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Huge Desync with filepatching

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Hey guys,


we had a disastrous game today. We had so much Desync on a server that always worked great. We use an assortment of mods one of them is ASR.


In the ASR thread the author recently stated that "-enableFilePatching" is needed in order for ASR working correctly. 
I'm pretty sure that enableFilePatching is the cause for the bad desync we experienced today. 


With "-enableFilePatching" I join the server and it takes about 1-2min till the server even knows my ping.

Without "-enableFilePatching" I join the server (way quicker than before) and the server shows my ping immediately. 


My question is, am I doing something wrong (Do you need more information in order to answer that?)?
Is that know, will that be fixed or is that normal?


I have to admit, I have no real idea what filepatching is. I just know that it lets the server load other files then .pbo's. In this case the userconfig from the Arma 3 Server Directory!

Hope someone has some advice
Many Greetings




EDIT: I should give myself a "Stupidest Person on the Planet" Title. Of course its not "-enableFilePatching" but "-filePatching". One should not listen to every mod author. SORRY!

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Not sure that -filepatching is the issue. We have recently enabled that and have seen no difference with desync. You should start by troubleshooting your server and seeing what is happening with the network traffic.

1. for 10 - 20 players on a normal mission the server should be outputting 5 - 10mbps when the AI are active during a firefight. The in game admin can monitor this with #monitor 1 and 0. if the server is only outputting 1mbps or somthing then you have a network issue.

2. badly optimised scripts or units spawning and despawning can cause desync.

3. high player ping - if a fair few players have high ping to the server then this can effect the server and anyone else on the server as data packets will be lost and the server needs to re send them.

4. tweak your arma3.cfg found in the default server profile. no server's optimum values are the same because it depends on the servers connection relative to the clients. for example, we are an australian based group which rent a server from Los Angeles (its cheap) on a 100mbit line so the values that work for us are as follows

This stuff can get confusing and is a very slow process to get right, but here is all the info you need or least to get started with https://forums.bistudio.com/topic/139003-tutorial-how-to-run-arma3-on-a-dedicated-server/
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We along with many other servers also run -filepatching without any issues and as Azza said, this would be more to do with hardware/software issues or the mission itself

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Thanks for your answers, but as I already stated in my edit (I figured that out, 10min after I posted) I was just REALLY stupid! xD

Anyway, I'll see that I try to tweak my files as Azza stated at number 4. ^^

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