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Dassault/Dornier Alpha Jet

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And here we have  Alpha Jet version 0.6



- added new seats

- changed the materials 

- fixed some broken seams

- cockpit changes

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I love this plane... You can use my pics for the promo if you want :)

Thanks a lot for your work Sabre

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nicee, ty. Hope you like the new update. 


How did you manage to keep these guys in formation? Is it players or AI?

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that is something I did not know. good hint, ty dlang!

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dlang, I think I may have found the problem my glass had. Thx for making me look at it again. Some vale was not 100 but 1. Probably a , / . problem again : )

I just hope I wont overdo the new found possibilities : ))





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wow what beauties !!!  :rolleyes:  :wub:   also think about my idea of ​​setobjectexture I will try to make an example of mission with the numbers on the basic Arma 3 L39

I also try to make a smoke script that does not disappear after 30 seconds , if I find a way to do I send it


Do you know if there was a texture like this for the Helijah's model ?


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I think I have included them all. You could probably make one easily if you want. The gimp texture template is in the flight gear pack and can be found in post #3

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Love flying this thing, especially as you can actually use it as a training jet with the controls being unlockable! Thank you!

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Great jet guys, one that can actually be used for training. 


Here are some things I found. 


-Canopy opens every time the aircraft stops, not sure if that was done on purpose. 


-The sound in the cockpit is always the same no matter if you slow down or speed up, possibly something to work on if needed. 

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Thx for the feedback,


Yes indeed, the canopy is connected to the aircraft speed.

I want to have it automatic for myself as I am lazy and I like having it open on ground.


Still, I am experimenting with it, and for the F9F I plan to connect it to engine RPM, so engine on=closed.


Yes sounds. Maybe some day. The code is actually there but does not seem to work as intended.

All we get right now is a different sound when applying thrust.

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Could you make one that could be belly landed,gear up?  And better damage to allow a crashed plane being ditched and abandoned for a mission,a little like "Survivable helicopter script"?   No fire and no explosion.

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small updates:



- 1 new livery

- the glass reflecting too much is fixed



- added a navy version with hook for carrier operations (only partly fictional, there were plans for this)

- added german version pointy nose



still testing, release sometime soon

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Version 0.7 out on steam


- added a navy version with hook for carrier operations (only partly fictional, there were plans for this)

- added german version pointy nose

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small update 0.75


- reduced interior soundlevel

- small adjustments to material reflection

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This plane is beautiful, but i ask the question, why you don't want to make a Mirage or a Rafale for the french community?... It will be marvellous!


Great job with Sabre's library.

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