Ilias38rus 5 Posted September 14, 2015 I checked it like 20 times already, can't fing anything, Set captive action adding non stop. lvun = 0; _lu = 0; laun = []; laun1 = []; laun2 = []; laun3 = []; laun4 = []; _la = ["arifle_MX_GL_F", "arifle_MX_GL_ACO_F", "arifle_MX_GL_ACO_pointer_F", "arifle_MX_GL_Hamr_pointer_F", "arifle_MX_GL_Holo_pointer_snds_F", "arifle_MX_GL_Black_F", "arifle_MX_GL_Black_Hamr_pointer_F"]; lvuglc2 = 0; lvuglc3 = 0; lauglc = []; lauglc2 = []; lauglc3 = []; while {true} do { { if (_x isKindOf "CAManBase") then { if ((_x isKindOf "B_UAV_AI") or (_x isKindOf "O_UAV_AI") or (_x isKindOf "I_UAV_AI")) then {} else { _lu = _x; if ((primaryWeapon _x == "") and (handgunWeapon _x == "") and (secondaryWeapon _x == "")) then { lvun = (laun find _x); if (lvun == -1) then { laun1 = [_x]; // laun2 = []; _x addaction ["Set captive","additionals\sunarmedsc.sqf","_x"]; laun = laun + laun1; }; } else { if (lvun != -1) then { _x setcaptive false; // {_lu removeAction _x;} foreach laun2; removeAllActions _x; laun = laun - laun1; lauglc = lauglc - laun1; }; lvuglc2 = _la find (primaryweapon _x); lvuglc3 = (lauglc find _x); if ((lvuglc2 != -1) and (lvuglc3 == -1) and (_x != player)) then { lauglc2 = [_x]; // lauglc3 = ["","","" // ]; _x addaction ["Select grenade launcher",{(_this select 0) selectWeapon "GL_3GL_F";},"_x"]; _x addaction ["Fire grenade launcher",{(_this select 0) fire "GL_3GL_F";},"_x"]; _x addaction ["Flare","additionals\sffc.sqf","_x"]; lauglc = lauglc + lauglc2; } else { if ((lvuglc2 != -1) and (lvuglc3 == -1)) then { // {_lu removeAction _x} foreach lauglc3; removeAllActions _x; laun = laun - lauglc2; lauglc = lauglc - lauglc2; }; }; }; }; }; } foreach allunits; }; Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ilias38rus 5 Posted September 14, 2015 My god, found, finaly Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ilias38rus 5 Posted September 14, 2015 Again something broked, ugl actions do not adding: Working everything, but Ai do not targewting air with flares, if that's in code, i would be realy grateful for saind where: laa = []; laun = []; _lvun = 0; _la = ["arifle_MX_GL_F", "arifle_MX_GL_ACO_F", "arifle_MX_GL_ACO_pointer_F", "arifle_MX_GL_Hamr_pointer_F", "arifle_MX_GL_Holo_pointer_snds_F", "arifle_MX_GL_Black_F", "arifle_MX_GL_Black_Hamr_pointer_F"]; lvuglc = 0; lauglc = []; lvuglc1 = 0; while {true} do { { if (_x isKindOf "CAManBase") then { if ((_x isKindOf "B_UAV_AI") or (_x isKindOf "O_UAV_AI") or (_x isKindOf "I_UAV_AI")) then {} else { laa = [_x]; _lvun = (laun find _x); if ((primaryWeapon _x == "") and (handgunWeapon _x == "") and (secondaryWeapon _x == "")) then { if (_lvun == -1) then { removeAllActions _x; lauglc = lauglc - laa; _x addaction ["Set captive","sunarmedsc.sqf","_x"]; laun = laun + laa; }; } else { if (_lvun != -1) then { _x setcaptive false; removeAllActions _x; laun = laun - laa; lauglc = lauglc - laa; }; lvuglc = (_la find primaryweapon _x); lvuglc1 = (lauglc find _x); if ((lvuglc != -1) and (lvuglc1 == -1) and (_x != player)) then { _x addaction ["Select grenade launcher",{(_this select 0) selectWeapon "GL_3GL_F";},"_x"]; _x addaction ["Fire grenade launcher",{(_this select 0) fire "GL_3GL_F";},"_x"]; _x addaction ["Flare","sffc.sqf","_x"]; lauglc = lauglc + laa; } else { if ((lvuglc1 != -1) and (lvuglc == -1)) then { removeAllActions _x; laun = laun - laa; lauglc = lauglc - laa; }; }; }; }; }; } foreach allunits; sleep 1; }; sffc.sqf _lo = 0; _lu = (_this select 0); _lo = "Land_HeliPadEmpty_F" createvehicle [(getposATL _lu select 0) + 5, (getposATL _lu select 1) + 5, 15]; _lo setpos [(getposATL _lu select 0) + 5, (getposATL _lu select 1) + 5, 15]; _this select 0 reveal _lo; sleep 1; _this select 0 dotarget _lo; sleep 5; //_this select 0 fire "GL_3GL_F"; sleep 20; //_this select 0 dotarget objNull; deleteVehicle _lo; Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
fn_Quiksilver 1636 Posted September 14, 2015 whats up with the variable names :blink: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
R3vo 2654 Posted September 14, 2015 I have to agree, your variable name are a horror for debugging. In addition, please use proper thread names, so people can actually help you. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites