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I have recently created a squad XML for a group of mine and a couple users are having issues getting it to show up properly. The logo does not appear and the brackets after the names do not appear when looking in the player lists (example). I am hosting it at armasquads.com and these are the parameters for my profile. I have tried alternative hosting, and I've followed guides to write it up completely by myself and this appears to remain an issue no matter what. How do I fix this?

You don't fix it. BI does. I've had the same issue, checked up with my logo and everything, but it seems it's permanently broken. This includes my ENITRE squad. I also use Armasquads. However, i think BI plan on implementing the logo's/patches XML into Arma 3 Units, which would be far more efficient than a large arrey of different XML hosting sites that randomly break between updates. So here's hoping Units fixes these issues in teh future.


As for right now? Well, i'm not sure. Some people have them working, and some don't. We, happen to be the unlucky few.

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Everything did as on this page.

In Arma2 \Arma3 XML worked always.


All files lie on a hosting in one folder (important)


Data which have to be brought in XML are allocated to the red.
The picture has to is registered just as a name of the picture.



<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE squad SYSTEM "squad.dtd">
<?xml-stylesheet href="squad.xsl?" type="text/xsl"?>
<squad nick="STROYBAT">
 <name>=S= STROYBAT</name>
<member id="Your ID number" nick="=S= Lex">
    <icq>Your icq number</icq>
    <remark>Motto of group>

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Might be worth checking the 'remark', the wiki states max length is 128 char.

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If the picture is made not correctly - will influence only emergence of the picture in XML. Other data in XML have to work, it is possible even without picture.

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