightness = 0;
class Lighting52
height = -0.001;
overcast = 0.95;
sunAngle = -9;
sunOrMoon = 0;
diffuse[] = {0,0,0};
diffuseCloud[] = {0,0,0};
ambient[] = {0.013688,0.021224,0.130248};
ambientCloud[] = {0.012319,0.019102,0.117223};
ambientMid[] = {0.01095,0.016979,0.104198};
ambientMidCloud[] = {0.01095,0.016979,0.104198};
groundReflection[] = {0.006461,0.015791,0.104198};
groundReflectionCloud[] = {0.006461,0.015791,0.104198};
bidirect[] = {0,0,0};
bidirectCloud[] = {0,0,0};
sky[] = {0.32,0.2,0.25};
skyAroundSun[] = {{0.00456,0.005486,0.009619},0.4};
fogColor[] = {0.005,0.005,0.005};
apertureMin = 7.546;
apertureStandard = 7.6;
apertureMax = 19;
standardAvgLum = 3;
desiredLuminanceCoef = 0;
desiredLuminanceCoefCloud = 0;
luminanceRectCoef = 1;
luminanceRectCoefCloud = 1;
rayleigh[] = {0.00749,0.01388,0.02878};
mie[] = {0.0046,0.0046,0.0046};
cloudsColor[] = {{0.8,0.81,1},13.61492};
swBrightness = 0;
class Lighting53
height = -0.001;
overcast = 0.95;
sunAngle = -8;
sunOrMoon = 0;
diffuse[] = {0,0,0};
diffuseCloud[] = {0,0,0};
ambient[] = {0.022184,0.0306,0.0549};
ambientCloud[] = {0.019966,0.02754,0.04941};
ambientMid[] = {0.017747,0.02448,0.04392};
ambientMidCloud[] = {0.017747,0.02448,0.04392};
groundReflection[] = {0.010471,0.022766,0.04392};
groundReflectionCloud[] = {0.010471,0.022766,0.04392};
bidirect[] = {0,0,0};
bidirectCloud[] = {0,0,0};
sky[] = {{0.32,0.2,0.25},0.011229};
skyAroundSun[] = {{0.0048,0.005775,0.010125},1.8183};
fogColor[] = {0.005,0.005,0.005};
apertureMin = 7.7;
apertureStandard = 8;
apertureMax = 20;
standardAvgLum = 5;
desiredLuminanceCoef = 0;
desiredLuminanceCoefCloud = 0;
luminanceRectCoef = 1;
luminanceRectCoefCloud = 1;
rayleigh[] = {0.00749,0.01388,0.02878};
mie[] = {0.0046,0.0046,0.0046};
cloudsColor[] = {{0.8,0.81,1},12};
swBrightness = 0;
class Lighting54
height = -0.001;
overcast = 0.95;
sunAngle = -6;
sunOrMoon = 0;
diffuse[] = {0,0,0};
diffuseCloud[] = {0,0,0};
ambient[] = {{0.022184,0.0455,0.08},0.368509};
ambientCloud[] = {{0.019966,0.04095,0.072},0.331658};
ambientMid[] = {{0.017747,0.0364,0.064},0.331658};
ambientMidCloud[] = {{0.017747,0.0364,0.064},0.331658};
groundReflection[] = {{0.010471,0.033852,0.064},0.265326};
groundReflectionCloud[] = {{0.010471,0.033852,0.064},0.265326};
bidirect[] = {0,0,0};
bidirectCloud[] = {0,0,0};
sky[] = {{0.32,0.2,0.25},0.757944};
skyAroundSun[] = {{0.048,0.05775,0.10125},4.8488};
fogColor[] = {0.005,0.005,0.005};
apertureMin = 7.8;
apertureStandard = 9;
apertureMax = 20;
standardAvgLum = 10;
desiredLuminanceCoef = 0;
desiredLuminanceCoefCloud = 0;
luminanceRectCoef = 1;
luminanceRectCoefCloud = 1;
rayleigh[] = {0.00749,0.01388,0.02878};
mie[] = {0.0046,0.0046,0.0046};
cloudsColor[] = {{0.8,0.81,1},11};
swBrightness = 0;
class Lighting55
height = -0.001;
overcast = 0.95;
sunAngle = -2;
sunOrMoon = 0.5;
diffuse[] = {0,0,0};
diffuseCloud[] = {0,0,0};
ambient[] = {{0.07,0.0775,0.086},3.938438};
ambientCloud[] = {{0.063,0.06975,0.0774},3.544594};
ambientMid[] = {{0.056,0.062,0.0688},3.544594};
ambientMidCloud[] = {{0.056,0.062,0.0688},3.544594};
groundReflection[] = {{0.03304,0.05766,0.0688},2.835675};
groundReflectionCloud[] = {{0.03304,0.05766,0.0688},2.835675};
bidirect[] = {0,0,0};
bidirectCloud[] = {0,0,0};
sky[] = {{0.32,0.2,0.25},2.893521};
skyAroundSun[] = {{0.12,0.10395,0.09},9.0915};
fogColor[] = {0.005,0.005,0.005};
apertureMin = 8;
apertureStandard = 10;
apertureMax = 20;
standardAvgLum = 20;
desiredLuminanceCoef = 0;
desiredLuminanceCoefCloud = 0;
luminanceRectCoef = 1;
luminanceRectCoefCloud = 1;
rayleigh[] = {0.00749,0.01388,0.02878};
mie[] = {0.0046,0.0046,0.0046};
cloudsColor[] = {{0.8,0.81,1},11};
swBrightness = 0;
class Lighting56
height = -0.001;
overcast = 0.95;
sunAngle = 0;
sunOrMoon = 1;
diffuse[] = {{0,0,0},0.436392};
diffuseCloud[] = {{0,0,0},0.392753};
ambient[] = {{0.097704,0.13,0.215},4.145724};
ambientCloud[] = {{0.087934,0.117,0.1935},3.731152};
ambientMid[] = {{0.078163,0.104,0.172},3.731152};
ambientMidCloud[] = {{0.078163,0.104,0.172},3.731152};
groundReflection[] = {{0.046116,0.09672,0.172},2.984921};
groundReflectionCloud[] = {{0.046116,0.09672,0.172},2.984921};
bidirect[] = {0,0,0};
bidirectCloud[] = {0,0,0};
sky[] = {{0.32,0.2,0.25},4.10553};
skyAroundSun[] = {{0.3,0.09625,0.02997},9.849125};
fogColor[] = {0.005,0.005,0.005};
apertureMin = 9;
apertureStandard = 12;
apertureMax = 20;
standardAvgLum = 60;
desiredLuminanceCoef = 0;
desiredLuminanceCoefCloud = 0;
luminanceRectCoef = 1;
luminanceRectCoefCloud = 1;
rayleigh[] = {0.00749,0.01388,0.02878};
mie[] = {0.0046,0.0046,0.0046};
cloudsColor[] = {{0.8,0.81,1},12};
swBrightness = 1;
class Lighting57
height = -0.001;
overcast = 0.95;
sunAngle = 2;
sunOrMoon = 1;
diffuse[] = {{0.7,0.9,1},0.94743};
diffuseCloud[] = {{0.63,0.81,0.9},0.852687};
ambient[] = {{0.140184,0.2082,0.3654},4.875317};
ambientCloud[] = {{0.126166,0.18738,0.32886},4.387785};
ambientMid[] = {{0.112147,0.16656,0.29232},4.387785};
