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Problem for good coders/people with logic skills

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Hey, thanks for clicking on a noob's thread :). So, disclaimer: I'm not good with coding, but I've tried and read everything before I posted this, for many hours. This will probably take some of you gurus out there just one minute. I'll try to boil it down before I draw the whole picture below.



I have six cities on a side, which I use to move two markers between. And attack and a spawn marker. The spawn marker is always moved to the closest friendly city. The attack marker is always moved to the closest enemy city. I have triggers in each city detecting when a city changes side from friendly to enemy (condition in the script could be: triggeractivated x). I've been trying to build a script, and even doing it by triggers. This is above my understanding, and I've read a lot and experimented trying to get it to work, but alas.. :803:




It's confusing to explain so I drew this masterpiece in paint :wub: :




I have read all about IF, conditions, and all the commands but I don't know how to pick between this many complicated options in a script. I started scripting not too long ago and have been stuck on this all day.

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I am very confused by your description of the problem and your picture.

I halfway understand it, but not enough to put anything together.

Try and explicitly explain each side, attackers and defenders, with all the conditions for each marker movement.

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If I understood well :

There are cities.

Each cities are controled by friendlies or ennemies.

He wants to spawn a friendly group in the friendly city and the same for the ennemy city.

Then each spawned group attack each others city to take the control.

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Thanks guys, and I get it :) . I think I found a simpler way to boil this down. All I need is a simple marker-movement system.


1. Create a list of markers A, B, C, D, E, F and G

2. Find the marker on the list closest to marker0

3. Move marker1 to THAT MARKER (edited, so sorry, messed up the logic)


Loop point 2 and 3.



(I really hope some coding wiz can solve this cause I've been stuck for 10 hours)



(Even simpler still, maybe I can figure it out with just this information: Just explain how to find the marker from a list of markers which is closest to another marker.)

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_comparedMarker = _this param [0, "NULL", [""]];
_markerList = _this param [1, [], [[]], 1];

if (_comparedMarker == "NULL" || (count _markerList < 1)) exitWith
	["Invalid Parameters, param1 must be of Type-String, param2 must be of Type-Array with at least 1 element"] call BIS_fnc_error;

//seed data with the first marker in the list
_nearestMarker = markerList select 0;
_distance = (markerPos _nearestMarker) distance2D (markerPos marker0);
	_calcDistance = (markerPos marker0) distance2D (markerPos _x);
	if (_calcDistance < _distance) then
		_distance = _calcDistance;
		_nearestMarker = _x;
} forEach markerList;

//return array with the nearest marker and it's distance
[_nearestMarker, _distance];

save as function

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_comparedMarker = _this param [0, "NULL", [""]];
_markerList = _this param [1, [], [[]], 1];

if (_comparedMarker == "NULL" || (count _markerList < 1)) exitWith
	["Invalid Parameters, param1 must be of Type-String, param2 must be of Type-Array with at least 1 element"] call BIS_fnc_error;

//seed data with the first marker in the list
_nearestMarker = markerList select 0;
_distance = (markerPos _nearestMarker) distance2D (markerPos marker0);
	_calcDistance = (markerPos marker0) distance2D (markerPos _x);
	if (_calcDistance < _distance) then
		_distance = _calcDistance;
		_nearestMarker = _x;
} forEach markerList;

//return array with the nearest marker and it's distance
[_nearestMarker, _distance];

save as function



I have no idea what you just did, but I am in awe. Testing and using it in every way I can (though I have NO idea how to)! :D


(if anyone is writing the "marker closest to" thing standalone, please don't hesitate to post it, it's super helpful)




In the end, I solved it (for anyone understanding the challenge) by having scripts for each sets of 2 cities. The script checked if City 1 was friendly and City 2 was hostile, and then moved the two attack_spawn, and attack_target markers in a loop. This way the Attackers described above, were always attacking towards the enemy.


A little rough but it works. I'm making a Jagged Alliance map for eventual fans. :)

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