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all my missions broken since last patch. anyone else have this problem?

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title says it all. me and a friend have a dozen or so missions that haven't been able to open on our dedicated server since the last patch (the one that fixed stamina and weapon sway). We confirmed they were working up to a day before the patch, but since then we haven't been able to get to the briefing screen, we get past role selection, then to the loading screen and just get kicked back to MP mission selection after it finishes loading. It opens fine in the editor and singleplayer, and I can open the missions on my own hosted internet server (not dedicatef), on TADST (http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=11655), and in lan, but it won't open on our dedicated server. Has anyone else had this issue ?


Also this issue seems to effect only certain people, so it might be a problem with our mission making process. All of my friend and my missions won't work, but all of our other friends missions work fine on the server.


Here are the RPT logs from me trying to open 2 missions in our dedicated server. It looks really long and confusing to me but hopefully someone more savvy can make heads or tails of it http://pastebin.com/81MqCeZS


thanks in advance for any help you can offer.

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Could be server setting mp related in the update that changed.

But from the rpt:


14:30:31 Warning Message: Picture images\loadscreen.jpg not found

14:30:46 File mpmissions\__CUR_MP.Takistan\description.ext, line 9: '.respawndelay': Missing ';' at the end of line

14:30:46 File mpmissions\__CUR_MP.Takistan\description.ext, line 29: '.OnLoadMission': Missing ';' at the end of line


these you can easily fix, and the message tells you what needs to be fixed, other then that cant really say what the issue is other then check settings for joining the server.

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little advice .... you should avoid put all addons together in big addonfolders


leave them in separate (own) folder like ... @CBA, @ACE, @MCC, @RHSAFRF, @RHSUSAF ... etc


load order is also little a mess, load CBA first to avoid problems


I made for myself a little rule for load order:

I do first load CBA then stuff like ACE, ALiVE, MCC, TFAR ... then weapons, then vehicles, then units, then maps and as latest any sound mods or GFX mods

since I do follow my rule I never encountered any problems with addons


also you load way too much addons together, this can generate huge problems/errors due addon incompatibility

load only the addons really required by missions and disable the rest


loading so much addons together in big folders makes it also nearly impossible to narrow down any errors/bugs


hope you can solve this problem with my little help


kind regards

maquez [Q-Net]

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darn unfortunately all the mods being in one folder is how our groups mod pack works and I don't know if they can change it. no wonder the RPT looks like a mess. I'll just keep trying, thanks.

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In the latest B.I patch the 3den addon was removed.

This caused issues with missions created with the 1.52 patch

Check your addons and addonsauto fileds in the mission.sqm and remove any entries in there for 3den

Repbo, job done

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In the latest B.I patch the 3den addon was removed.

This caused issues with missions created with the 1.52 patch

Check your addons and addonsauto fileds in the mission.sqm and remove any entries in there for 3den

Repbo, job done

We actually ran into that problem LAST patch and fixed it pretty much the way you described, unfortunately this isn't the cause of our current issue, its an entirely different beast altogether. thanks though!

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