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HandleDamage broken/changed since 1.54?

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I have a script based on addEventHandler HandleDamage. It works fine in legacy 152 but not in 1.54. I guess it is related to the new "personal protective equipment".

_u = _this select 0;

_u addEventHandler ["HandleDamage", 
	private ["_return"];
	_unit = _this select 0; 
	_selection = _this select 1; 
	_passedDamage = _this select 2; 
	_source	= _this select 3; 
	_projectile = _this select 4; 
	_oldDamage = 0; 
	_bodyMultiplier = 1.01; 
	_legsMultiplier = 1; 
	_handsMultiplier = 1;
	_headMultiplier = 1.5;
	_overAllMultiplier = 1.05; 
	switch (_selection) do
			_oldDamage = _unit getHitPointDamage "HitHead";
			_return = _oldDamage + ((_passedDamage - _oldDamage) * _headMultiplier); 
			_oldDamage = _unit getHitPointDamage "HitBody";
			_return = _oldDamage + ((_passedDamage - _oldDamage) * _bodyMultiplier); 
			_oldDamage = _unit getHitPointDamage "HitHands";
			_return = _oldDamage + ((_passedDamage - _oldDamage) * _handsMultiplier); 
			_oldDamage = _unit getHitPointDamage "HitLegs";
			_return = _oldDamage + ((_passedDamage - _oldDamage) * _legsMultiplier); 
			_oldDamage = damage _unit;
			_return = _oldDamage + ((_passedDamage - _oldDamage) * _overAllMultiplier); 

Then if you have a script based on handledamage I suggest you to check it. If you have a solution please post here.


Thank you.





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There's new hitparts now:


(I think)



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oldDamage + passedDamage - oldDamage = passedDamage

I guess your script doesnt modify anything?

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oldDamage + passedDamage - oldDamage = passedDamage

I guess your script doesnt modify anything?


it's not 

oldDamage + passedDamage - oldDamage = passedDamage


_oldDamage = _unit getHitPointDamage "HitHands";
_return = _oldDamage + ((_passedDamage - _oldDamage) * _handsMultiplier); 

Test the script in 1.52 legacy before saying it doesn't work please. You obviously read the code too fast and didn't notice that getHitPointDamage was used.

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There's new hitparts now:


(I think)


Thanks Greenfist I will give it a try with the new hitparts.

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Thanks Greenfist I will give it a try with the new hitparts.

Sorry, those names were wrong; new ones are actually:

face_hub, neck, head, pelvis, spine1, spine2, spine3, body, arms, hands, legs, " "

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Sorry, those names were wrong; new ones are actually:

face_hub, neck, head, pelvis, spine1, spine2, spine3, body, arms, hands, legs, " "


I also noticed the new parts list with getAllHitPointsDamage . It is very precise now and that's very good!


here's a list with hit point and corresponding hit selection names

"face_hub" ==> "HitFace"
"neck" ==> "HitNeck"
"head" ==> "HitHead"
"pelvis" ==> "HitPelvis"
"spine1" ==> "HitAbdomen"
"spine2" ==> "HitDiaphragm"
"spine3" ==> "HitChest"
"body" ==> "HitBody"
"arms" ==> "HitArms"
"hands" ==> "HitHands"
"legs" ==> "HitLegs"

Many thanks greenfist!







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it's not

oldDamage + passedDamage - oldDamage = passedDamage

_oldDamage = _unit getHitPointDamage "HitHands";_return = _oldDamage + ((_passedDamage - _oldDamage) * _handsMultiplier);
Test the script in 1.52 legacy before saying it doesn't work please. You obviously read the code too fast and didn't notice that getHitPointDamage was used.
oh i see it wrapped it on the new line for me. I really dont like this forum formatting so easy to overlook things.

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Anything u see wrong here guys?

