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Cannot enter helicopter - Pilot needed

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I have a strange problem (since the Eden-update?). When I want to enter a helicopter as any role (even as pilot) I am not allowed and thrown out again with the message "You need to be a pilot in order to enter this vehicle". It is the first time I encounter this in a mission, did not have this problem pre-Eden. I created the mission on my own but I really don't know where I can set this role selection. I use MCC but couldn't find any settings for this (and again, I had no problems earlier). Any ideas?


My mods are




Edit: it has something to do with MCC. When I completely delete MCC modules in the editor, I can enter choppers. Which brings me to the next problem: when I change settings in MCC modules, they are not saved but always spring back to default. I am mostly interested in MCC's "Save gear" function but springs always back to "no". Any help is appreciated

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MCC has a setting called "Enable roles". I believe that is the issue-turn that setting off, and you should be fine.I don't use it's modules so I don't know which one contains it-maybe ask on the MCC thread.

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if modules aren't working maybe try just scripting them in, this should force the functions on/off instead of relying on the module to do it

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