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  1. Pasi

    Random Array

    Nothing :/ i dont see a Hint. in the Debug console over Watch when i typing randomselect i see this: []
  2. Pasi

    Random Array

    It dont work :/ the Variables are defined in a Switch do case but that ist not the Problem or ? :/ _class = 1; switch (_class) do { case 1: { _jobs = [ ["BLABLATEXT1","BLABLATEXT1","BLABLATEXT1","BLABLATEXT1",'//SCRIPT'], ["BLABLATEXT2","BLABLATEXT2","BLABLATEXT2","BLABLATEXT2",'//SCRIPT'] ]; randomselect = selectRandom _jobs; }; case 2: { _jobs = [ ["BLABLATEXT3","BLABLATEXT3","BLABLATEXT3","BLABLATEXT3",'//SCRIPT'], ["BLABLATEXT4","BLABLATEXT4","BLABLATEXT4","BLABLATEXT4",'//SCRIPT'] ]; randomselect = selectRandom _jobs; }; };
  3. Hello guysy i have a new Problem :/ so i have a Array like this: _jobs = [ ["BLABLATEXT1","BLABLATEXT1","BLABLATEXT1","BLABLATEXT1",'//SCRIPT'], ["BLABLATEXT2","BLABLATEXT2","BLABLATEXT2","BLABLATEXT2",'//SCRIPT'] ]; an now i want to select one of them randomly like this: randomselect = selectRandom _jobs; but allways it sayd that randomselect is not defined :/ anyone a idea ? pls help me :D Pasi
  4. thanks jshock @sammael i create a Dialog while im uncunconscious with a Button to kill myself :)
  5. Hello Guys, at the moment i work on a script to kill yourself when you are uncunconscious with ACE but now i have a problem. i need to know how i can check if the player is uncunconscious. does anyone know the if statement for this ? i dont find anything on the Internet. Greetings form Germany :)
  6. Hello guys, do anyone knows how i can add the arma-nradio script ? I have no idea how i can install it :/ here is the Link: https://github.com/maca134/arma-nradio i hope anyone can help me :)
  7. Hello Arma Community, i want to Hold the BIS_fnc_typeText when the text creation is done. I dont finde any Help in the Web :/ anyone an idea ? thank you Pasi :)
  8. WOW :D Nice thank you now it Works Top Support :) thank you Iarrow and tryteyker :)
  9. Now it says that a "[" is missed ?? I think he cant read the code out of the String ?
  10. Ok thank you i think i have now a little more Idea about that but now i have another problem... I have the hpp modified like your example. this is my dialog_init. disableSerialization; waitUntil {!isNull findDisplay 12345}; _display = findDisplay 12345; _list = _display displayCtrl 7771; _ctrlOK = _display displayCtrl 7772; lbClear _list; private ["_job1", "_job2", "_job3"]; _One= ["One","First Text","Second Text", {hint "First Text";}]; _Two = ["Two","First Text2","Second Text2", {hint "Second Text";}]; _Three = ["Three","First Text3","Second Text3", {hint "Third Text";}]; { private _index = _list lbAdd (_x select 0); _list lbSetData [_index, str _index]; _list setVariable [str _index, _x select 3]; } forEach [One, Two, Three]; also i have created a new file like your fnc_changeText. Here is my code but i dont undestand where i can take the variables. I want to set the Custom Text from that 3 variables in my dialog_init but i dont now how i can call them :/ changeText.sqf disableSerialization; waitUntil {!isNull findDisplay 12345}; _Jobdata = _this select 1; _Jobtext = _this select 2; ctrlSetStructuredText [7773, formatText ["%1", [_Jobtext]]]; ctrlSetStructuredText [7774, formatText ["%1", [_Jobdata]]];
  11. pls help me noone any idea ? Up