ambientMidCloud[] = {{0.112147,0.16656,0.29232},4.387785};
groundReflection[] = {{0.066167,0.154901,0.29232},3.510228};
groundReflectionCloud[] = {{0.066167,0.154901,0.29232},3.510228};
bidirect[] = {0,0,0};
bidirectCloud[] = {0,0,0};
sky[] = {{0.32,0.2,0.25},6.240406};
skyAroundSun[] = {{0.4392,0.128744,0.03609},13.3342};
fogColor[] = {0.005,0.005,0.005};
apertureMin = 10;
apertureStandard = 15;
apertureMax = 20;
standardAvgLum = 70;
desiredLuminanceCoef = 0;
desiredLuminanceCoefCloud = 0;
luminanceRectCoef = 1;
luminanceRectCoefCloud = 1;
rayleigh[] = {0.00749,0.01388,0.02878};
mie[] = {0.0046,0.0046,0.0046};
cloudsColor[] = {{0.8,0.81,1},13};
swBrightness = 0;
class Lighting58
height = -0.001;
overcast = 0.95;
sunAngle = 6;
sunOrMoon = 1;
diffuse[] = {{0.7,0.9,1},1.83744};
diffuseCloud[] = {{0.63,0.81,0.9},1.653696};
ambient[] = {{0.186912,0.28795,0.4361},6.818625};
ambientCloud[] = {{0.168221,0.259155,0.39249},6.136763};
ambientMid[] = {{0.14953,0.23036,0.34888},6.136763};
ambientMidCloud[] = {{0.14953,0.23036,0.34888},6.136763};
groundReflection[] = {{0.088222,0.214235,0.34888},4.90941};
groundReflectionCloud[] = {{0.088222,0.214235,0.34888},4.90941};
bidirect[] = {0,0,0};
bidirectCloud[] = {0,0,0};
sky[] = {{0.32,0.2,0.25},7.958412};
skyAroundSun[] = {{0.424,0.206745,0.1188},13.3342};
fogColor[] = {0.005,0.005,0.005};
apertureMin = 15;
apertureStandard = 20;
apertureMax = 40;
standardAvgLum = 120;
desiredLuminanceCoef = 0;
desiredLuminanceCoefCloud = 0;
luminanceRectCoef = 1;
luminanceRectCoefCloud = 1;
rayleigh[] = {0.00749,0.01388,0.02878};
mie[] = {0.0046,0.0046,0.0046};
cloudsColor[] = {{0.8,0.81,1},13};
swBrightness = 0;
class Lighting59
height = -0.001;
overcast = 0.95;
sunAngle = 16;
sunOrMoon = 1;
diffuse[] = {{0.7,0.9,1},3.10068};
diffuseCloud[] = {{0.63,0.81,0.9},2.790612};
ambient[] = {{0.225144,0.364,0.4942},6.818625};
ambientCloud[] = {{0.20263,0.3276,0.44478},6.136763};
ambientMid[] = {{0.180115,0.2912,0.39536},6.136763};
ambientMidCloud[] = {{0.180115,0.2912,0.39536},6.136763};
groundReflection[] = {{0.106268,0.270816,0.39536},4.90941};
groundReflectionCloud[] = {{0.106268,0.270816,0.39536},4.90941};
bidirect[] = {0,0,0};
bidirectCloud[] = {0,0,0};
sky[] = {{0.32,0.2,0.25},9.162701};
skyAroundSun[] = {{0.412,0.437976,0.42435},13.9403};
fogColor[] = {0.005,0.005,0.005};
apertureMin = 15;
apertureStandard = 25;
apertureMax = 85;
standardAvgLum = 450;
desiredLuminanceCoef = 0;
desiredLuminanceCoefCloud = 0;
luminanceRectCoef = 1;
luminanceRectCoefCloud = 1;
rayleigh[] = {0.00749,0.01388,0.02878};
mie[] = {0.0046,0.0046,0.0046};
cloudsColor[] = {{0.8,0.81,1},13};
swBrightness = 0;
class Lighting60
height = -0.001;
overcast = 0.95;
sunAngle = 45;
sunOrMoon = 1;
diffuse[] = {{0.7,0.9,1},4.5936};
diffuseCloud[] = {{0.63,0.81,0.9},4.13424};
ambient[] = {{0.284734,0.4158,0.46144},8.7725};
ambientCloud[] = {{0.256261,0.37422,0.415296},7.89525};
ambientMid[] = {{0.227787,0.33264,0.369152},7.89525};
ambientMidCloud[] = {{0.227787,0.33264,0.369152},7.89525};
groundReflection[] = {{0.134395,0.309355,0.369152},6.3162};
groundReflectionCloud[] = {{0.134395,0.309355,0.369152},6.3162};
bidirect[] = {0,0,0};
bidirectCloud[] = {0,0,0};
sky[] = {{0.32,0.2,0.25},8.98304};
skyAroundSun[] = {{0.4,0.385,0.45},15.1525};
fogColor[] = {0.005,0.005,0.005};
apertureMin = 22.5;
apertureStandard = 65;
apertureMax = 85;
standardAvgLum = 800;
desiredLuminanceCoef = 0;
desiredLuminanceCoefCloud = 0;
luminanceRectCoef = 1;
luminanceRectCoefCloud = 1;
rayleigh[] = {0.00749,0.01388,0.02878};
mie[] = {0.006,0.0046,0.004};
cloudsColor[] = {{0.8,0.81,1},13.61492};
swBrightness = 1;
class Lighting61
height = -60;
overcast = 0.95;
sunAngle = -14;
sunOrMoon = 0;
diffuse[] = {0,0,0};
diffuseCloud[] = {0,0,0};
ambient[] = {0.003186,0.028141,0.177147};
ambientCloud[] = {0.003186,0.028141,0.177147};
ambientMid[] = {0.002549,0.022513,0.141718};
ambientMidCloud[] = {0.002549,0.022513,0.141718};
groundReflection[] = {0.001504,0.020937,0.141718};
groundReflectionCloud[] = {0.001504,0.020937,0.141718};
bidirect[] = {0,0,0};
bidirectCloud[] = {0,0,0};
sky[] = {{0.32,0.2,0.25},0.000629};
skyAroundSun[] = {4e-006,0.000104,0.000366};
fogColor[] = {0.005,0.005,0.005};
apertureMin = 5.916064;
apertureStandard = 6.859;
apertureMax = 17.1475;
standardAvgLum = 1.08;
desiredLuminanceCoef = 0;
desiredLuminanceCoefCloud = 0;
luminanceRectCoef = 1;
luminanceRectCoefCloud = 1;
rayleigh[] = {0.00749,0.01388,0.02878};
mie[] = {0.0046,0.0046,0.0046};
cloudsColor[] = {{0.3,0.4,1},13.61492};
swBrightness = 5;
class Lighting62
height = -60;
overcast = 0.95;
sunAngle = -10;
sunOrMoon = 0;
diffuse[] = {0.028875,0.18522,0.7275};
diffuseCloud[] = {0.028875,0.18522,0.7275};
ambient[] = {0.000944,0.003032,0.008748};
ambientCloud[] = {0.000944,0.003032,0.008748};
ambientMid[] = {0.000755,0.002426,0.006998};
ambientMidCloud[] = {0.000755,0.002426,0.006998};
groundReflection[] = {0.000446,0.002256,0.006998};
groundReflectionCloud[] = {0.000446,0.002256,0.006998};
