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Miroslaw Kowalski

Firing from vehicles issue

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Hey guys,
I'm currently doing a vehicle mod for the group I play with and it has a hatch on top of it where one passenger can turn out (stand up and open the hatch) and then start shooting but for some reason he can also shoot while being turned in and while turned in his point of view is not where his head is.




This is what my config looks like: http://pastebin.com/yc2fssMZ


Any ideas what could fix my issue?


Thanks in advance :)

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Does anybody have an idea what may be causing the issue?

I was about to respond with "If they did I'm sure they would have posted a reply by now", but seeing that you didn't even give it 24hrs before blatantly bumping your thread, you probably haven't given anyone with the prerequisite knowledge a chance to actually see the thread, let alone respond...


EDIT: On topic, in the config line 405, you have:

                isPersonTurret = 2;

I would assume this is a true/false define whereby 0 is false and 1 is true, so why is yours set to 2? I've searched through the BI configs and have only seen '1' used as a value, so try changing it to 1.

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head bug is caused by inGunnerMayFire = 0;


firing inside afaik can't be fixed beside doing some scripted workaround

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Thanks, reyhard.


putting 1 as a value for inGunnerMayFire fixed the headbug (is this config entry more related to turret weapons and whether they can be used turned in or turned out?)


For the scripting part: do you have any idea how I would script such a workaround? I basically have no knowledge about scripts unfortunately

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