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parachute animation bugg

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Its not a bug with the game its a bug with the object (i.e. the bridge model). Most likely the bridge model needs to be correctly set up using correct roadway lods or somesuch (I'm a weapons guy, not a static object guy). If you're working on the models yourself, your best bet is to ask in the 'ARMA 3 - MODELLING - (O2)' section for further information. If it iss not your addon and someone else made it, then report the bug to the author and it will hopefully get fixed..

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Its not a bug with the game its a bug with the object (i.e. the bridge model). Most likely the bridge model needs to be correctly set up using correct roadway lods or somesuch (I'm a weapons guy, not a static object guy). If you're working on the models yourself, your best bet is to ask in the 'ARMA 3 - MODELLING - (O2)' section for further information. If it iss not your addon and someone else made it, then report the bug to the author and it will hopefully get fixed..


Unfortunately, it's actually a bug with the game. This is impossible to fix in a sane manner by anyone besides BI. It is impossible to get out of this state without resetting the animation via scripting.


It's a problem with the way freefall and/or "edge drop" is programmed to activate, and not the model itself. This will always trigger when an object exits a vehicle on a surface that is higher than 100 meters ATL. The distance isn't checked as unit-landcontact-to-nearest-collider but as an ATL which does not take into account any surface besides the terrain level. This can trigger even with properly setup LOD's. A simple crack in the ground will result in a faceplant. There are extensive repro steps on this ticket, with the eager_triggering_vehicles.VR.zip being the relevant repro for the case presented in the video.


The ticket has been filed for over a year now.

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Unfortunately, it's actually a bug with the game. This is impossible to fix in a sane manner by anyone besides BI. It is impossible to get out of this state without resetting the animation via scripting.

i think ther is a way with an extra script to fix this.

I thout abaut somthing like that


	halo from vehicles
	by Halv
	Copyright (C) 2015  Halvhjearne > README.md

_id = _this select 2;
_vehicle = _this select 3;
_vehicle removeAction _id;

moveOut player;
waitUntil{(!(vehicle player isEqualTo _vehicle) && animationState player == "halofreefall_non")};

sleep 1;
HALV_openchute = false;
_action = player addAction [localize "STR_HALO_OPEN_CHUTE",{HALV_openchute = true;}];

waitUntil{sleep 1;(HALV_openchute || !(alive player) || isTouchingGround player)};

player removeAction _action;

if !(HALV_openchute)exitWith{
	player setDammage 1;
	HALV_openchute = nil;

HALV_openchute = nil;

private "_chute";

_pos = getPosATL player;
_pos set [2,(_pos select 2)+2];

if (_pos select 2 < 10) then{
	_chute = createVehicle ["NonSteerable_Parachute_F", _pos, [], 0, "FLY"];
	_chute = createVehicle ["Steerable_Parachute_F", _pos, [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];

sleep 0.2;

_chute setDir (getDir player);
_chute setPosATL _pos;
_chute disableCollisionWith player;
player moveInDriver _chute;
_chute setVelocity [0,0,0];
waitUntil{vehicle player isEqualTo _chute};
if (animationState player != "para_pilot") then{
	player switchMove "para_pilot";

waitUntil {isTouchingGround player || !alive player};

if (!isNull _chute) then{
	_chute setVelocity [0,0,0];
	sleep 0.5;
	if ((vehicle player) isEqualTo _chute) then { moveOut player };
	sleep 1.5;
	deleteVehicle _chute;

	halo from vehicles
	by Halv
	Copyright (C) 2015  Halvhjearne > README.md

//this is the height (in meters) above ground the player needs to be, before the halo scroll action becomes available. default 250 
_haloheight = 200;
//if you change path structure, change it here aswell
_scriptpath = "custom\eject.sqf";
//Dont touch anything below this point

_haloaction = -1;
_lastvehicle = objNull;

while{alive player}do{
	_vehicle = vehicle player;
	if !(player isEqualTo _vehicle)then{
		_pos = getPosATL _vehicle;
		_isPara = _vehicle isKindOf "ParachuteBase";
		_role = assignedVehicleRole player;
		if(_pos select 2 >= _haloheight && !_isPara && (_role select 0) isEqualTo "cargo")then{
			if(_haloaction < 0)then{
				_haloaction = _vehicle addAction["<img size='1.5'image='\a3\Ui_f\data\IGUI\Cfg\Actions\eject_ca.paa'/> <t color='#0096ff'>HALO</t><t > </t><t color='#00CC00'>Eject</t>",_scriptpath,_vehicle, -10, false, true, "", "(vehicle player) isEqualTo _target"];
			_vehicle removeAction _haloaction;
			_haloaction = -1;
		_lastvehicle = _vehicle;
		_lastvehicle removeAction _haloaction;
		_haloaction = -1;
	sleep 1;

waitUntil{alive player};

[]execVM __FILE__;

this is an halo script in which an extra action adds if you fligh more than 200 meter called halo jump.

you get ejected from the vehiucle and can open the parachute.

instat of helo jump i want an "save eject". So this option sude apear if you are over 100 meter in a vehicle and you get ejectet with these paramater:

player removeaction bis_fnc_halo_action;

(finddisplay 46) displayremoveeventhandler ["keydown",bis_fnc_halo_keydown_eh];

ppeffectdestroy bis_fnc_halo_ppRadialBlur;

deletevehicle bis_fnc_halo_clouds;

bis_fnc_halo_clouds = nil;

bis_fnc_halo_vel = nil;

bis_fnc_halo_velLimit = nil;

bis_fnc_halo_velAdd = nil;

bis_fnc_halo_dir = nil;

bis_fnc_halo_dirLimit = nil;

bis_fnc_halo_dirAdd = nil;

bis_fnc_halo_action = nil;

bis_fnc_halo_keydown = nil;

bis_fnc_halo_keydown_eh = nil;

if (!alive player) then {

player switchmove "adthppnemstpsraswrfldnon_1";

player setvelocity [0,0,0];


And thene you hopefully can walk normal.

but that's just a thought

and unfortunately I can not script

you know if that would work like this?

and who can help me with this script?

best regards


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