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How am i running arma 3 so nicely on this rig?

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I run 30-60 fps in multiplayer and 60 fps in singleplayer, i put everything on low except for the gpu heavy things, and a little bit view distance. People told me from before it will be unplayable


GPU- GTx 750ti SC

CPU- Intel core 2 due e7500 2.93ghz

RAM- 4g

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it always depends on your settings. if you mske it so that most of the graphics part run on the gpu but set your viewdistance to like 1500 and object distance to like 600-1000 you will get a very nice fps overall

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I bought an i7 in anticipation of A3 back when first released. I was running A2 on my other system which was an Athlon IIx4 640 with a HD5850 2gb card (toxic card, very underrated card). When I first got A3 I wasn't sure if I was going to like it as much as A2, so instead of putting it on my new shiny i7, I put it on the Athlon. It ran at very high settings on everything I wanted on high settings, with a 2000vd (ground, much higher in the air) and it ran flawlessly. Back then A3 was less optimised than now, I would say anyway.


But yeah, when someone tells you you'll not run it on this or that, don't listen. Until you've tried you'll never know. It depends on individual systems, how well maintained they are and if they're reasonably clean (imo).


Good to hear you run it well, most players don't have an issue with A3, its only the few.


Note: you do need a reasonable system, but that would be around 3ghz (min) with a half decent card (imo), but lean and clean.


But that's just my opinion, there are players running it on lower, i.e. the OP.. Nicely done. ;)

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