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Item Viewer?

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Sorry if this Question has been asked but I have searched the Forums and the Internet and not been able to find an answer yet. I am relatively new to ARMA 3 and Editing, I saw a Video that posted to YouTube showing the Eden Editor in early testing and the Gentlemen that was using is pulled up a Item Viewer that was layed out like a Grid maybe 5 High by 5 Across that has small pictures of the items and he could scroll through the category without having to click and place each item to see what it was. He made no mention of a Mod that he was using to do so and even said that the Viewer was part of the Editor. I have yet to figure out how to open this if it is indeed a function within Eden and if not does anyone know what he might have been using? 

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Try the Virtual Arsenal. You can get to it from either the main menu through "Learn - Virutal Arsenal" or from within Eden by right-clicking on a unit and selecting "Arsenal" at the bottom of the popup.

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