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[SP/COOP] PIROG port from Arma2

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PIROG (Federal Russian) campaign ported from Arma2 to Arma3 by CUP.

ver 1.0

This is the port of legendary PIROG Russian campaign to Arma3.
This is a mission pack (but contains missions of a campaign with storyline) playable as SP and COOP8.
It needed CUP mods (the CUP terrain is replaceable with old AiA if someone prefer that).
After the Cold War, Chernorus betrayed Russia and left her in a very ungreatful way. The Chernorus people never said a single 'Thank You' because Russians lead them out of the dark ages (into the Soviet style communism). After the separation, Russians was busy with their own problems. Chernorus used this time to build up a pro-American economy from their oil reserves and caviar fished from the Black Sea. The USA - of course - supports them much better then Moscow and the Chernorus government - when their economy and Yankee-like army was ready - started a very aggressive and provocative policy towards Russia. They never gave citizenship to the Russian national minority and they declared them to be secondary citizens or slave people. The anti-human attacks against Russians was daily in the Northern part of Chernorus.
President Medwediev started his own 'War on Terror' in Chernorus.
* CBA A3
* CUP Weapons
* CUP Units
* CUP Vehicles
* CUP Terrains - Core
* CUP Terrains - Maps
AIS INJURY by psycho
FHQ TaskTracker

Ported missions:
1. Day of Victory - large scale attack against an airport
2. Spearhead - break off from the beachhead
3. Liberation - stop ethnical "pacification"
4. Berezino - large scale assault against a big city
5. Dolgarukiy - screening operation in a tank valley
6. Race - break through to the sea, prevent American intervention
Steam Workshop v1.0

Armaholic mirror v1.0

Dropbox v1.0


Campaign as a MOD at Workshop

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Second mission (Spearhead) is published at workshop...

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Third mission (Liberation) is ready and uploaded to workshop.

This is a High Command mission, you have to command a regular Russian and a Chedaki squad...

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Fourth mission (Berezino) is converted and available in Workshop.

This is also a High Command mission. Your team is return to Federal Army and participate in the huge siege of Berezino, the port town.

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The last two mission's port was so quick and easy, so I thought I can finish the next mission (Dolgarukiy) in the weekend.

But in this mission everything is so hard. The mission itself is hard as a player, but the conversation also hard. In every playtest I found newer and newer issues.


First, the CDF infantry. They are the enemy and currently CUP didn't implement CDF, so they use NATO2035 soldiers. It was a glitch in the eralier missions too, but I only realized the main problem with this in this mission: the bodyarmor. The NATO 2035 soldiers wear heavy body armor. They can kill me with 2-3 shot in my body, but I have to inflict 4-8 shots to their body for kill. And this is beacuse their bodyarmor (vest) is much durable. So I created a script last night to remove those bodyarmor and add them a light one. But of course I have to do it carefully because I don't want interfere with the vests when CUP release the real CDF soldiers.


Second, the firing distance. I realized this in the previous missions too: the arma3 AI detect and fire in much larger distance than in arma2. Normally it's not an issue. It made the missions more exciting. But in this mission I found it much harder. But it's OK. The player have to be more tactical to victory. But when the AI act not that way how I - the mission maker - want, thats an issue. E.g.: In Dolgarukiy, on the last objective, finally you got support in a Ka-52 helicopter. This helicopter is not spawned into the mission, he is always present on the map at high distance. And a trigger activate him, when player is near to the last objective. And it works in arma2. But in arma3, the helicopter detect enemies in much longer distance, take off and engeage much mefore the last objetive... ;) It was nice. And I need it, so I was thankful, but it ruined my - the mission maker - concept. :P And this is not the only issue.


And of course I solve every issue, glich one by one, but it take more time then the previous missions.


Oh by the way a question:

Anyone who played the previous missions has an objection to use this script to remove the heavy bodyarmor from CDF in all previous missions?

And I got a suggestion to remove the futuristic glasses, so I remove every glasses from Russian and CDF soldiers too.

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Fifth mission (Dolgarukiy) is finally ready and released. Available in Workshop (link in the first post).

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So yesterday I uploaded the 5th Mission (Dolgarukiy) and now only the latest mission (6th) are in the queue only. I hope this will be much easier to convert and test.

But I have to say, mission Dolgarukiy is a great challange as a player too. Finally I put a lot of support to the player (hard infantry and armor and CAS... etc) and these support looks great: fantastic fireworks. But the enemy is though as steel.

I know, I'm a better mission maker than player and I can imagine players who can do this mission easily. But for me, it was the hardest all of missions of Chesty and Pirog. :D


I have a lot of plans after I release the last mission of Pirog:

* I want to write a script-system what can replace UPSMON, but much CPU-friendly and know much less than UPSMON

* I want to follow the convert project - thank you CUP! - with the army campaign: Mighty Justice.

* I want to pack the converted missions into campaigns

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This is great news Bardosy! 


Everybody:  You should try this campaign.  Bardosy excels at large Combined Arms missions...you won't be disappointed.

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Last mission (6th - Race) is added. It's not as huge missions as Berezino or Dolgarukiy, but I had a serious issue with tasks. Finally I solved it, so I could publish this last mission.

When I will pack these missions into a campaign, I will add the campaign outro. But if you played these as a mission pack, you can check it on youtube:
Pirog outro

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Very cool outro.  Love the fitting music.  What is the Hungarian proverb in English?

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I have not had a chance to play this yet because I am unable to load save games that require Cup Terrain Maps, but I'm looking forward to it.

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Wow, impressed with the sheer size of the missions.  I think it's over and then a new task is assigned.

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Seeing as the new RHS GREF update adding CDF and Chedaki, what is the possibility of an RHS campaign? Just a thought 

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Someone asked the same in Workshop comment. And my answer is: currently it's not my priority (I'm porting the Mighty Justice (US Army) campaign from A2). But since I ported PIROG from A2 and it works in A3, it's not hard to convert the mission.sqm file from CUP to RHS, if you have a list with the name of Russian units in CUP and RHS (like I create this list but Arma2 and CUP). I gave permission to convert the original PIROG in A2 to RHS, so I'm giving the permission now if someone has inspiration for this. If no one does, I will in the near future, but I don't know when.

Anyway, I hope someone create that conversation list from CUP to RHS, because it's always useful and not a hard work, just need time...

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I published PIROG as a campaign (better, easier to play in SP) at Workshop. (check the link in the first post)

Don't forget, Workshop use campaigns as a mod, so it's not enough to subscribe, but you have to check it in the launcher too...

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Someone asked the same in Workshop comment. And my answer is: currently it's not my priority (I'm porting the Mighty Justice (US Army) campaign from A2). But since I ported PIROG from A2 and it works in A3, it's not hard to convert the mission.sqm file from CUP to RHS, if you have a list with the name of Russian units in CUP and RHS (like I create this list but Arma2 and CUP). I gave permission to convert the original PIROG in A2 to RHS, so I'm giving the permission now if someone has inspiration for this. If no one does, I will in the near future, but I don't know when.

Anyway, I hope someone create that conversation list from CUP to RHS, because it's always useful and not a hard work, just need time...

Alright, I might do this myself when I find the time.  Looking forward to your next campaign port, really impressed with this

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