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CPU 40% - Server Fps 5

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I'm asking your help because my server is running a mission with 95 - 100 players, et there are desync.

The problem is that server fps = 5    but the processor is only at 40% used.


In the command line I have 


-exThreads=7 -high -enableHT


I enabled high performances in the power settings (OS = windows server 2012)


So if you have any idea to help me with this situation... 

Thank you

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What network connection is the thing using? Server binary to my knowledge is single threaded so its only using 1 core anyways. 95-100 players is a lot and probably more than this games netcode is designed to handle, though with some tweaks and a good internet connection inside a decent datacenter is definately possible.


What network settings is the arma3server.exe using (ones defined in server.cfg) 

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There are also diffrent factors included in here aswell.


1st. What missions are you running?


There are missions that no matter how much fun are so badly optemized that its ridiculus... the server wont be able to load properly because of this.


2nd. Is it an AI based mission or a PVP mission?


If it is AI based you might have a problem. most AI missions are based upon the amount of players. a normal dedicated server will start to lose major fps once the AI count goes over 140 at any given time so if you have a mission that generates 4 AI for every player with a 100 players that would be 400 AI.


3rd. Is there a loot system?


Loot systems are a core of problem. yes they are very nice and allot of people use them because its awesome, ther are also very tallented people working on these loot systems. however if you have a loot system that spawns loot for individual people you will be ****** because it wil spawn loot in the area for 100 people. this is to much for any server that is not military grade ;)


In allot of cases these things can be cooled down by using a Headless client.

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What network connection is the thing using? Server binary to my knowledge is single threaded so its only using 1 core anyways. 95-100 players is a lot and probably more than this games netcode is designed to handle, though with some tweaks and a good internet connection inside a decent datacenter is definately possible.


What network settings is the arma3server.exe using (ones defined in server.cfg)

So network speed affect the fps in Arma?

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It's running altis life.


Right now I have 130 players online


Look at this photo : 



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So network speed affect the fps in Arma?

If the server is hitting its cap for upload bandwith then yes it can, performance will be reduced since the server is not able to send out everything it needs for an update (as in sending data to clients about other units positions,whos shooting, whats going on) all at once. Desync will also occur, and its probably possible to lose FPS as well because of this.

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If the server is hitting its cap for upload bandwith then yes it can, performance will be reduced since the server is not able to send out everything it needs for an update (as in sending data to clients about other units positions,whos shooting, whats going on) all at once. Desync will also occur, and its probably possible to lose FPS as well because of this.

So, rendering on client in Arma 3 is based on packets received?


I dont know, it doesn't make sense.  If a server isnt't able to send the positions, who is shooting etc, it shouldn't affect the frames per second drawn on clients, no? Desync understandable would occur.

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So, rendering on client in Arma 3 is based on packets received?


I dont know, it doesn't make sense.  If a server isnt't able to send the positions, who is shooting etc, it shouldn't affect the frames per second drawn on clients, no? Desync understandable would occur.

Some people say its a lie but apparently client FPS is tied to server FPS. At least thats what BIS says, though in some cases clients can end up with higher FPS than the server, and the exact environment that causes that isn't really clear to me.

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Some people say its a lie but apparently client FPS is tied to server FPS. At least thats what BIS says, though in some cases clients can end up with higher FPS than the server, and the exact environment that causes that isn't really clear to me.

Yeah that's what im trying to get people to tell me: Why is it like this? Why makes this happen?


Btw, you have any link to a post or something where the devs say this?

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