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trying to figure out how to call this script

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I am trying to add the ETG Heli Crash and Drop script to my Wasteland mission but I am not sure how to make it work right.


I am supposed to add the following to my init.sqf file:

//ETG Heli Crash And Drop Script
if (isServer) then {
	   fn_crashdrop = compile preprocessFile "addons\ETG\fn_crashdrop.sqf";
		 [2] call fn_crashdrop;

But, when I do that, R3F breaks.


How can I add it to the 3rd party scripts section like the rest of the addons?


Here is the existing init.sqf file:

// ******************************************************************************************
// * This project is licensed under the GNU Affero GPL v3. Copyright © 2014 A3Wasteland.com *
// ******************************************************************************************
//	@file Version: 1.2
//	@file Name: init.sqf
//	@file Author: [404] Deadbeat, [GoT] JoSchaap, AgentRev
//	@file Description: The main init.

#define DEBUG false

enableSaving [false, false];

// block script injection exploit
inGameUISetEventHandler ["PrevAction", ""];
inGameUISetEventHandler ["Action", ""];
inGameUISetEventHandler ["NextAction", ""];

_descExtPath = str missionConfigFile;
currMissionDir = compileFinal str (_descExtPath select [0, count _descExtPath - 15]);

X_Server = false;
X_Client = false;
X_JIP = false;

// versionName = ""; // Set in STR_WL_WelcomeToWasteland in stringtable.xml

if (isServer) then { X_Server = true };
if (!isDedicated) then { X_Client = true };
if (isNull player) then { X_JIP = true };

A3W_scriptThreads = [];

[DEBUG] call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "globalCompile.sqf";

//init Wasteland Core
[] execVM "config.sqf";
//[] execVM "storeConfig.sqf"; // Separated as its now v large
[] execVM "briefing.sqf";

if (!isDedicated) then
	[] spawn
		if (hasInterface) then // Normal player
			9999 cutText ["Welcome to ACE3 A3Wasteland, please wait for your client to initialize", "BLACK", 0.01];

			waitUntil {!isNull player};
			player setVariable ["playerSpawning", true, true];
			playerSpawning = true;

			removeAllWeapons player;
			client_initEH = player addEventHandler ["Respawn", { removeAllWeapons (_this select 0) }];

			// Reset group & side
			[player] joinSilent createGroup playerSide;

			execVM "client\init.sqf";

			if ((vehicleVarName player) select [0,17] == "BIS_fnc_objectVar") then { player setVehicleVarName "" }; // undo useless crap added by BIS
		else // Headless
			waitUntil {!isNull player};
			if (getText (configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> typeOf player >> "simulation") == "headlessclient") then
				execVM "client\headless\init.sqf";

if (isServer) then
	diag_log format ["############################# %1 #############################", missionName];
	diag_log "WASTELAND SERVER - Initializing Server";
	[] execVM "server\init.sqf";

if (hasInterface || isServer) then
	//init 3rd Party Scripts
	[] execVM "addons\R3F_ARTY_AND_LOG\init.sqf";
	[] execVM "addons\proving_ground\init.sqf";
	//[] execVM "addons\laptop\init.sqf";
	//[] execVM "addons\vactions\functions.sqf";
	//[] execVM "addons\HvT\HvT.sqf";
	//[] execVM "addons\JumpMF\init.sqf";
	//[] execVM "addons\outlw_magRepack\MagRepack_init.sqf"; ACE3 includes Mag Repack by default thus, Outlaw's script is not needed.
	//[] execVM "addons\lsd_nvg\init.sqf";
	if (isNil "drn_DynamicWeather_MainThread") then { drn_DynamicWeather_MainThread = [] execVM "addons\scripts\DynamicWeatherEffects.sqf" };


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if (hasInterface || isServer) then


this looks like little nonsense

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if (hasInterface || isServer) then


this looks like little nonsense


Agreed, execute all of the following on the player or server.

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Looks ok to me, means do not run on headless client. As long as the following files have some form of separation if they are only meant for a certain machine.

Add it to the if server block maybe?

if (isServer) then
	diag_log format ["############################# %1 #############################", missionName];
	diag_log "WASTELAND SERVER - Initializing Server";
	[] execVM "server\init.sqf";
	[2] execVM "addons\ETG\fn_crashdrop.sqf";
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