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Chernarus Lootspawn

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I'm trying to work on some sort of Wasteland/DayZ mission for Chernarus.
So far everything works perfect and I'm using Na-Palm's lootspawn script, but I'm having this one issue; I can't get it to work alongside with the "Nato SF and Russian Spetsnaz Weapons" by massi. (http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=21912)
I can not figure out what the issue is, but here is the entire script;


// Lootspawner junction lists for classes to spawn-/lootable items

// Author: Na_Palm (BIS forums)
//here place Weapons an usable items (ex.: Binocular, ...)
//used with addWeaponCargoGlobal
//"lootWeapon_list" array of [class, [weaponlist]]
// class : 0-civil, 1-military, ... (add more as you wish)
// weaponlist : list of weapon class names
lootWeapon_list = [
[ 0, [ // CIVIL
"Binocular", //counts as weapon
]],[ 1, [ // MILITARY
"Binocular", //counts as weapon
"Laserdesignator", //counts as weapon
"Rangefinder", //counts as weapon
]],[ 2, [ // INDUSTRIAL
"Binocular", //counts as weapon
]],[ 3, [ // RESEARCH
"Laserdesignator", //counts as weapon
"Rangefinder", //counts as weapon
//here place magazines, weaponattachments and bodyitems(ex.: ItemGPS, ItemMap, Medikit, FirstAidKit, Binoculars, ...)
//used with addMagazineCargoGlobal
//"lootMagazine_list" array of [class, [magazinelist]]
// class : 0-civil, 1-military, ... (add more as you wish)
// magazinelist: list of magazine class names
lootMagazine_list = [
[ 0, [ // CIVIL
]],[ 1, [ // MILITARY
]],[ 2, [ // INDUSTRIAL
]],[ 3, [ // RESEARCH
//here place hats, glasses, clothes, uniforms, vests
//used with addItemCargoGlobal
//"lootItem_list" array of [class, [itemlist]]
// class : 0-civil, 1-military, ... (add more as you wish)
// itemlist : list of item class names
lootItem_list = [
[ 0, [ // CIVIL
]],[ 1, [ // MILITARY
]],[ 2, [ // INDUSTRIAL
]],[ 3, [ // RESEARCH
//here place backpacks, parachutes and packed drones/stationary
//used with addBackpackCargoGlobal
//"lootBackpack_list" array of [class, [backpacklist]]
// class : 0-civil, 1-military, ... (add more as you wish)
// backpacklist: list of backpack class names
lootBackpack_list = [
[ 0, [ // CIVIL
"B_AssaultPack_blk", // 34 Mags
"B_BergenC_red", // 50 Mags
"B_Bergen_mcamo", // 54 Mags
"B_HuntingBackpack", // 32 Mags
"B_OutdoorPack_blu", // 17 Mags
]],[ 1, [ // MILITARY
"B_BergenG", // 64 Mags
"B_Carryall_cbr", // 60 Mags
"B_FieldPack_blk", // 35 Mags
"B_TacticalPack_blk", // 42 Mags
]],[ 2, [ // INDUSTRIAL
"B_Carryall_cbr", // 60 Mags
]],[ 3, [ // RESEARCH
//here place any other objects(ex.: Land_Basket_F, Box_East_Wps_F, Land_Can_V3_F, ...)
//used with createVehicle directly
//"lootworldObject_list" array of [class, [objectlist]]
// class : 0-civil, 1-military, ... (add more as you wish)
// objectlist : list of worldobject class names
lootworldObject_list = [
[ 0, [ // CIVIL
"Land_Basket_F", // food
"Land_CanisterPlastic_F", // water
"Land_CanisterFuel_F" // Jerrycan
]],[ 1, [ // MILITARY
"Land_CanisterFuel_F", // jerrycan
"Land_Can_V3_F", // energydrink
"Land_Suitcase_F" // repairkit
]],[ 2, [ // INDUSTRIAL
//"Box_IND_Support_F", //support boxes don't erease inventory
"Land_CanisterFuel_F", // jerrycan
"Land_CanisterOil_F", // syphon hose
"Land_Suitcase_F" // repairkit
]],[ 3, [ // RESEARCH
"Land_Can_V3_F", // energydrink
"Land_Suitcase_F" // repairkit

I can not seem  to find the error, but whenever I add any of massi's guns it stops working completely.
How can I work around this or what error am I having?
Thanks you very much.

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In the lootWeapon_list the arrays of weapons end with commas. 

lootWeapon_list = [
[ 0, ["hgun_mas_grach_F","hgun_mas_mak_F", ... , "srifle_EBR_f"]],
[ 1, [ ... "Laserdesignator","LMG_Mk200_F","LMG_Zafir_F","Rangefinder",]],
[ 2, ["Binocular",]],
[ 3, ["hgun_mas_sa61_F","srifle_mas_ksvk","srifle_mas_m107","Laserdesignator","Rangefinder",]]

Note how after both Rangerfinder strings and the Binocular string, there is a comma without another array element after it.

Most likely terminating for that.

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In the lootWeapon_list the arrays of weapons end with commas. 

lootWeapon_list = [
[ 0, ["hgun_mas_grach_F","hgun_mas_mak_F", ... , "srifle_EBR_f"]],
[ 1, [ ... "Laserdesignator","LMG_Mk200_F","LMG_Zafir_F","Rangefinder",]],
[ 2, ["Binocular",]],
[ 3, ["hgun_mas_sa61_F","srifle_mas_ksvk","srifle_mas_m107","Laserdesignator","Rangefinder",]]

Note how after both Rangerfinder strings and the Binocular string, there is a comma without another array element after it.

