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Noob question about triggers

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I'm trying to set up a helicopter-centric scenario. What I want to do at the start is have the squadron secure an LZ. 2 Ghost Hawks orbit the area until they and 2 AH-9s have cleared out all OPFOR, at which point they land and drop off their troops. The way its currently set up, I have Loiter waypoints for the transports and Seek and Destroy waypoints for the attack helicopters. I placed an "OPFOR Not Present" trigger volume on the LZ, then set waypoint activation for Transport Unload waypoints to that trigger. However, they completely skip over the Loiter waypoint and go straight to Transport Unload, even if OPFOR are still alive in the trigger volume. I've tried arranging the waypoints and triggers differently,but the only different result I ever get is them waiting in place instead of orbiting. I'm out of ideas, so how can I set up the scenario to play out how I want it to?

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Instead of using loiter, try using a hold waypoint. Hold waypoints will never be completed unless a skip trigger waypoint is synchronized to it. So the trigger that is set to fire when OPFOR is not present should be changed to the "skip waypoint" type, and the loiter waypoint should be changed to a hold waypoint. Hope that helps!

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