bidirect[] = {0,0,0};
bidirectCloud[] = {0,0,0};
sky[] = {{0.32,0.2,0.25},0.006288};
skyAroundSun[] = {0.004332,0.005212,0.009138};
fogColor[] = {0.005,0.005,0.005};
apertureMin = 7.39508;
apertureStandard = 7.22;
apertureMax = 18.05;
standardAvgLum = 1.8;
desiredLuminanceCoef = 0;
desiredLuminanceCoefCloud = 0;
luminanceRectCoef = 1;
luminanceRectCoefCloud = 1;
rayleigh[] = {0.00749,0.01388,0.02878};
mie[] = {0.0046,0.0046,0.0046};
cloudsColor[] = {{0.8,0.81,1},13.61492};
swBrightness = 0;
class Lighting63
height = -60;
overcast = 0.95;
sunAngle = -9;
sunOrMoon = 0;
diffuse[] = {0,0,0};
diffuseCloud[] = {0,0,0};
ambient[] = {0.006844,0.010612,0.065124};
ambientCloud[] = {0.006844,0.010612,0.065124};
ambientMid[] = {0.005475,0.00849,0.052099};
ambientMidCloud[] = {0.005475,0.00849,0.052099};
groundReflection[] = {0.00323,0.007895,0.052099};
groundReflectionCloud[] = {0.00323,0.007895,0.052099};
bidirect[] = {0,0,0};
bidirectCloud[] = {0,0,0};
sky[] = {0.32,0.2,0.25};
skyAroundSun[] = {{0.00456,0.005486,0.009619},0.392};
fogColor[] = {0.005,0.005,0.005};
apertureMin = 7.546;
apertureStandard = 7.6;
apertureMax = 19;
standardAvgLum = 3;
desiredLuminanceCoef = 0;
desiredLuminanceCoefCloud = 0;
luminanceRectCoef = 1;
luminanceRectCoefCloud = 1;
rayleigh[] = {0.00749,0.01388,0.02878};
mie[] = {0.0046,0.0046,0.0046};
cloudsColor[] = {{0.8,0.81,1},13.61492};
swBrightness = 0;
class Lighting64
height = -60;
overcast = 0.95;
sunAngle = -8;
sunOrMoon = 0;
diffuse[] = {0,0,0};
diffuseCloud[] = {0,0,0};
ambient[] = {0.011092,0.0153,0.02745};
ambientCloud[] = {0.011092,0.0153,0.02745};
ambientMid[] = {0.008874,0.01224,0.02196};
ambientMidCloud[] = {0.008874,0.01224,0.02196};
groundReflection[] = {0.005235,0.011383,0.02196};
groundReflectionCloud[] = {0.005235,0.011383,0.02196};
bidirect[] = {0,0,0};
bidirectCloud[] = {0,0,0};
sky[] = {{0.32,0.2,0.25},0.00786};
skyAroundSun[] = {{0.0048,0.005775,0.010125},1.781934};
fogColor[] = {0.005,0.005,0.005};
apertureMin = 7.7;
apertureStandard = 8;
apertureMax = 20;
standardAvgLum = 5;
desiredLuminanceCoef = 0;
desiredLuminanceCoefCloud = 0;
luminanceRectCoef = 1;
luminanceRectCoefCloud = 1;
rayleigh[] = {0.00749,0.01388,0.02878};
mie[] = {0.0046,0.0046,0.0046};
cloudsColor[] = {{0.8,0.81,1},12};
swBrightness = 0;
class Lighting65
height = -60;
overcast = 0.95;
sunAngle = -6;
sunOrMoon = 0;
diffuse[] = {0,0,0};
diffuseCloud[] = {0,0,0};
ambient[] = {{0.011092,0.02275,0.04},0.294807};
ambientCloud[] = {{0.011092,0.02275,0.04},0.294807};
ambientMid[] = {{0.008874,0.0182,0.032},0.265326};
ambientMidCloud[] = {{0.008874,0.0182,0.032},0.265326};
groundReflection[] = {{0.005235,0.016926,0.032},0.159196};
groundReflectionCloud[] = {{0.005235,0.016926,0.032},0.159196};
bidirect[] = {0,0,0};
bidirectCloud[] = {0,0,0};
sky[] = {{0.32,0.2,0.25},0.530561};
skyAroundSun[] = {{0.048,0.05775,0.10125},4.751824};
fogColor[] = {0.005,0.005,0.005};
apertureMin = 7.8;
apertureStandard = 9;
apertureMax = 20;
standardAvgLum = 10;
desiredLuminanceCoef = 0;
desiredLuminanceCoefCloud = 0;
luminanceRectCoef = 1;
luminanceRectCoefCloud = 1;
rayleigh[] = {0.00749,0.01388,0.02878};
mie[] = {0.0046,0.0046,0.0046};
cloudsColor[] = {{0.8,0.81,1},11};
swBrightness = 0;
class Lighting66
height = -60;
overcast = 0.95;
sunAngle = -2;
sunOrMoon = 0.5;
diffuse[] = {0,0,0};
diffuseCloud[] = {0,0,0};
ambient[] = {{0.035,0.03875,0.043},3.15075};
ambientCloud[] = {{0.035,0.03875,0.043},3.15075};
ambientMid[] = {{0.028,0.031,0.0344},2.835675};
ambientMidCloud[] = {{0.028,0.031,0.0344},2.835675};
groundReflection[] = {{0.01652,0.02883,0.0344},1.701405};
groundReflectionCloud[] = {{0.01652,0.02883,0.0344},1.701405};
bidirect[] = {0,0,0};
bidirectCloud[] = {0,0,0};
sky[] = {{0.32,0.2,0.25},2.025465};
skyAroundSun[] = {{0.12,0.10395,0.09},8.90967};
fogColor[] = {0.005,0.005,0.005};
apertureMin = 8;
apertureStandard = 10;
apertureMax = 20;
standardAvgLum = 20;
desiredLuminanceCoef = 0;
desiredLuminanceCoefCloud = 0;
luminanceRectCoef = 1;
luminanceRectCoefCloud = 1;
rayleigh[] = {0.00749,0.01388,0.02878};
mie[] = {0.0046,0.0046,0.0046};
cloudsColor[] = {{0.8,0.81,1},11};
swBrightness = 0;
class Lighting67
height = -60;
overcast = 0.95;
sunAngle = 0;
sunOrMoon = 1;
diffuse[] = {{0,0,0},0.218196};
diffuseCloud[] = {{0,0,0},0.218196};
ambient[] = {{0.048852,0.065,0.1075},3.316579};
ambientCloud[] = {{0.048852,0.065,0.1075},3.316579};
ambientMid[] = {{0.039082,0.052,0.086},2.984921};
ambientMidCloud[] = {{0.039082,0.052,0.086},2.984921};
groundReflection[] = {{0.023058,0.04836,0.086},1.790953};
groundReflectionCloud[] = {{0.023058,0.04836,0.086},1.790953};
bidirect[] = {0,0,0};
bidirectCloud[] = {0,0,0};
sky[] = {{0.32,0.2,0.25},2.873871};
skyAroundSun[] = {{0.3,0.09625,0.02997},9.652143};
fogColor[] = {0.005,0.005,0.005};
apertureMin = 9;
apertureStandard = 12;
apertureMax = 20;
standardAvgLum = 60;
desiredLuminanceCoef = 0;
desiredLuminanceCoefCloud = 0;
luminanceRectCoef = 1;
