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Brostrom.A | Evul

Retexture but the item don't have hiddentexture how?

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Yea don't even try to (trying to help you save time), I have many times and if the item doesn't have hiddenSelections/hiddenSelectionsTextures command it won't work. If it is an Arma 3 asset than go ahead and ask a dev if they can add the hiddenselections array, I'm %100 positive they'll take into consideration, I should know because this last update I asked a dev if we can get to re-texture the "g_lowprofile" goggles in A3 and they wrote me back saying it is now possible to re-texture that and all the A3 glasses (Main Branch in 1.54.)  :).


Edit: if it is an Bohemia Interactive Arma 2 asset *only and you have the actual p3d/mesh than I can help explain how to add the "hiddenSelections/hiddenSelectionsTextures" to the mesh.

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Yea don't even try to (trying to help you save time), I have many times and if the item doesn't have hiddenSelections/hiddenSelectionsTextures command it won't work. If it is an Arma 3 asset than go ahead and ask a dev if they can add the hiddenselections array, I'm %100 positive they'll take into consideration, I should know because this last update I asked a dev if we can get to re-texture the "g_lowprofile" goggles in A3 and they wrote me back saying it is now possible to re-texture that and all the A3 glasses (Main Branch in 1.54.)[/size] :).

Edit: if it is an Bohemia Interactive Arma 2 asset *only and you have the actual p3d/mesh than I can help explain how to add the "hiddenSelections/hiddenSelectionsTextures" o the mesh.

I assume I ask for this in the feedback tracker? :)

EDIT: due to edit :P I am planing to change texture on the containers in helicopter dlc and hemmet back parts.

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I have come across this before in-game, many of the item assets cannot be retextured. :(



You can find out which items are texturable, by having this run in your debug:

hint format ["%1", getObjectTextures cursorTarget];

For materials:

hint format ["%1", getObjectMaterials cursorTarget];

They will return the textures/materials in an array. If ARRAY or [] is shown, then it has no hiddenSelectionTextures / hiddenSelectionMaterials.

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EDIT: due to edit :P I am planing to change texture on the ... hemmet back parts.

That probably wont be doable because IIRC the HEMMT containers are a proxy model, a separate .p3d to the vehicle .p3d and loaded via a fixed path.

Changing the appearance of proxy objects requires physically altering .p3d model files.

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