// ******************************************************************************************
// * This project is licensed under the GNU Affero GPL v3. Copyright © 2014 A3Wasteland.com *
// ******************************************************************************************
//	@file Name: FAR_HandleDamage_EH.sqf
//	@file Author: Farooq, AgentRev

#include "FAR_defines.sqf"
#include "gui_defines.hpp"

//private ["_unit", "_selection", "_damage", "_source", "_dead", "_killerVehicle", "_oldDamage"];

_unit = _this select 0;
//_selection = _this select 1;
//_damage = _this select 2;
_source = _this select 3;
_ammo = _this select 4;

_criticalHit = (_selection in ["","body","head"]);
_dead = (_damage >= 1 && alive _unit && _criticalHit);

// Find suspects
if (((_dead && !isNull _source) || (_criticalHit && UNCONSCIOUS(_unit))) && isNil {_unit getVariable "FAR_killerVehicle"}) then
	[_unit, _source, _ammo] call FAR_setKillerInfo;

if (UNCONSCIOUS(_unit)) then
	//if (_selection != "?") then
		_oldDamage = if (_selection == "") then { damage _unit } else { _unit getHit _selection };

		if (!isNil "_oldDamage") then
			// Apply part of the damage without multiplier when below the stabilization threshold of 50% damage
			if (STABILIZED(_unit) && {_criticalHit && FAR_DamageMultiplier < 1}) then
				_oldDamage = _damage min 0.5;

			_damage = ((_damage - _oldDamage) * FAR_DamageMultiplier) + _oldDamage;

			if (_criticalHit) then
				_unit setDamage _damage;

		if (_damage >= 1 && _criticalHit) then
			diag_log format ["KILLED by [%1] with [%2]", _source, _ammo];
	// Allow revive if unit is dead and not in exploded vehicle
	if (_dead && alive vehicle _unit) then
		_unit setVariable ["FAR_isUnconscious", 1, true];
		[] spawn fn_deletePlayerData;

		_unit allowDamage false;
		//if (vehicle _unit == _unit) then { [_unit, "AinjPpneMstpSnonWrflDnon"] call switchMoveGlobal };
		_unit enableFatigue true;
		_unit setFatigue 1;

		if (!isNil "FAR_Player_Unconscious_thread" && {typeName FAR_Player_Unconscious_thread == "SCRIPT" && {!scriptDone FAR_Player_Unconscious_thread}}) then
			terminate FAR_Player_Unconscious_thread;

		closeDialog ReviveBlankGUI_IDD;
		closeDialog ReviveGUI_IDD;

		FAR_Player_Unconscious_thread = [_unit, _source] spawn FAR_Player_Unconscious;

		_damage = 0.5;

		diag_log format ["INCAPACITATED by [%1] with [%2]", _source, _ammo];


Problem is that before 1.54 patch, players were revivable* no matter where or how they got hit.  Now there is 50/50 chance to get instanly killed without gettin injured.
Iv been messing around with this issue since new patch came out but as non coder it seems i cant figure it out.

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Problem is that before 1.54 patch, players were revivable* no matter where or how they got hit.  Now there is 50/50 chance to get instanly killed without gettin injured.

Iv been messing around with this issue since new patch came out but as non coder it seems i cant figure it out.


Have the same problem with my own revive script.


The problem seems to be the "critital damage list": _criticalHit = (_selection in ["","body","head"]);

The script above (and my own) check for terminal damage in hit selections that can actually kill the player (dammage > 1 is possible for hands without killing the player for example). Now there are new selections that kill the player upon dammage >1 which are not checked by the revive scripts, for example "face_hub". Adding those to the list will probably fix the problem. Will confirm it on tuesday.


Probably "neck","Face_hub" and maybe "spineX" have to be added to that list.


Regarding the criticalHit-list see here: https://forums.bistudio.com/topic/146926-farooqs-revive/page-11#entry2895193

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Have the same problem with my own revive script.


The problem seems to be the "critital damage list": _criticalHit = (_selection in ["","body","head"]);

The script above (and my own) check for terminal damage in hit selections that can actually kill the player (dammage > 1 is possible for hands without killing the player for example). Now there are new selections that kill the player upon dammage >1 which are not checked by the revive scripts, for example "face_hub". Adding those to the list will probably fix the problem. Will confirm it on tuesday.


Probably "neck","Face_hub" and maybe "spineX" have to be added to that list.


Regarding the criticalHit-list see here: https://forums.bistudio.com/topic/146926-farooqs-revive/page-11#entry2895193


This is exactly one of the things what iv been trying, but i might have done something wrong there...