luminanceRectCoefCloud = 1;
rayleigh[] = {0.00749,0.01388,0.02878};
mie[] = {0.0046,0.0046,0.0046};
cloudsColor[] = {{0.8,0.81,1},12};
swBrightness = 1;
class Lighting68
height = -60;
overcast = 0.95;
sunAngle = 2;
sunOrMoon = 1;
diffuse[] = {{0.35,0.9,1},0.473715};
diffuseCloud[] = {{0.35,0.9,1},0.473715};
ambient[] = {{0.070092,0.1041,0.1827},3.900254};
ambientCloud[] = {{0.070092,0.1041,0.1827},3.900254};
ambientMid[] = {{0.056074,0.08328,0.14616},3.510228};
ambientMidCloud[] = {{0.056074,0.08328,0.14616},3.510228};
groundReflection[] = {{0.033083,0.07745,0.14616},2.106137};
groundReflectionCloud[] = {{0.033083,0.07745,0.14616},2.106137};
bidirect[] = {0,0,0};
bidirectCloud[] = {0,0,0};
sky[] = {{0.32,0.2,0.25},4.368284};
skyAroundSun[] = {{0.4392,0.128744,0.03609},11.87956};
fogColor[] = {0.005,0.005,0.005};
apertureMin = 10;
apertureStandard = 15;
apertureMax = 20;
standardAvgLum = 70;
desiredLuminanceCoef = 0;
desiredLuminanceCoefCloud = 0;
luminanceRectCoef = 1;
luminanceRectCoefCloud = 1;
rayleigh[] = {0.00749,0.01388,0.02878};
mie[] = {0.0046,0.0046,0.0046};
cloudsColor[] = {{0.8,0.81,1},13};
swBrightness = 0;
class Lighting69
height = -60;
overcast = 0.95;
sunAngle = 6;
sunOrMoon = 1;
diffuse[] = {{0.35,0.9,1},0.91872};
diffuseCloud[] = {{0.35,0.9,1},0.91872};
ambient[] = {{0.093456,0.143975,0.21805},5.4549};
ambientCloud[] = {{0.093456,0.143975,0.21805},5.4549};
ambientMid[] = {{0.074765,0.11518,0.17444},4.90941};
ambientMidCloud[] = {{0.074765,0.11518,0.17444},4.90941};
groundReflection[] = {{0.044111,0.107117,0.17444},2.945646};
groundReflectionCloud[] = {{0.044111,0.107117,0.17444},2.945646};
bidirect[] = {0,0,0};
bidirectCloud[] = {0,0,0};
sky[] = {{0.32,0.2,0.25},5.570889};
skyAroundSun[] = {{0.424,0.206745,0.1188},13.06752};
fogColor[] = {0.005,0.005,0.005};
apertureMin = 15;
apertureStandard = 20;
apertureMax = 40;
standardAvgLum = 120;
desiredLuminanceCoef = 0;
desiredLuminanceCoefCloud = 0;
luminanceRectCoef = 1;
luminanceRectCoefCloud = 1;
rayleigh[] = {0.00749,0.01388,0.02878};
mie[] = {0.0046,0.0046,0.0046};
cloudsColor[] = {{0.8,0.81,1},13};
swBrightness = 0;
class Lighting70
height = -60;
overcast = 0.95;
sunAngle = 16;
sunOrMoon = 1;
diffuse[] = {{0.35,0.9,1},1.55034};
diffuseCloud[] = {{0.35,0.9,1},1.55034};
ambient[] = {{0.112572,0.182,0.2471},5.4549};
ambientCloud[] = {{0.112572,0.182,0.2471},5.4549};
ambientMid[] = {{0.090058,0.1456,0.19768},4.90941};
ambientMidCloud[] = {{0.090058,0.1456,0.19768},4.90941};
groundReflection[] = {{0.053134,0.135408,0.19768},2.945646};
groundReflectionCloud[] = {{0.053134,0.135408,0.19768},2.945646};
bidirect[] = {0,0,0};
bidirectCloud[] = {0,0,0};
sky[] = {{0.32,0.2,0.25},6.41389};
skyAroundSun[] = {{0.412,0.437976,0.42435},13.66149};
fogColor[] = {0.005,0.005,0.005};
apertureMin = 15;
apertureStandard = 25;
apertureMax = 85;
standardAvgLum = 450;
desiredLuminanceCoef = 0;
desiredLuminanceCoefCloud = 0;
luminanceRectCoef = 1;
luminanceRectCoefCloud = 1;
rayleigh[] = {0.00749,0.01388,0.02878};
mie[] = {0.0046,0.0046,0.0046};
cloudsColor[] = {{0.8,0.81,1},13};
swBrightness = 0;
class Lighting71
height = -60;
overcast = 0.95;
sunAngle = 45;
sunOrMoon = 1;
diffuse[] = {{0.35,0.9,1},2.2968};
diffuseCloud[] = {{0.35,0.9,1},2.2968};
ambient[] = {{0.142367,0.2079,0.23072},7.018};
ambientCloud[] = {{0.142367,0.2079,0.23072},7.018};
ambientMid[] = {{0.113894,0.16632,0.184576},6.3162};
ambientMidCloud[] = {{0.113894,0.16632,0.184576},6.3162};
groundReflection[] = {{0.067197,0.154678,0.184576},3.78972};
groundReflectionCloud[] = {{0.067197,0.154678,0.184576},3.78972};
bidirect[] = {0,0,0};
bidirectCloud[] = {0,0,0};
sky[] = {{0.32,0.2,0.25},6.288128};
skyAroundSun[] = {{0.4,0.385,0.45},14.84945};
fogColor[] = {0.005,0.005,0.005};
apertureMin = 22.5;
apertureStandard = 65;
apertureMax = 85;
standardAvgLum = 800;
desiredLuminanceCoef = 0;
desiredLuminanceCoefCloud = 0;
luminanceRectCoef = 1;
luminanceRectCoefCloud = 1;
rayleigh[] = {0.00749,0.01388,0.02878};
mie[] = {0.006,0.0046,0.004};
cloudsColor[] = {{0.8,0.81,1},13.61492};
swBrightness = 1;
class Lighting: Lighting
class BrightAlmost: DayLightingBrightAlmost
overcast = 0.0;
class Rainy: DayLightingRainy
overcast = 1.0;
class Overcast: Overcast
class Weather1: Weather1
sky = "A3\Map_Stratis\Data\sky_veryclear_sky.paa";
skyR = "A3\Map_Stratis\Data\sky_veryclear_lco.paa";
horizon = "A3\Map_Stratis\Data\sky_veryclear_horizont_sky.paa";
class Weather7: Weather1
sky = "A3\Map_Stratis\Data\sky_veryclear_sky.paa";
skyR = "A3\Map_Stratis\Data\sky_clear_lco.paa";
horizon = "A3\Map_Stratis\Data\sky_clear_horizont_sky.paa";
class Weather2: Weather2
sky = "A3\Map_Stratis\Data\sky_veryclear_sky.paa";
skyR = "A3\Map_Stratis\Data\sky_almostclear_lco.paa";
horizon = "A3\Map_Stratis\Data\sky_almostclear_horizont_sky.paa";
class Weather3: Weather3
sky = "A3\Map_Stratis\Data\sky_veryclear_sky.paa";
skyR = "A3\Map_Stratis\Data\sky_semicloudy_lco.paa";
