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avibird 1

How do you convert old 2D editor mission into 3D mission and once the 2D editor is gone are you out of luck!

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Just started fooling around with the new 3D editor. Maybe I over looked the information but how do I convert my old 2D editor missions and my PBO.missions into 3D compatibility. If  all your mission are not convert over when they take out the 2D editor are you out of luck.  

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Um, I messed with 3D a whole 15 minutes yesterday, but I pulled open a previously 2D missions and it converted for me and made a backup for the 2D.

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You need to just open your mission in new 3deditor. The first hint after that is about convert mission to 3deditor. If you agree your mission.sqm file will be altered to mission.sqm.oldBackup.

The new mission.sqm is now your current mission file, binarized.

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Um, I messed with 3D a whole 15 minutes yesterday, but I pulled open a previously 2D missions and it converted for me and made a backup for the 2D.

Yep. Me too. It works pretty well!

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When I am in the editor and select an old mission unpbo form (wip) there is no option to open in 3D only 2D on the bottom screen. If I save in 2D now it will automatically save in both 2D and 3D format. I attempted it but only saves in 2D. I can't save a new mission in the 3D format from the old mission menu. How the hell do I save my old 2D mission that are WIP in the editor to the 3D format. If we can't that would suck. I have a lot of WIP mission lol

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OH I see now. You can't access the old missions from the old menu you need to open the missions from the 3D menu.  

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