Original:   _criticalHit = (_selection in ["","body","head"]);

My Test:   _criticalHit = (_selection in ["neck","body","head","face_hub"]);      <-- i took these (neck, face_hub) from nikiller's post above. Didn't work    As u noticed i also removed first "".

Maybe i should take hit points from here: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/getAllHitPointsDamage    <--No face_hub listed here.

This might help also: http://thezombieinfection.com/wiki/index.php/Arma_3_Hit_Point_Info


EDIT*   Did some runs and this seems to work:      _criticalHit = (_selection in ["","body","head","face_hub","neck","spine2","spine3"]);

If u guys have any suggestions or improvements i would be happy to hear.

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That is what I thought. You should also add "spine1" too.

And "" is the overall damage. Don't remove it from the list.

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My script is identical to OP's. I use it to reduce damage received but I can't get it to work even with the new hit parts list. Can someone post an example? Here's what I have but I may have done it totally wrong. Any input is appreciated - I've spent many hours trying to work this out


u1 = _this select 0;

u1 addEventHandler ["HandleDamage", 
	private ["_return"];
	_unit = _this select 0; 
	_selection = _this select 1; 
	_passedDamage = _this select 2; 
	_source	= _this select 3; 
	_projectile = _this select 4; 
	_oldDamage = 0; 
	_face_hubMultiplier = 0.30; 
	_neckMultiplier = 0.35; 
	_headMultiplier = 0.40;
	_pelvisMultiplier = 0.35;
	_spine1Multiplier = 0.35;
	_spine2Multiplier = 0.35;
	_spine3Multiplier = 0.35;
	_bodyMultiplier = 0.35;
	_armsMultiplier = 0.20;
	_handsMultiplier = 0.15;
	_legsMultiplier = 0.25;
	_overAllMultiplier = 0.30; 
	switch (_selection) do
			_oldDamage = _unit getHitPointDamage "HitHead";
			_return = _oldDamage + ((_passedDamage - 

_oldDamage) * _face_hubMultiplier); 
			_oldDamage = _unit getHitPointDamage "HitBody";
			_return = _oldDamage + ((_passedDamage - 

_oldDamage) * _neckMultiplier); 
			_oldDamage = _unit getHitPointDamage "HitHands";
			_return = _oldDamage + ((_passedDamage - 

_oldDamage) * _headMultiplier); 
			_oldDamage = _unit getHitPointDamage "HitLegs";
			_return = _oldDamage + ((_passedDamage - 

_oldDamage) * _pelvisMultiplier); 
			_oldDamage = _unit getHitPointDamage "HitLegs";
			_return = _oldDamage + ((_passedDamage - 

_oldDamage) * _spine1Multiplier); 
			_oldDamage = _unit getHitPointDamage "HitLegs";
			_return = _oldDamage + ((_passedDamage - 

_oldDamage) * _spine2Multiplier); 
			_oldDamage = _unit getHitPointDamage "HitLegs";
			_return = _oldDamage + ((_passedDamage - 

_oldDamage) * _spine3Multiplier); 
			_oldDamage = _unit getHitPointDamage "HitLegs";
			_return = _oldDamage + ((_passedDamage - 

_oldDamage) * _bodyMultiplier); 
			_oldDamage = _unit getHitPointDamage "HitLegs";
			_return = _oldDamage + ((_passedDamage - 

_oldDamage) * _armsMultiplier); 
			_oldDamage = _unit getHitPointDamage "HitLegs";
			_return = _oldDamage + ((_passedDamage - 

_oldDamage) * _handsMultiplier); 
			_oldDamage = _unit getHitPointDamage "HitLegs";
			_return = _oldDamage + ((_passedDamage - 

_oldDamage) * _legsMultiplier); 
			_oldDamage = damage _unit;
			_return = _oldDamage + ((_passedDamage - 

_oldDamage) * _overAllMultiplier); 

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We just discovered that some community uniforms also return an unknown hit selection "?". It seems to be a hitpoint near the throat. Maybe add it too, as fallback.

