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hiddenSelectionTextures problem.

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Hello guys i have a problem with my model.cfg and my config...


i want to drop 2 Textures on 1 model but i become only one texture on this 2 models...

can anyone look over my model.cfg and my config ? i dont understand it.....



class CfgPatches
	class PSNL
	units[] = {"PSNL","PSNL_schildnew"};
	weapons[] = {};
	requiredVersion = 0.1;
	requiredAddons[] = {};

class CfgVehicles
	class Static;
	class PSNL : Static
		scope = 2;
		model = "\PSNL\schild1.p3d";
		displayName = "Schild 1";
		vehicleClass = "small_items";

	class PSNL_schildnew : PSNL
	  displayName = "Schild 2";
	  hiddenSelectionTextures[] = {"PSNL\testnew.paa"};

and my model.cfg

class CfgModels
	class Default
		sectionsInherit = "";
		sections[] = {};
		skeletonName = "";
	class PSNL : Default
		sections[] = {"colour"};

class CfgSkeletons

also i have create a new selection named  "colour"


pls help me :(

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Your model.cfg is wrong. Very wrong. You need to define 'colour' (the named selection) in the skeleton, otherwise hiddenselections wont work. Also, you need to have the model named in the cfgModels part (minus the .p3d extension).

class CfgSkeletons
	class Default
		isDiscrete = 1;
		skeletonInherit = "";
		skeletonBones[] = {};
	class PSNL_Skeleton: Default

class CfgModels
	class schild1

Also, you need to actually define the hidden selections that the texture is applied to:

class CfgPatches
	class PSNL
	units[] = {"PSNL","PSNL_schildnew"};
	weapons[] = {};
	requiredVersion = 0.1;
	requiredAddons[] = {};

class CfgVehicles
	class Static;
	class PSNL : Static
		scope = 2;
		model = "\PSNL\schild1.p3d";
		displayName = "Schild 1";
		vehicleClass = "small_items";

	class PSNL_schildnew : PSNL
	  displayName = "Schild 2";
	hiddenSelections[] = {"colour"};
	  hiddenSelectionTextures[] = {"\PSNL\testnew.paa"};

Note: I haven't tested these, so they may or may not work. Also, the model.cfg entries may be inaccurate based entirely on what the model is actually supposed to be (your config is vague).

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ok i have tested it and now the secound object is Invisible can you help me ?

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Its probably the texture file. Try renaming the source file (either TGA or PNG, whichever you use) to testnew_co.tga (or png). Then convert it with TexView, the end result being a file called testnew_co.paa. You should always follow the texture naming rules.

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its the same always invisible


i have to test it

the line with  hiddenSelections[] = {"colour"}; change up to the PSNL class.

now the first object is also invisible i dont think that the fault is the sourc file.


this is the change

class CfgPatches
	class PSNL
	units[] = {"PSNL","PSNL_schildnew"};
	weapons[] = {};
	requiredVersion = 0.1;
	requiredAddons[] = {};

class CfgVehicles
	class Static;
	class PSNL : Static
		scope = 2;
		model = "\PSNL\schild1.p3d";
		displayName = "Schild 1";
		vehicleClass = "small_items";
		hiddenSelections[] = {"colour"};
	class PSNL_schildnew : PSNL
	  displayName = "Schild 2";
	  hiddenSelectionTextures[] = {"\PSNL\testnew_co.paa"};

i think the named selection hide everything what i have markd in Oxygen or ?

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hiddenSelections hides whatever selection(s) you name, but if you then define a texture with hiddenSelectionTextures the selection(s) use the textures you provided instead of being hidden. Using hiddenSelection without hiddenSelectionTextures WILL hide everything in that named selection...This is why in your latest example the first define has become invisible.


The only reason I can think of for the model not showing is either the texture path you defined in your config is incorrect (i.e. the texture isn't in PNSL.pbo alongside the model), or the texture file is broken.

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it dosnt work...

i have change the path to the texture of the first object and the fault is the same anytime invisible.

is that right in the Face Properies ? also i have remake the texture same same same :/



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Face properties seem absolutely fine (I've compared them against objects I know to work perfectly with setobjecttexture/hiddenselections)


OK, I have something else for you to try. Place both items in the editor and in both of the objects' init field put:

this setobjecttexture [0, "\PNSL\testnew_co.paa"];

If they're both invisible then, its possibly either the model.cfg or something else. If they work its the config.

Also, for 'Schild 1' remove the hiddenselections entry from its class if it works without it.

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ohhh man yes i have see it :D

but i have the problem fixed im sooooo stupid -.-


look at this ;D

facepalm over 9000



hiddenSelectionTextures[] = {"\PSNL\testnew_co.paa"};



hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"\PSNL\testnew_co.paa"};




i hate this f shit ;DDDD

thank you for help me thanks thanks thaks.

sry guy for the circumstances

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