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Fix to the "tetraHedron.p3d" error

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Since the recent update, many have been receiving the "tetraHedron.p3d" error. this is because the file/folder failed to transfer. However here is the fix:


Step 1 - In your P:drive, go to "A3_Retail" folder then the folder "Addons". (the directory should be "P:\A3_Retail\Addons".

Step 2 - Scroll down and open "data_f" PBO

Step 3 - Scroll down in the PBO and copy the "tetraHedron.p3d" file. (For those who dont know how to copy, its right click on the file and click copy   ;) )

Step 4 - Go back to your P:Drive and click on/open the folder called "core".

Step 5 - Create a folder called "tetrahedron" then open it. (when opened look at the directory at the top and it should be "P:\core\tetrahedron".)

Step 6 - Paste the "tetraHedron.p3d" file inside the "tetrahedron" folder you have just created. (the end directory should be "P:\core\tetrahedron\tetraHedron.p3d")


Reload bulldozer and goodbye error. hope this helped   ;)


Edit: as far as i know there is some other errors with the tetrahedron.psd. this many only fix the error with cannot find file in the core folder. it fixed mine but may not fix it if you have a different error

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doesn't work for me


i did similar to you taking the tetrahedron.p3d from the already extracted game assets using arma3p and putting it in p;\core\etc


note that _this_ tetrahedron bug displays an armaTWO gui


there is an almost identical bug where buldozer cannot find  a3\data\f\tetrahedron.p3d


eg: https://forums.bistudio.com/topic/182105-buldozer-cannot-open-object-a3data-ftetrahedronp3d/

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same here. tried reinstall, decomp. and reg cleaner, and the solution described in thread, no luck


I also deinstalled everything, (also mikeros tools, deogg etc..) and deleteted my project. Basically started again on scratch. not cool. cannot do anything with my project now

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