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Separate Mission Files

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I remember I used to create additional files for my map addons in Arma 2 OA so the mission.sqm did not get cramp up all the time.


When I used to make separate files for the bases in Arma 2 OA:

if (isServer) then {

_vehicle_0 = objNull;
if (true) then
  _this = createVehicle ["Fence_corrugated_plate", [2191.1504, 6259.3984, 0.21464808], [], 0, "NONE"];
  _vehicle_0 = _this;
  _this setDir -46.031673;
  _this setPos [2191.1504, 6259.3984, 0.21464808];



		class Item0
			init="this allowDamage false;";



Can you still create an additional file in a similar format as above or would I just use createVehicle again in Arma 3?....

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I'm not too sure what you are asking but you can use the Arma 2 OA code you have there with Arma 3. Make sure the classnames exist in Arma 3.

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The Arma 2 OA is sqf and the Arma 3 example is from the mission.sqm, you can use both to do what your're trying to do, however one adds objects/units/whatever dynamically, the other adds it to the mission so that it is then available in the editor (but is not dynamic). So depending on what you want to do...

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