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JTF16 - Now Recruiting!

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New website up! http://www.jtf16.org


Who are we?

JTF16 is a group of mature ArmA veterans, we consist primarily of Swedish players at this moment but that is something we don’t mind changing.

We play co-op games (apart from a few special events) and we have our own dedicated game server where we also host our mod repositories and TS3. We host our own OPs two days a week and we try do joint-ops with a bigger groups as often as we can.

The group has its own very talented mission and campaign makers and usually do campaigns that stretches over several weeks.


So, what do we do?

We play ArmA, that pretty much it, but we do it with a twist that we like to call “Milsim Lightâ€. We like to mix milsim with casual play, creating a fun and inviting environment for everyone involved.
In practice that means that we do have a set structure and in-game we have a chain of command but without the use of ranks and such. What we strive for is to get some really good immersion going, but at the same time understand that we do this because it's fun.

We are looking for mature players and we have set the age limit to join JTF16 to 25 years old. If you want more information on how to apply to JTF16 head over to the recruitment page and read there.


Join JTF16

We are always interested in expanding our list of members, and we would love to hear from you. Adding more capable riflemen, medics, team leaders, medics and support personnel lets us create even bigger missions and lets us utilize more roles.

Our wishes

As stated on our Who We Are page, we are all ArmA veterans and we are looking for a bit older players than most other teams do. We are looking for mature players who can differentiate between when its appropriate to play around and when it's time to get you game face on.
Our wishes are:

  • You are able to speak and write English.
  • You need to be 25 years or older.
  • You need to be mature, respectful and know how to handle situations like an adult.
  • You need to have a working microphone and a basic knowledge how to use TeamSpeak.
  • You need to have a basic understanding of ArmA 3.


If you want to know more or are interested in joining us, head over to our website or drop me a PM here on the BI forums.

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  • New website up! Head over to www.jtf16.org to read more about us.
  • Still expanding our ranks, now recruiting internationally!

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