horizon = "A3\Map_Stratis\Data\sky_semicloudy_horizont_sky.paa";
class Weather4: Weather4
sky = "A3\Map_Stratis\Data\sky_veryclear_sky.paa";
skyR = "A3\Map_Stratis\Data\sky_cloudy_lco.paa";
horizon = "A3\Map_Stratis\Data\sky_cloudy_horizont_sky.paa";
class Weather5: Weather5
sky = "A3\Map_Stratis\Data\sky_veryclear_sky.paa";
skyR = "A3\Map_Stratis\Data\sky_mostlycloudy_lco.paa";
horizon = "A3\Map_Stratis\Data\sky_mostlycloudy_horizont_sky.paa";
class Weather6: Weather6
sky = "A3\Map_Stratis\Data\sky_veryclear_sky.paa";
skyR = "A3\Map_Stratis\Data\sky_overcast_lco.paa";
horizon = "A3\Map_Stratis\Data\sky_overcast_horizont_sky.paa";
humidityUpCoef = 0.1;
humidityDownCoef = 0.05;
class SimulWeather
noiseTexture = "a3\data_f\noise_raw.paa";
numKeyframesPerDay = 48;
windSpeedCoef = "10.0f";
moonIrradianceCoef = "10.0f";
fadeMaxDistanceKm = 1000.0;
fadeMaxAltitudeKm = 15.0;
fadeNumAltitudes = 8;
fadeNumElevations = 8;
fadeNumDistances = 8;
fadeEarthTest = 1;
autoBrightness = 0;
autoBrightnessStrength = 0.1;
cloudGridWidth = 64;
cloudGridLength = 64;
cloudGridHeight = 16;
helperGridElevationSteps = 24;
helperGridAzimuthSteps = 15;
helperEffectiveEarthRadius = 160000;
helperCurvedEarth = 1;
helperAdjustCurvature = 0;
helperNumLayers = 120;
helperMaxDistance = 160000;
helperNearCloudFade = 0.1;
helperChurn = 10;
cloudWidth = 40000;
cloudLength = 40000;
wrapClouds = 1;
noiseResolution = 8;
noisePeriod = 4.0;
opticalDensity = 1.5;
alphaSharpness = 0.5;
selfShadowScale = 0.05;
mieAsymmetry = 0.87;
minimumLightElevationDegrees = 1.0;
directLightCoef = 0.25;
indirectLightCoef = 0.025;
fogStart = 10000;
fogEnd = 50000;
fogHeight = 2000;
class DefaultKeyframe
rayleigh[] = {0.00749,0.01388,0.02878};
mie[] = {0.0046,0.0046,0.0046};
haze = 30;
hazeBaseKm = 5.0;
hazeScaleKm = 1.0;
hazeEccentricity = 1;
brightnessAdjustment = 1.0;
cloudiness = 0.6;
cloudBaseKm = 0.85;
cloudHeightKm = 8.0;
directLight = 0.4;
indirectLight = 1.0;
ambientLight = 3.0;
noiseOctaves = 5;
noisePersistence = 1.0;
fractalAmplitude = 2.8;
fractalWavelength = 190.0;
extinction = 5.0;
diffusivity = 0.001;
class Overcast
class Weather1: DefaultKeyframe
overcast = 0.0;
cloudiness = 0.0;
seqFileKeyframe = 0;
class Weather2: DefaultKeyframe
overcast = 0.2;
cloudiness = 0.3;
diffusivity = 0.5;
seqFileKeyframe = 0;
class Weather3: DefaultKeyframe
overcast = 0.4;
cloudiness = 0.3;
seqFileKeyframe = 3;
class Weather4: DefaultKeyframe
overcast = 0.5;
cloudiness = 0.4;
seqFileKeyframe = 4;
class Weather5: DefaultKeyframe
overcast = 0.8;
cloudiness = 0.9;
seqFileKeyframe = 5;
class Weather6: DefaultKeyframe
overcast = 1.0;
cloudiness = 1.0;
seqFileKeyframe = 7;
hazeDistCoef = 0.1;
hazeFogCoef = 0.98;
hazeBaseHeight = 150;
hazeBaseBeta0 = 6e-005;
hazeDensityDecay = 0.0006;
horizonParallaxCoef = 0.045;
horizonFogColorationStart = "0.8f";
skyFogColorationStart = "0.7f";
soundMapSizeCoef = 4;
satelliteNormalBlendStart = 10;
satelliteNormalBlendEnd = 100;
skyObject = "A3\Map_Stratis\data\obloha.p3d";
horizontObject = "A3\Map_Stratis\data\horizont.p3d";
skyTexture = "A3\Map_Stratis\data\sky_semicloudy_sky.paa";
skyTextureR = "A3\Map_Stratis\data\sky_semicloudy_lco.paa";
access = 3;
worldId = 50;
cutscenes[] = {"myisland_intro1"};
description = "myisland V 1.0";
icon = "myisland\icons\workico.paa";
worldName = "\myisland\myisland.wrp";
pictureMap = "myisland\data\pictureMap_ca.paa";
pictureShot = "myisland\myisland_pic_ca.paa";
plateFormat = "A#$-####";
author = "DragonSyr";
mapSize = 20480;
mapZone = 35;
mapArea[] = {25.011957,39.718452,25.481527,40.094578};
longitude = 24;
latitude = 37;
elevationOffset = 0;
minHillsAltitude = 80;
maxHillsAltitude = 200;
envTexture = "A3\data_f\env_land_ca.paa";
newRoadsShape = "\myisland\data\roads\roads.shp";
class OutsideTerrain
satellite = "myisland\data\myisland_satout_co.paa";
enableTerrainSynth = 1;
class Layers
class Layer0
nopx = "A3\Map_Data\gdt_seabed_nopx.paa";
texture = "A3\Map_Data\gdt_seabed_co.paa";
colorOutside[] = {0.227451,0.27451,0.384314,1};
class Grid: Grid
offsetX = 0;
offsetY = 30720;
class Zoom1
zoomMax = 0.05;
format = "XY";
formatX = "000";
formatY = "000";
stepX = 100;
stepY = -100;
class Zoom2
zoomMax = 0.5;
format = "XY";
formatX = "00";
formatY = "00";
stepX = 1000;
stepY = -1000;
class Zoom3
zoomMax = 1e+030;
format = "XY";
formatX = "0";
formatY = "0";
stepX = 10000;
stepY = -10000;
startTime = "12:00";
startDate = "24/4/2016";
centerPosition[] = {12416,8544,1000};
seagullPos[] = {12416,8544,1000};
ilsPosition[] = {12538.7,9080.4};
ilsTaxiOff[] = {12520,8524.2,12511.1,8457.1,12471.2,8440.7,12422.5,8450.2,12408.5,8495.8};
ilsTaxiIn[]= {12480.6,8599.7,12486.6,9087.4,12503,9100.6,12538.2,9090.4,12537.6,9053.1};
drawTaxiway = 1;
class SecondaryAirports
class Airstrip_1
ilsPosition[] = {12538.7,9080.4};
ilsTaxiOff[] = {12520,8524.2,12511.1,8457.1,12471.2,8440.7,12422.5,8450.2,12408.5,8495.8};
ilsTaxiIn[]= {12480.6,8599.7,12486.6,9087.4,12503,9100.6,12538.2,9090.4,12537.6,9053.1};
drawTaxiway = 1;

