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need help posted my cfg ,now my model doesnt show up in editor,and prblem with trying to get a pilot in the plane

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#include "cfgHUD.hpp"

#include "basicdefines_A3.hpp"

class CfgPatches


class NIT_BlackBird


units[] = {NIT_BlackBird};

weapons[] = {};

requiredVersion = 0.1;

requiredAddons[] = {"A3_Air_F","A3_Characters_F_Gamma"};


class CfgVehicles


class Air;

class Plane: Air



class Plane_Base_F: Plane



class NIT_BlackBird_F: Plane_Base_F


vehicleClass = "Air";

side = 1;

author = "NITRO";

scope = 2;

faction = "BLU_F";

displayName = "Blackbird";

icon = "";

nameSound = "Veh_aircraft";

picture = "";


sound = "Plane";


UnitInfoType = "RscUnitInfoAir";

access = 1;

draconicForceXCoef = 2.5;

draconicForceYCoef = 0.5;

draconicForceZCoef = 0.5;

draconicTorqueXCoef = 0.15;

draconicTorqueYCoef = 2.0;


typicalCargo[] = {"B_Pilot_F"};

transportSoldier = 2;

canFloat = 0;

enableGPS =1;

startEngine =0;

insideSoundCoef = 0.0316228;

showAllTargets = 0;

irTarget = 1;

nvTarget = 0;

nvScanner = 1;

enableManualFire = 0;

getInOutProxy = 0;

sensitivity = 2.5;

sensitivityEar = 0.0075;

getInActionDriver = "GetInHigh";

getOutActionDriver = "GetOutHigh";

simulation = "airplanex";

generalMacro = "Plane";

damageEffect = "AirDestructionEffects";


gearRtracting = 1;

geardowntime = 3;

gearuptime = 4.5;

getInRadius = 10;

crew = "B_pilot_F";

memoryPointsGetInDriver = "pos_driver";

memoryPointsGetInDriverDir = "pos_driver_dir";

memoryPointsGetInDriverPrecise = "pos_driver";

memoryPointsGetInGunner = "pos gunner";

memoryPointsGetInGunnerDir = "pos gunner dir";

gunnerCanSee = 4+8+16; // default

driverCanSee = 2+8+16; // default


landingAoa = "rad 10";



hasGunner = 1;


driverIsCommander = 0;

hasCommander = 1;

fov = 0.7



numberPhysicalWheels = 8;


WheelSteeringSensitivity = 1;


ladders[] = {};

driverAction = "Plane_Fighter_01_pilot_F"; /// what is the standard pose for the pilot, defined as animation state

#include "sounds.hpp" /// sounds are included in separate file to prevent cluttering

LockDetectionSystem = CM_Lock_Radar; /// this uses macros from basicDefines_A3, just add more to gain more systems for the vehicle

incomingMissileDetectionSystem = CM_Missile; /// for example CM_Lock_Laser + CM_Lock_Radar, parser is able to evaluate that, or simply 12 in that case

class Turrets {}; /// single seat planes don't have any kind of turret, we need to void it

class TransportItems{};

fuelCapacity = 1000;

coefInside = 1;

coefInsideHeur = 0.25;

accuracy = 0.5;

radarType = 4;

mapSize = 7.5;

animated = true;

armor = 200;

destrType = "DestructPlane";

damageResistance = 0.004;

landingSpeed = 185; /// used for AI to approach the runawy, the plane should be stable at this speed

acceleration = 950; /// used for AI to plan the waypoints and accelerating, doesn't affect plane performance

maxSpeed = 2300; /// maximal speed of the plane, affects even thrust and is base for both envelope and thrustCoef

driveOnComponent[] = {"wheel_1_1","wheel_1_2","wheel_2_1","wheel_2_2","wheel_3_1","wheel_3_2","wheel_4_1","wheel_4_2"}; /// array of components to be assigned special low-friction material (usually wheels)

rudderInfluence = 0.5; /// coefficient of rudder affecting steering of the plane

aileronSensitivity = 1; /// coefficient of ailerons affecting twisting the plane

elevatorSensitivity = 0.8; /// coefficient of elevators affecting changing of plane horizontal heading

irScanRangeMin = 500; /// defines the range of IR sight of the vehicle

irScanRangeMax = 5000; /// defines the range of IR sight of the vehicle

irScanToEyeFactor = 2; /// defines the effectivity of IR sight of the vehicle

/// envelope defines lift produced by the shape of the plane according to current speed relative to maxSpeed

/// the first element of the array is for zero speed, the last for 125 % of maxSpeed, the rest in between is evenly distributed

/// there may be as many elements as you wish, using 13 should be preferred as it modulates the 10% increase with reasonable error

envelope[] = {0.0,0.15,1.1,3,5,5.83,6.0,5.85,5.5,4.8,3.6,1.8,0};

/// angle of incidence - difference between forward and airfold chord line - def. val is 3*PI/180 (meaning three degrees)

angleOfIndicence = 0.05235987;

thrustCoef[]= {3.5, 2.2, 1.1, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.9, 0.7, 0.5, 0.3, 0.1, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0};

elevatorCoef[]= {}; //default value is 1

aileronCoef[]= {}; //default value is 1

rudderCoef[]= {}; //default value is fabs(speed.Z())*InvSqrt(Square(speed.X())+Square(speed.Z()));

//! coefficient of player's controller sensitivity (does not affect AI)

elevatorControlsSensitivityCoef = 4;

aileronControlsSensitivityCoef = 4;

rudderControlsSensitivityCoef = 4;


class AnimationSources


class Canopy


source = "user";

initPhase = "0";

animPeriod = "5";


class UserActions


class openCanopy


displayName = "open canopy";

position = "actionPoint";

radius = "10";

onlyForPlayer = "0";

showWindow = "0";

condition ="true";

statement = "this animate [""Canopy"",1];";


class closeCanopy


displayName = "close canopy";

position = "actionPoint";

radius = "10";

onlyForPlayer = "0";

showWindow = "0";

condition ="true";

statement = "this animate [""Canopy"",0];";






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try this for the beginning.

class cfgVehicles


    class Plane_Base_F;    class NIT_BlackBird_F: Plane_Base_F    {

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ok what about turning off these two config variables

hasGunner = 0;
hasCommander = 0;

and try this

since it doesn't have a gunner/commander

driverIsCommander = 1;

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for some reason my plane wont even show up in editor now , and haven't tried the above mentioned yet really confused what is going on ?????

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add a \ at the beginning.


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nothing seems to help with this issue, also my pc seems toget rid of my p drive now its like restarting and the p drive is gone? wonder if its my anti malware getting rid of it?

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nothing seems to help with this issue, also my pc seems toget rid of my p drive now its like restarting and the p drive is gone? wonder if its my anti malware getting rid of it?

Mine has always done that (with ArmA3 tools anyway). ArmA2's tools made the P:\ drive application occur on start up (of the system) but the only setting to do so with ArmA3's tools is upon start up of the tools themselves.

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