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Custom attachments in the pointer slot

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So I'm making something similiar to a "Railing Cover", it's a ghillie camo on the weapon. I've finished modelling and placed the side proxy at the right position. After I've configured it, it just doesn't appear ingame! I've tried giving it to my unit in the init line but that doesn't work too (I am testing my weapons and attachments with the Virtual Arsenal).


What could be wrong with my attachment?

class SIDE_GhillieCamo_Base: ItemCore
	author = "yuval";
	_generalMacro = "SIDE_GhillieCamo_Base";
	scope = 0;
	model = "\yuval\attachments\ghilliecamo";
	class ItemInfo
 		mass = 3;
	hiddenSelections[] = {"camo"};
	hiddenSelectionsMaterials[] = {"yuval\attachments\data\GhillieCamo.rvmat"};
	inertia = 0;
class SIDE_GhillieCamo_Desert: SIDE_GhillieCamo_Base
	scope = 2;
	_generalMacro = "SIDE_GhillieCamo_Desert";
	displayName = "Desert Ghillie Camo (Weapon Att)";
	picture = "yuval\attachments\data\ui\gear_ghilliecamo_desert.paa";
	hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"yuval\attachments\data\ghilliecamo_desert_ca.paa"};
	inertia = 0;

What's wrong in here? Why doesn't it work?


thanks in advance

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To the best of my knowledge attachments don't support hidden selections (as they require a model.cfg which the game seems to dislike for some reason). Try making two different models (one woodland and one desert) instead.

Also, you don't show it here but I assume you have added "SIDE_GhillieCamo_Base" and "SIDE_GhillieCamo_Desert" in the weapon's PointerSlot section like so?

			class PointerSlot: PointerSlot
				linkProxy = "\A3\data_f\proxies\weapon_slots\SIDE";
				compatibleItems[] = {"SIDE_GhillieCamo_Base","SIDE_GhillieCamo_Desert"};
                   		iconScale = 0;

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Yeah I have added it to the pointerslots.

Thanks for the fast reply! I'll go and remove the hidden selection and try again once I get home.

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Didn't work.. Do anyone know any similiar mods that use something like I did (Rail cover, etc..) which I can see how it's done properly. I'm 99% sure I've seen an 'Rail Cover' attachment in a mod for an M4 or an M16 but I can't remember which mod was it nor I found after searching...

Thanks for the help anyway man.

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I myself have made rail cover attachments for my squad's weapons pack. Here is the code:

	class SSQN_RailCovers_2: ItemCore
		author = "S Squadron";
		scope = 2;
		displayName = "Rail Covers (2)";
		descriptionUse = "Rail Covers";
		picture = "\SSQN_L119A1\inv\ssqn_acc_railcovers2_ca.paa";
		model = "\SSQN_L119A1\attachments\LR_RailCovers.p3d";
		descriptionShort = "Rail Covers";
		class ItemInfo: InventoryFlashLightItem_Base_F
			mass = 4;
			class Pointer{};
			class FlashLight{};

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You also need to define the attachment as being compatible with the weapon you are trying to add it to.

The way to do this depends on the way the weapon's attachment slots are configured under class WeaponSlotsInfo

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Also, I've just noticed you have the scope set to 0, try changing that to 1 instead for the base class.

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