class Airstrip_2
ilsPosition[] = {9268.16,21575.1};
ilsDirection[] = {0.8027,0.08,0.5964};
ilsTaxiOff[] = {9034.07,21396.7,9022.12,21398.9,9012.96,21410.5,9008.71,21433.9,9017.87,21463.7,9126.84,21580.2,9168.44,21610.6};
ilsTaxiIn[] = {9168.44,21610.6,9191.79,21623,9207.69,21620.3,9219.23,21617.4,9251.41,21588.8,9256.73,21578.9,9255.22,21567};
drawTaxiway = 0;
class Airstrip_3
ilsPosition[] = {21074.3,7098.58};
ilsDirection[] = {-0.1908,0.08,-0.9816};
ilsTaxiOff[] = {21157.2,7511.69,21158.3,7526.32,21146.7,7531.26,21132.3,7529.41,20863.7,7300.61,20825.6,7275.69};
ilsTaxiIn[] = {20825.6,7275.69,20801.9,7260.94,20798.5,7251.93,20802.7,7244.72,20815.7,7245.37,20847.4,7275.87,20862.2,7280.76,20879.3,7278.83,21068.9,7161.23,21082.9,7163.58,21091.9,7176.15};
drawTaxiway = 0;
class Airstrip_4
ilsPosition[] = {27153.5,24904.1};
ilsDirection[] = {0.6546,0.08,0.756};
ilsTaxiOff[] = {26849.6,24558,26832.5,24542.9,26812.7,24539.7,26789.9,24547.8,26772.8,24560.6,26765.3,24581.2,26769.4,24604,26801.7,24637.3};
ilsTaxiIn[] = {26801.7,24637.3,26831.5,24668.2,26897.3,24705.8,27097.2,24917.6,27113.2,24922.5,27131.3,24916,27142.7,24908.1,27143.8,24899.2,27140,24889.9,27132.9,24881.3};
drawTaxiway = 0;
class Airstrip_5
ilsPosition[] = {23149.6,18400};
ilsDirection[] = {0,0.08,-1};
ilsTaxiOff[] = {23149.8,18795.7,23148.9,18899.7,23137.2,18937.9,23100.4,18946.5,23063.1,18930.5,23046.1,18896.7,23031.6,18845.3};
ilsTaxiIn[] = {23031.6,18845.3,23052,18396.4,23074.4,18367.8,23099.7,18356.6,23132.8,18364.5,23149,18398.5,23149.4,18432.5};
drawTaxiway = 0;

