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Terrain Problem

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After I built my terrain with pboproject and load it up in arma 3 it doesn't show up in the editor menu.

Pboproject doesn't give me any errors.


Pic 1: https://gyazo.com/ca33ebd9f8801f0964a58aa5e5fd97f8

Pic 2: https://gyazo.com/b0e043cf9ad7b64631ff5b579ce5a542


Here are my configs


Config.cpp: http://pastebin.com/EDBYDjjL

cfgSurfaces.hpp: http://pastebin.com/C5ebw8Ve

cfgClutter.hpp: http://pastebin.com/7JfYckV3


Any ideas about what could be the problem?

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class CfgPatches
 class abc_sample
  units[] = {"abc_sample"};
  weapons[] = {};
  requiredVersion = 1.0;
  requiredAddons[] = {"A3_Data_F","A3_Roads_F","A3_Structures_F","A3_Map_Data"};
  version = "30/07/2011";
  fileName = "abc_sample.pbo";
  author = "Jakerod";

Looks like you used Jakerods sample stuff. Did you had a look at his Atlas Tutorial ?

Is your folder/PBO named "abc_sample"? Don't looks so, as you wrp path is "kiwimap\kiwimap.wrp" (!!!).


Change the CfgPatches entries and config name accordingly, should look like something like this:

class CfgPatches
 class snorkis_kiwimap
  units[] = {"snorkis_kiwimap"};
  weapons[] = {};
  requiredVersion = 1.0;
  requiredAddons[] = {"A3_Data_F","A3_Roads_F","A3_Structures_F","A3_Map_Data"};
  version = "30/07/2011";
  fileName = "snorkis_kiwimap.pbo";
  author = "Snorkis1";
class CfgWorlds
 class CAWorld;
 class Stratis: CAWorld
  class Grid;
  class DefaultClutter;
 class snorkis_kiwimap: Stratis
  cutscenes[] = {};
  description = "Kiwimap";
  worldName = "snorkis_kiwimap\kiwimap.wrp";

And your terrain class should be "class snorkis_kiwimap", not "class abc_sample".

The folder you used to pack must also be named "snorkis_kiwimap" and reside directly in "P:\". Also note that you don't use a real tag for the PBO yet, that is considered a bad style! Would be better to have the terrain under "P:\snorkis\kiwimap" (and pathes accordingly at snorkis\kiwimap or something like that.


P.S. AFAIK there was a bug when wrp file was != class name, but not sure if this was solved already or not.

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Still doesn't show up. What do you mean with != class name?

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Did you change the name of the following class:

class CfgWorldList
 class abc_sample{};

to your terrain class (snorkis_kiwimap)? You can also try to look in the A3 Logs (C:\Users\Username\AppData\Local\Arma 3) if you have some errors related to your terrain.





P.S. AFAIK there was a bug when wrp file was != class name, but not sure if this was solved already or no


some of my projects are built like that and I have no problems in this regard.

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