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avibird 1

Can't spawn boat units with the crew inside the boats?

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I am trying to spawn a fully crew speed boat when a trigger is reached using

1. Editor based AI script by trigger by  Murklor & ArmAIIholic

2. Jebus - Just Editor Based Unit Spawning// Version: 1.2 by DreadPirate


The boat is spawned before the trigger is reached but the crew is not in the boat. When I set the trigger the crew will always fall into the water.


 I even attempted to crew an empty boat with the  moveInDriver commands.  But he crew just fall into the water and swim around.


Both scripts work fine with all other units and I knew how to use the moveInDriver commnds. Is there something else I am missing with the boat units and spawning.


 Also I can't spawn empty vehicles with the two above scripts. Any input why would be great.








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maybe try this?:

{_x moveInCargo myBoat} forEach [myUnit1, myUnit2, myUnit3]; //myBoat is the name of your boat. And myUnit1-3 are your units.


myUnit moveInGunner myBoat; //myUnit is the name of your unit. And myBoat is the name of your boat.

Basically... moveInDriver is used to put a unit into the driver's seat (*BEEP *BEEP*), moveInCargo is used to put unit/s into passenger seats (*are we there yet?!?*), and moveInGunner is used to put unit/s into seats with a massive machine gun. (*PEW* *PEW*)

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Thanks for the reply.  Just try to spawn a fully crew boat (OPFOR with three units)  and you will see the boat crew will spawn above the boat and fall in the water. LOL I have a somewhat easy fix for now. Place an Empty boat  spawn three units by a trigger with  the first waypoint of GETIN NEAREST then move SAD ect this works for now but WTF. I should be able to just spawn a fully functional boat like any other unit in the game. I want to know what I am doing wrong or if this is a real bug. I will attempt what your stated above to see.

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