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[SOLVED] Binarize Error "config : some input after EndOfFile" .rpf CLEAN

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Greetings. I've been for the last 4 hours hunting the possible problem to this clueless error. I did found some tips to check .rpf files which I did and found 2 missing ; but now the .rpf file is clean and it still gives me this error.

I have created new items for the game and I've been trying to binarize the .pbo without success. I have the main config.cpp and then for each kind of equipments I have them separated through other .hpp . Does this mean the problem could be in any of the .hpp and not just the .cpp? I didn't want to flood the topic with code and make people read lines for me but I'm getting a bit desperate. Any tips to help spot the possible culprit easier?


Edit: Sorry for posting on wrong subcategory. i meant addons editing.

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If you include the hpp files in your config.cpp, they can hold the error too. I usually try a 'bisection' if I really have no idea where the error sits - remove roughly half of the lines by commenting them and then see if the error is gone. Note that you cannot just comment half of the total lines, you need to consider that some base classes like CfgPatches and so forth are still in place. Once you figured out which half of your code holds the error, half that one again and rince repeat until you find the error. Good luck!

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Try packing with Mikero's PBOProject as it usually provides more detailed information (specifically, the line number the error appears on) which makes fixing the error a whole lot easier.

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Try packing with Mikero's PBOProject as it usually provides more detailed information (specifically, the line number the error appears on) which makes fixing the error a whole lot easier.


Or maybe post he files as spoilers here, I can tell you where the error is then :)


Regards Arkensor

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Or maybe post he files as spoilers here, I can tell you where the error is then :)


Regards Arkensor

I'll give a try with Mikero's Tools before going on to that. The commentary method has a drawback that some things aren't easy to comment and even those that I would comment if the .pbo still won't binarize the only information I'd get is that for example the problem isn't in the .hpp's which could help when posting the entire code here as a last resort.

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Thank you all, I've solved the problem in 5 mins. PBOProject was helpful enough to point out a couple of problems (one of them loose " }; "). At a certain point he did said "missing file" but after I've somehow sucessfully binazrized with addon builder Arma3 itself pointed out what was the problem and I was able to identify it. If such error happens again I'll know what to try. Thank you all again.

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