Most likely terminating for that.

I see! Thanks you very much!

I'll try it out.

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No, it doesn't seem to work. Nothing spawns at all still.

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Hmmm. Are you running Arma 3 with the -showScriptErrors flag?

Edit: Also noticed that in the Military array, you are missing commas to separate array elements after "LMG_mas_M60_F" and "arifle_mas_aa12".

Sent from my SGP561 using Tapatalk

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Hmmm. Are you running Arma 3 with the -showScriptErrors flag?

Edit: Also noticed that in the Military array, you are missing commas to separate array elements after "LMG_mas_M60_F" and "arifle_mas_aa12".

Sent from my SGP561 using Tapatalk

I don't know what the -showScriptErrors flag is.

Thank you very much with the corrections aswell, I'll be trying it out on a second.

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Okay. It seems to be working great so far. Thanks you a lot.
Incase anyone else happens to want it or to need the list, here it is (it doesn't have the ALL the items but has most iconic ones and the ones that were of my prefference)


//here place Weapons an usable items (ex.: Binocular, ...)
//used with addWeaponCargoGlobal
//"lootWeapon_list" array of [class, [weaponlist]]
// class : 0-civil, 1-military, ... (add more as you wish)
// weaponlist : list of weapon class names
lootWeapon_list = [
[ 0, [ // CIVIL
"Binocular", //counts as weapon
]],[ 1, [ // MILITARY
"Binocular", //counts as weapon
"Laserdesignator", //counts as weapon
"Rangefinder" //counts as weapon
]],[ 2, [ // INDUSTRIAL
"Binocular" //counts as weapon
]],[ 3, [ // RESEARCH
"Laserdesignator", //counts as weapon
"Rangefinder" //counts as weapon
//here place magazines, weaponattachments and bodyitems(ex.: ItemGPS, ItemMap, Medikit, FirstAidKit, Binoculars, ...)
//used with addMagazineCargoGlobal
//"lootMagazine_list" array of [class, [magazinelist]]
// class : 0-civil, 1-military, ... (add more as you wish)
// magazinelist: list of magazine class names
lootMagazine_list = [
[ 0, [ // CIVIL
]],[ 1, [ // MILITARY
]],[ 2, [ // INDUSTRIAL
]],[ 3, [ // RESEARCH
//here place hats, glasses, clothes, uniforms, vests
//used with addItemCargoGlobal
//"lootItem_list" array of [class, [itemlist]]
// class : 0-civil, 1-military, ... (add more as you wish)
// itemlist : list of item class names
lootItem_list = [
[ 0, [ // CIVIL
]],[ 1, [ // MILITARY
]],[ 2, [ // INDUSTRIAL
]],[ 3, [ // RESEARCH
//here place backpacks, parachutes and packed drones/stationary
//used with addBackpackCargoGlobal
//"lootBackpack_list" array of [class, [backpacklist]]
// class : 0-civil, 1-military, ... (add more as you wish)
// backpacklist: list of backpack class names
lootBackpack_list = [
[ 0, [ // CIVIL
"B_AssaultPack_blk", // 34 Mags
"B_BergenC_red", // 50 Mags
"B_Bergen_mcamo", // 54 Mags
"B_HuntingBackpack", // 32 Mags
"B_OutdoorPack_blu", // 17 Mags
]],[ 1, [ // MILITARY
"B_BergenG", // 64 Mags
"B_Carryall_cbr", // 60 Mags
"B_FieldPack_blk", // 35 Mags
"B_TacticalPack_blk", // 42 Mags
]],[ 2, [ // INDUSTRIAL
"B_Carryall_cbr", // 60 Mags
]],[ 3, [ // RESEARCH
//here place any other objects(ex.: Land_Basket_F, Box_East_Wps_F, Land_Can_V3_F, ...)
//used with createVehicle directly
//"lootworldObject_list" array of [class, [objectlist]]
// class : 0-civil, 1-military, ... (add more as you wish)
// objectlist : list of worldobject class names
lootworldObject_list = [
[ 0, [ // CIVIL
"Land_Basket_F", // food
"Land_CanisterPlastic_F", // water
"Land_CanisterFuel_F" // Jerrycan
]],[ 1, [ // MILITARY
"Land_CanisterFuel_F", // jerrycan
"Land_Can_V3_F", // energydrink
"Land_Suitcase_F" // repairkit
]],[ 2, [ // INDUSTRIAL
//"Box_IND_Support_F", //support boxes don't erease inventory
"Land_CanisterFuel_F", // jerrycan
"Land_CanisterOil_F", // syphon hose
"Land_Suitcase_F" // repairkit
]],[ 3, [ // RESEARCH
"Land_Can_V3_F", // energydrink
"Land_Suitcase_F" // repairkit

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Okay. It seems to be working great so far. Thanks you a lot. Incase anyone else happens to want it or to need the list, here it is (it doesn't have the ALL the items but has most iconic ones and the ones that were of my prefference)
Awesome, glad I was able to help!
Also, if you want to learn a little bit about the -showScriptErrors flag, see https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3_Startup_Parameters.  Basically, it assists in code debugging by displaying errors on screen.
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I also have issues with Massi weapons and gun stores. The show script errors flag does not show anything when I am interacting with the stores and something does not work.

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