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Ben Harris

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About Ben Harris

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    Private First Class

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  1. Ben Harris

    Weird GUI Editor Bug

    Didn't Work....
  2. I have the same issue sometimes, I just add my [] execVM "\Harris_Server\Functions\Base\OnKeyDown.sqf" and AddEventHandler into a loop with my server cleanup.
  3. Hi All, So recently I have been reworking a few functions in my project and want to remake dialogs. Recently whenever I try to export of of the GUI Editor (Crt + Shift + S) it flashes the maps loading screen and then just returns to the GUI editor, instead of showing the window like it used to... Could someone help? Kind Regards, Ben
  4. Ben Harris

    White Textures in game

    Is this just in Buldozer, if so, I have the same issue sometimes, do this: Re-Run Bulldozer Configurator, Make sure bulldozer.cfg is set to defaults. Reload Terrain Builder and then Generate layers again (Export Mask / Sat).
  5. Re-Run Bulldozer Configurator, Make sure bulldozer.cfg is set to defaults. Reload Terrain Builder and then Generate layers again (Export Mask / Sat).
  6. Hi All, My Bulldozer hasn't been working properly since the update that upgraded shaders and crap building up to Apex. I can't see the textures on the map in buldozer, this is for both close down and far away (Layers & Sat). Anyone know how to fix this? Kind Regards, Ben Harris
  7. no as in, two roads of the SAME type (same ID)
  8. Hey, I have two roads of the same type and I want one to go on top of the other but I dont know how to make the one I want go on top (the one I want below is on top). How would I do this? (custom road textures but that wont make a difference). Kind Regards, Ben Harris
  9. Ben Harris

    Roads not working

    Works - Reimported files and it works??
  10. Ben Harris

    Roads not working

    http://pastebin.com/v7qRcb0pstill Broke
  11. Ben Harris

    Roads not working

    What do you mean?
  12. Ben Harris

    Roads not working

    Hey, my roads are not working even though they are setup correct, any ideas? Images: https://gyazo.com/2010c2f113f6b5271928ee46b1d9df2e https://gyazo.com/67ef57dec90b74e5acba4ace677eed0e https://gyazo.com/b318605c1cf6f2083d0ddf03aa587af4 https://gyazo.com/188bfe33b71a1f0406540df1cf313702 https://gyazo.com/4bc73fcef3df6ac14c584b33832f4aaa https://gyazo.com/916494aa1f561ca9b1adbd9c5966501e Update: http://pastebin.com/PUS0SJry
  13. So I have all my mods in my P:\a3\ folder but when I put them on the map, they import with no textures.\ This house is usually red https://gyazo.com/09ca8a9c4102edc7943c33dde31c9ef9