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Passing unit position to a script from EventHandler

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I'm trying to pass a unit's position to a script whenever it's "killed" eventhandler fires. It doesn't seem to be working as the script does not recieve it.


This function applies an eventhandler to all independent units.

if (isServer or isDedicated) then {
	fnc_ehkilledindependent = {
		independent_units = [];

			if ((side _x) == resistance) then {
				independent_units = independent_units + [_x];
				{_x removeAllEventHandlers "killed"} forEach independent_units; 
		} foreach allUnits;

		{_x addEventHandler ["killed", {[position this]execvm "the_script.sqf";}]} forEach independent_units; 

I know the eventhandler properly fires for all independents when they are killed, but their position isn't passed to my script. If anyone could tell me what's wrong it would be much appreciated. Thanks!

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{_x addEventHandler ["killed", {[position _this] execvm "the_script.sqf";}]} forEach independent_units;



edit. ooops. Yeah, _this select 0 of course.

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position (_this select 0)
Killed gets passed two parameters, the unit that got killed and what ever killed it, in _this variable. So you want the position of the first 0.
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{_x addEventHandler ["killed", {[position _this] execvm "the_script.sqf";}]} forEach independent_units;

I also had thought that might be the problem, but it creates this error.

 8:49:02 Error in expression <[position _this]execvm "the_script.sqf";>
 8:49:02   Error position: <position _this]execvm "the_script.sqf";>
 8:49:02   Error position: Type Array, expected Object,Location

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position (_this select 0)
Killed gets passed two parameters, the unit that got killed and what ever killed it, in _this variable. So you want the position of the first 0.


That was it! Thank you so much. Simple mistake and it had me scratching my head for hours.


I should've realized when I got an error about an array type!

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