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Gorgi Knootewoot

Mission won't end

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I'm in the mission OCCUPATION from RESISTANCE. After clearing out the first base, the tanks role in. Then i fired a RPG into a group of enemy soldiers (10 dead at once smile.gif ), and run back to the two tanks. A lot of enemy soldier appeared but where ambushed by my team and the two tanks i didn't call in yet. When no more soldiers appeared, i called in the tanks which finished of the remaining soldiers in the camp. Next me and my group entered the enemy base and i let all of my soldiers mount a machine gun. Some enemy's appear from different sides, but they are mowed down very quick. The two tanks blast them away with ease, and the machine guns pick them easely of from a distance. But now we stand there in the camp, with no enemy's in sight. The mission doesn't end, and the log shows i haven't completed the secure and hold base yet. But i have no enemy's left to kill... What could be the problem. Please help me..................................

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Pretty original topic title, at least if you understand it smile.gif

The best advice that i've heard on missions like this is just to do them again, it seems that it works for some people after they've tried again...

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For someone who's been around the forums long enough to rack up the number of posts you have you should by now know to 1. Search the forums and 2. Read Avon's FAQ (where you will find the answer).


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