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Ben Harris

Placing two roads of the same type, one on top of the other

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I have two roads of the same type and I want one to go on top of the other but I dont know how to make the one I want go on top (the one I want below is on top). How would I do this? (custom road textures but that wont make a difference).


Kind Regards,

Ben Harris

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no as in, two roads of the SAME type (same ID)


just make the same road but give it a another order ID

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no as in, two roads of the SAME type (same ID)


Like I wrote, the answers about roads your looking for is in the thread I linked in your other thread about the same topic.


Your missing the order = x; parameter from your roadslib.cfg

All your road overlaps will be set as the engine see's fit, which is usually in the order they are stored in the DB,  I.E. The order in which you placed them.


The order =x; parameter allows you to override this by "road type" defined within the roadslib.cfg and also allows you to set which "road types" go above / below other road types when they overlap/end on each other.


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