class ReplaceObjects{};
class Sounds
sounds[] = {};
class Animation
vehicles[] = {};
clutterGrid = 1.2;
clutterDist = 140;
noDetailDist = 65;
fullDetailDist = 30;
midDetailTexture = "myisland\data\myisland_middle_mco.paa";
minTreesInForestSquare = 5;
minRocksInRockSquare = 4;
class Subdivision
class Fractal
rougness = 5;
maxRoad = 0.02;
maxTrack = 0.5;
maxSlopeFactor = 0.05;
class WhiteNoise
rougness = 2;
maxRoad = 0.01;
maxTrack = 0.05;
maxSlopeFactor = 0.0025;
minY = -0.0;
minSlope = 0.02;
class Ambient{};
class AmbientA3
maxCost = 500;
class Radius440_500
areaSpawnRadius = 70.0;
areaMaxRadius = 200.0;
spawnCircleRadius = 30.0;
spawnInterval = 4.7;
class Species
class Kestrel_random_F
maxCircleCount = "((1 - night) * 2 * (1 - (WaterDepth interpolate [1,30,0,1])) + (2 * (hills))) * (1 - night)";
maxWorldCount = 5;
cost = 3;
spawnCount = 1;
groupSpawnRadius = 10;
maxAlt = 200;
minAlt = -10;
class Seagull
maxCircleCount = "((sea * (1 - night)) + (2 * houses * sea)) * (1 - night)";
maxWorldCount = 40;
cost = 3;
spawnCount = 1;
groupSpawnRadius = 10;
maxAlt = 200;
minAlt = -10;
class Rabbit_F
maxCircleCount = "(20 * (0.1 - houses)) * (1 - sea)";
maxWorldCount = 5;
cost = 5;
spawnCount = 1;
groupSpawnRadius = 10;
maxAlt = 80;
minAlt = -5;
class Radius40_60
areaSpawnRadius = 50.0;
areaMaxRadius = 83.0;
spawnCircleRadius = 10.0;
spawnInterval = 1.5;
class Species
class CatShark_F
maxCircleCount = "(4 * (WaterDepth interpolate [1,30,0,1]))";
maxWorldCount = 10;
cost = 6;
spawnCount = 1;
groupSpawnRadius = 10;
maxAlt = 10;
minAlt = -80;
class Turtle_F
maxCircleCount = "(2 * (waterDepth interpolate [1,16,0,1]) * ((1-houses) * (1-houses)))";
maxWorldCount = 6;
cost = 5;
spawnCount = 1;
groupSpawnRadius = 10;
maxAlt = 10;
minAlt = -80;
class Snake_random_F
maxCircleCount = "(1 - houses) * ((2 * (1 - sea)) + (2 * (meadow)))";
maxWorldCount = 3;
cost = 5;
spawnCount = 1;
groupSpawnRadius = 5;
maxAlt = 40;
minAlt = -5;
class Salema_F
maxCircleCount = "(12 * ((WaterDepth interpolate [1,30,0,1]) + 0.07))";
maxWorldCount = 40;
cost = 5;
spawnCount = 2;
groupSpawnRadius = 5;
maxAlt = 10;
minAlt = -80;
class Ornate_random_F
maxCircleCount = "(12 * ((WaterDepth interpolate [1,30,0,1]) + 0.05))";
maxWorldCount = 30;
cost = 5;
spawnCount = 3;
groupSpawnRadius = 5;
maxAlt = 10;
minAlt = -80;
class Mackerel_F
maxCircleCount = "(8 * ((WaterDepth interpolate [1,30,0,1]) + 0.07))";
maxWorldCount = 14;
cost = 5;
spawnCount = 2;
groupSpawnRadius = 5;
maxAlt = 10;
minAlt = -80;
class Mullet_F
maxCircleCount = "(8 * ((WaterDepth interpolate [1,30,0,1]) + 0.07))";
maxWorldCount = 14;
cost = 5;
spawnCount = 2;
groupSpawnRadius = 5;
maxAlt = 10;
minAlt = -80;
class Tuna_F
maxCircleCount = "(8 * ((WaterDepth interpolate [1,30,0,1]) - 0.2))";
maxWorldCount = 10;
cost = 5;
spawnCount = 2;
groupSpawnRadius = 5;
maxAlt = 10;
minAlt = -80;
class Radius30_40
areaSpawnRadius = 30.0;
areaMaxRadius = 40.0;
spawnCircleRadius = 3.0;
spawnInterval = 3.75;
class Species
class DragonFly
maxCircleCount = "4 * (1 - night) * (1 - (WaterDepth interpolate [1,30,0,1])) * sea * (1 - windy)";
maxWorldCount = 4;
cost = 1;
spawnCount = 1;
groupSpawnRadius = 1;
maxAlt = 30;
minAlt = -5;
class ButterFly_random
maxCircleCount = "3 * (1 - night) * (1 - (WaterDepth interpolate [1,30,0,1])) * (1 - windy)";
maxWorldCount = 6;
cost = 1;
spawnCount = 3;
groupSpawnRadius = 1;
maxAlt = 30;
minAlt = -5;
class FireFly
maxCircleCount = "(6 * night) * (1 - sea) * (1 - houses) * (1 - windy)";
maxWorldCount = 20;
cost = 1;
spawnCount = 3;
groupSpawnRadius = 3;
maxAlt = 30;
minAlt = -5;
class Cicada
maxCircleCount = "(4 * night) * (1 - sea) * (1 - windy)";
maxWorldCount = 6;
cost = 1;
spawnCount = 3;
groupSpawnRadius = 3;
maxAlt = 30;
minAlt = -5;
class Radius15_20
areaSpawnRadius = 15.0;
areaMaxRadius = 20.0;
spawnCircleRadius = 2.0;
spawnInterval = 2.85;
class Species
class FxWindGrass1
maxCircleCount = "2 * (1 - (WaterDepth interpolate [1,30,0,1])) * (windy interpolate [0.1,0.25,0,1])";
maxWorldCount = 3;
cost = 1;
spawnCount = 3;
groupSpawnRadius = 2.5;
maxAlt = 30;
minAlt = -5;
class FxWindGrass2
maxCircleCount = "2 * (1 - (WaterDepth interpolate [1,30,0,1])) * (windy interpolate [0.1,0.25,0,1])";
maxWorldCount = 3;
cost = 1;
spawnCount = 3;
groupSpawnRadius = 2.5;
maxAlt = 30;
minAlt = -5;
class FxWindLeaf1
maxCircleCount = "2 * (trees + 0.5) * (windy interpolate [0.1,0.25,0,1])";
maxWorldCount = 3;
cost = 1;
spawnCount = 3;
groupSpawnRadius = 2.5;
maxAlt = 30;
minAlt = -5;
class FxWindLeaf2
maxCircleCount = "2 * (trees + 0.5) * (windy interpolate [0.1,0.25,0,1])";
maxWorldCount = 3;
cost = 1;
spawnCount = 3;
groupSpawnRadius = 2.5;
maxAlt = 30;
minAlt = -5;
class FxWindLeaf3
maxCircleCount = "2 * (trees + 0.5) * (windy interpolate [0.1,0.25,0,1])";
maxWorldCount = 3;
cost = 1;
spawnCount = 3;
groupSpawnRadius = 2.5;
maxAlt = 30;
minAlt = -5;
class FxWindPollen1
maxCircleCount = "(3 * (1 - (WaterDepth interpolate [1,30,0,1]))) * (windy interpolate [0.05,0.15,0,1])";
maxWorldCount = 6;
cost = 1;
spawnCount = 1;
groupSpawnRadius = 1;
maxAlt = 30;
minAlt = -5;
class FxWindPaper1
maxCircleCount = "(4 * (1 - (WaterDepth interpolate [1,30,0,1])) * houses) * windy";
maxWorldCount = 2;
cost = 1;
spawnCount = 1;
groupSpawnRadius = 1;
maxAlt = 30;
minAlt = -5;
class FxWindPlastic1
maxCircleCount = "(4 * (1 - (WaterDepth interpolate [1,30,0,1])) * houses) * windy";
maxWorldCount = 2;
cost = 1;
spawnCount = 1;
groupSpawnRadius = 1;
maxAlt = 30;
minAlt = -5;
class Radius6_10
areaSpawnRadius = 6.0;
areaMaxRadius = 10.0;
spawnCircleRadius = 1.0;
spawnInterval = 0.1;
class Species
class HoneyBee
maxCircleCount = "4 * (1 - night) * (1 - sea) * (1 - houses) * (1 - windy)";
maxWorldCount = 8;
cost = 1;
spawnCount = 1;
groupSpawnRadius = 1;
maxAlt = 30;
minAlt = -5;
class HouseFly
maxCircleCount = "(3 + 3 * (houses)) * (1 - night) * (1 - (WaterDepth interpolate [1,30,0,1])) * (1 - windy)";
maxWorldCount = 10;
cost = 1;
spawnCount = 3;
groupSpawnRadius = 1;
maxAlt = 30;
minAlt = -5;
class Mosquito
maxCircleCount = "3 * (1 - (WaterDepth interpolate [1,30,0,1])) * (1 - windy)";
maxWorldCount = 2;
cost = 1;
spawnCount = 1;
groupSpawnRadius = 1;
maxAlt = 30;
minAlt = -5;
class Names
#include "CNames.hpp"

