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Terrain - Einfelde North Proving Ground, tank shooting range 2, 5x5km - v1.0

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Schießbahn 2, TrpÜbPl. Einfelde Nord
// Shooting Range 2, Einfelde North Proving Ground, Northern Germany
After my first island project failed in November 2015, I've started to create new one in early December 2015. My Community, the virtual tank bataillon 33, needed a tank proving ground wich meets our requierements and so I decided to rebuild the "shooting range 2, Munster Nord Germany", but to make it as a fictional map, so that I don't have to place thousands of trees in the north.
I know the Map is really not perfect and has its bugs etc., but as I said, it meets our requirements ;)
I hope you can work with it, and in german:"Klar zum Gefecht!!!"
1. One lage tank shooting range, seperated in two parts
2. One smaller infantry shooting range (SB3)
3. Infantry training village Lilli-Dorf for urban ops.
4. Dense forests
Map Size: 5 x 5 km
Map Version: 1.0
Signed: Yes, Keys included
Ich danke:
Silola for his awesome XCam-Editor
FschJgBtl323 .bAm for placing Lilli-Dorf
und dem gesamten virtuellen Panzerbataillon 33 für die Geduld und Hilfe.
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Wow, awesome work!  :D


Your map is located 180km north of Bermuda, in the subtropical climate zone.

Here to be precise: https://www.google.nl/maps/place/34°00'00.0"N65°00'00.0"W/

This has the effect of inaccurate solar movement, and climate simulations may give unnatural readings. 


Is this intentional?


You can check this yourself using:

 hint str (-1*getNumber(configFile >> "CfgWorlds" >> worldName >> "latitude"))

 hint str (getNumber(configFile >> "CfgWorlds" >> worldName >> "longitude"))


Is there any chance that you would change LAT/LON to something like 52°N 8°E?  :rolleyes:

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Correct, but it was definately not my focus for this project. As I said, as long as tanks can shoot at pop-up targets on it, everything is ok. 

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Looks nice, look forward to jumping on my pc later and having a play. Shame it wasnt 10x10 or 20x20 so that combined arms units could use it as a map for home rotations.

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Hey Hunger,


very nice! Congrats on the release. I'm looking forward to having some nice missions on this map.



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That map looks great. Thank you for sharing.

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Really nice job. Was good fun to drive around on. Im not hugely in to tanks so i drove around in a Jackel. Nearly rolled it twice... :D

I really think this would be perfect if it was a bit bigger with a military garrison and airbase.

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