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Check if variable exists before using getvariable?

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I want to check for a variable of an object that was set by setvariable. How would I check if the variable exists at all to prevent an error?

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_var = missionNameSpace getVariable ["myVar",-1];


if (_var != -1) then {do stuff} else {not defined, so do other stuff}

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You can also use the syntax of getvariable to set a default value. That will also prevent errors when used correct:

private _var = _someObj getvariable["variable_of_doom",objNull];
if(!isNull _var) then {
   //Do something with var
} else {
   diag_log "Error: Variable_of_doom was not set.";

Edit: Moerderhoschi was faster.... D'Oh!

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Those two methods are ok, but what if a possible value is -1 or null object? They are used to avoid some errors, not to really check if a variable is nil.


The first one is the best.

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That thing ckecks Nil:

if (isNil {_your_object getVariable "objects_variable"}) then
 hint "it is Nil";
 hint "it is something";

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