safePositionAnchor[] = {15667,15791.3};
safePositionRadius = 7000;
loadingTexts[] = {"myisland Island","Created by DragonSyr","Real Terrain","South Aegean territory"};
class CfgMissions {
class Cutscenes {
class myisland_intro1 {
directory = "myisland\scenes\intro.myisland";
class CfgWorldList
class myisland {};
#include "cfgSurfaces.hpp" 

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here my cfgclutter

class clutter
        class syr_grassgreen_clutter: DefaultClutter
            model = "A3\Plants_F\Clutter\c_GrassGreen_GroupSoft.p3d"; //c_Thistle_Thorn_Gray.p3d
            affectedByWind = 0.5;
            swLighting = "true";
            scaleMin = 0.3;
            scaleMax = 1.0;
        class syr_grassgreen1_clutter: DefaultClutter
            model = "A3\plants_f\Clutter\c_StrGrassGreen_group.p3d";
            affectedByWind = 0.6;
            swLighting = "true";
            scaleMin = 0.7;
            scaleMax = 1.0;
        class syr_grassgreen2_clutter: DefaultClutter
            model = "A3\Plants_F\Clutter\c_bigFallenBranches_pine.p3d";
            affectedByWind = 0.5;
            swLighting = "true";
            scaleMin = 0.3;
            scaleMax = 1.0;
        class syr_rocky_clutter: DefaultClutter
            model = "A3\Plants_F\Clutter\c_bigFallenBranches_pine02.p3d";
            affectedByWind = 0.0;
            swLighting = "true";
            scaleMin = 0.3;
            scaleMax = 0.7;



and my cfgsurfaces

class CfgSurfaces
    class Default {};
    class Water{};
    class syr_grassgreen_surface : Default
         access = 2;
         files = "syr_grassgreen_*";
         character = "syr_grassgreen_character";
         soundEnviron = "grass";
         soundHit = "soft_ground";
         rough = 0.05;
         maxSpeedCoef = 1;
         dust = 0.15;
         lucidity = 0.3;
         grassCover = 0.0;
         Impact = "hitGroundSoft";
         //surfaceFriction = 1.6;
    class syr_grassgreen1_surface : Default
         access = 2;
         files = "syr_grassgreen1_*";
         character = "syr_grassgreen1_character";
         soundEnviron = "grass";
         soundHit = "soft_ground";
         rough = 0.05;
         maxSpeedCoef = 1;
         dust = 0.15;
         lucidity = 0.3;
         grassCover = 0.0;
         Impact = "hitGroundSoft";
    class syr_grassgreen2_surface : Default
         access = 2;
         files = "syr_grassgreen2_*";
         character = "syr_grassgreen2_character";
         soundEnviron = "grassgreen";
         soundHit = "soft_ground";
         rough = 0.05;
         maxSpeedCoef = 1;
         dust = 0.15;
         lucidity = 0.3;
         grassCover = 0.0;
         Impact = "hitGroundSoft";
    class syr_rocky_surface : Default
         access = 2;
         files = "syr_rocky_*";
         character = "syr_rocky_character";
         soundEnviron = "rocky";
         soundHit = "soft_ground";
         rough = 0.05;
         maxSpeedCoef = 1;
         dust = 0.15;
         lucidity = 0.3;
         grassCover = 0.0;
         Impact = "hitGroundSoft";
class CfgSurfaceCharacters
    class syr_grassgreen_character
    class syr_grassgreen1_character
    class syr_grassgreen2_character
    class syr_rocky_character




edit: cfgsurfaces edited and tested without luck

edit2: updated 

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Ok so in your CfgSurfaceCharacters the "names" array is an array of strings:

class Syr_Rocky_character
    probability[] = {0.75};
    names[] = {"syr_rocky_clutter"}; // <------ Here is the change


class Syr_Rocky_character
    probability[] = {0.75};
    names[] = {syr_rocky_clutter};

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i fix that in previous tests without luck........  probably with too many tests i put again the wrong one.


i ll try that again .........


So , you dont see any errors on my config.cpp.



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test with fixed strings done.


again no clutter :(


everything else working like a charm



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