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My script is identical to OP's. I use it to reduce damage received but I can't get it to work even with the new hit parts list. Can someone post an example? Here's what I have but I may have done it totally wrong. Any input is appreciated - I've spent many hours trying to work this out


You are using hit point instead of selection.


i.e for the legs you must use:

     _oldDamage = _unit getHitPointDamage "HitLegs";
     _return = _oldDamage + ((_passedDamage - _oldDamage) * _legsMultiplier); 




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You are using hit point instead of selection.


i.e for the legs you must use:

     _oldDamage = _unit getHitPointDamage "HitLegs";
     _return = _oldDamage + ((_passedDamage - _oldDamage) * _legsMultiplier); 





Thanks for the help. I realized there were quite a few things wrong with what I posted with your help. Sadly, after fixing it, it still doesn't work at all. Prior to 1.54 this was a very simple thing to do. I'll keep searching for a solution.

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I think you forget possible case in your script that's why it doesn't work.


All those case must be covered or it won't work

"face_hub" ==> "HitFace"
"neck" ==> "HitNeck"
"head" ==> "HitHead"
"pelvis" ==> "HitPelvis"
"spine1" ==> "HitAbdomen"
"spine2" ==> "HitDiaphragm"
"spine3" ==> "HitChest"
"body" ==> "HitBody"
"arms" ==> "HitArms"
"hands" ==> "HitHands"
"legs" ==> "HitLegs"

This script should works give it a try null = [unitName] execVM "scriptName.sqf"


_u = _this select 0;

	_u addEventHandler ["HandleDamage", 
		private ["_return"];
		_unit = _this select 0; 
		_selection = _this select 1; 
		_passedDamage = _this select 2; 
		_source	= _this select 3; 
		_projectile = _this select 4; 
		_oldDamage = 0; 
		_headMultiplier = 1;
		_neckMultiplier = 0.01;
		_bodyMultiplier = 0.01;
		_legsMultiplier = 0.001; 
		_handsMultiplier = 0.001;
		_overAllMultiplier = 0.05; 
		switch (_selection) do
				_oldDamage = _unit getHitPointDamage "HitFace";
				_return = _oldDamage + ((_passedDamage - _oldDamage) * _headMultiplier); 
				_oldDamage = _unit getHitPointDamage "HitNeck";
				_return = _oldDamage + ((_passedDamage - _oldDamage) * _neckMultiplier); 
				_oldDamage = _unit getHitPointDamage "HitHead";
				_return = _oldDamage + ((_passedDamage - _oldDamage) * _headMultiplier); 
				_oldDamage = _unit getHitPointDamage "HitPelvis";
				_return = _oldDamage + ((_passedDamage - _oldDamage) * _bodyMultiplier); 
				_oldDamage = _unit getHitPointDamage "HitAbdomen";
				_return = _oldDamage + ((_passedDamage - _oldDamage) * _bodyMultiplier); 
				_oldDamage = _unit getHitPointDamage "HitDiaphragm";
				_return = _oldDamage + ((_passedDamage - _oldDamage) * _bodyMultiplier); 
				_oldDamage = _unit getHitPointDamage "HitChest";
				_return = _oldDamage + ((_passedDamage - _oldDamage) * _bodyMultiplier); 
				_oldDamage = _unit getHitPointDamage "HitBody";
				_return = _oldDamage + ((_passedDamage - _oldDamage) * _bodyMultiplier); 
				_oldDamage = _unit getHitPointDamage "HitArms";
				_return = _oldDamage + ((_passedDamage - _oldDamage) * _handsMultiplier); 
				_oldDamage = _unit getHitPointDamage "HitHands";
				_return = _oldDamage + ((_passedDamage - _oldDamage) * _handsMultiplier); 
				_oldDamage = _unit getHitPointDamage "HitLegs";
				_return = _oldDamage + ((_passedDamage - _oldDamage) * _legsMultiplier); 
				_oldDamage = damage _unit;
				_return = _oldDamage + ((_passedDamage - _oldDamage) * _overAllMultiplier); 

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I think you forget possible case in your script that's why it doesn't work.


All those case must be covered or it won't work


This script should works give it a try 

I must have messed up the formatting while changing the cases. I had them all. Your script, however, is working perfectly so far. Thanks so much for the help! 

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