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City Capture Game Type

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I have been thinking about this for awhile now that a city capture system might be a fun new experience with arma3 that can utilize almost any map. (please let me know if this exists already, I have never seen it.)


I created a rough idea of what it might look like. 


General Summary:


1. 2 factions (pvp)

2. Fighting to gain control of each city to get closer to one of the factors HQ bases which are on opposite sides of the map.

3. Each city has a perk or resource of spawn timer reduction or maybe just a slight incentive...or nothing at all.

4. Lattice type capture system. Each city is connected to a select number of cities (think Planetside 1) that can only be captured once a linked city has been taken

5. Lattice setup to create choke points where intense fighting takes place.

6. Spawning system to where players who control the city have the advantage over the assaulter. (again planetside 1)

7. Timer based capture system (from planetside 1)

8. Armor can only be obtained at the main HQ so it becomes important for far away battles and harder as you close in on the other teams HQ.

9. Once a team captures a base then the server restarts

10. Variants of the mission could include players scavenging for weapons (arma 3 wasteland)


I came up with this idea because wasteland game types are really fun but the battles are not always constant it is sometimes hard to find consistent fighting from what ive played. I sought to bring an idea to the table of arma 3 because of how great the modding community is.


Any comments and critiques are welcome....especially if there is something like this already out there. 


Picture below is kinda what i drew out. 


Thank you!



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can be done with AAS and linked/synced zones (has a max limit of zones of 15-20 though atm)

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