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Fire From Vehicle First view problem

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Hi dudes, im trying to add 2 FFV Seats in a LAND LOVER, but have a issue, in third view all works like a charm, if i Aim trough the optics/ironsights of the weapons works perfectly, but wen i enter in first person, the model lose the antiroll bars, the other tubes, and the benches... it only happen in the FFV seat, the cargo seats and driver seat are fine. Some Help? I think It culd be aproblem of the 3D model but Im a newbie. I search and cant find a solution only a buddy with a similar problem...


ironshigt view, its ok




First Person view, Where are the RollBars and the Benches?



Extract of Confing where define FFV

		class Turrets {
			class CargoTurret_01: CargoTurret {							/// position for Firing from Vehicles
				gunnerAction 				= "passenger_inside_1";		/// generic animation for sitting inside with rifle ready
				gunnerCompartments 			= "Compartment2";			/// gunner is not able to switch seats
				memoryPointsGetInGunner 	= "pos Fpos";				/// specific memory points to allow choice of position
				memoryPointsGetInGunnerDir 	= "pos Fpos dir";			/// direction of get in action
				gunnerName 					= "Firing Seat (LEFT)";		/// name of the position in the Action menu
				proxyIndex 					= 6;						/// what cargo proxy is used according to index in the model
				maxElev 					= 30;						/// what is the highest possible elevation of the turret
				minElev 					= -25;						/// what is the lowest possible elevation of the turret
				maxTurn 					= 50;						/// what is the left-most possible turn of the turret
				minTurn 					= -85;						/// what is the right-most possible turn of the turret
				isPersonTurret 				= 1;						/// enables firing from vehicle functionality
				ejectDeadGunner 			= 0;						/// seatbelts included
				//enabledByAnimationSource 	= "Doors";					/// doesn't work unless the said animation source is 1

			class CargoTurret_02: CargoTurret {							/// position for Firing from Vehicles
				gunnerAction 				= "passenger_inside_1";		/// generic animation for sitting inside with rifle ready
				gunnerCompartments 			= "Compartment2";			/// gunner is not able to switch seats
				memoryPointsGetInGunner 	= "pos Fpos1";				/// specific memory points to allow choice of position
				memoryPointsGetInGunnerDir 	= "pos Fpos1 dir";			/// direction of get in action
				gunnerName 					= "Firing Seat (RIGHT)";	/// name of the position in the Action menu
				proxyIndex 					= 7;						/// what cargo proxy is used according to index in the model
				maxElev 					= 30;						/// what is the highest possible elevation of the turret
				minElev 					= -25;						/// what is the lowest possible elevation of the turret
				maxTurn 					= 85;						/// what is the left-most possible turn of the turret
				minTurn 					= -34;						/// what is the right-most possible turn of the turret
				isPersonTurret 				= 1;						/// enables firing from vehicle functionality
				ejectDeadGunner 			= 0;						/// seatbelts included
				//enabledByAnimationSource 	= "Doors";					/// doesn't work unless the said animation source is 1

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you need to define Level of Detail for those positions, in definition of turret add

LODTurnedIn = X;
LODTurnedOut = X;

where X is a LOD resolution to find from p3d definitions, usually something like 1 or 900 for default shapes, 1000 and more for special LOD's like Gunner view etc.

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thanks for the help klamacz! ill try it this evening! :D

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		class Turrets {
			class CargoTurret_01: CargoTurret {							/// position for Firing from Vehicles
				gunnerAction 				= "passenger_inside_1";		/// generic animation for sitting inside with rifle ready
				gunnerCompartments 			= "Compartment2";			/// gunner is not able to switch seats
				memoryPointsGetInGunner 	= "pos Fpos";				/// specific memory points to allow choice of position
				memoryPointsGetInGunnerDir 	= "pos Fpos dir";			/// direction of get in action
				gunnerName 					= "Firing Seat (LEFT)";		/// name of the position in the Action menu
				proxyIndex 					= 6;						/// what cargo proxy is used according to index in the model
				maxElev 					= 30;						/// what is the highest possible elevation of the turret
				minElev 					= -25;						/// what is the lowest possible elevation of the turret
				maxTurn 					= 50;						/// what is the left-most possible turn of the turret
				minTurn 					= -85;						/// what is the right-most possible turn of the turret
				isPersonTurret 				= 1;						/// enables firing from vehicle functionality
				ejectDeadGunner 			= 0;						/// seatbelts included
				LODTurnedIn 				= 1000;
				LODTurnedOut 				= 1000;
				//enabledByAnimationSource 	= "Doors";					/// doesn't work unless the said animation source is 1

			class CargoTurret_02: CargoTurret {							/// position for Firing from Vehicles
				gunnerAction 				= "passenger_inside_1";		/// generic animation for sitting inside with rifle ready
				gunnerCompartments 			= "Compartment2";			/// gunner is not able to switch seats
				memoryPointsGetInGunner 	= "pos Fpos1";				/// specific memory points to allow choice of position
				memoryPointsGetInGunnerDir 	= "pos Fpos1 dir";			/// direction of get in action
				gunnerName 					= "Firing Seat (RIGHT)";	/// name of the position in the Action menu
				proxyIndex 					= 7;						/// what cargo proxy is used according to index in the model
				maxElev 					= 30;						/// what is the highest possible elevation of the turret
				minElev 					= -25;						/// what is the lowest possible elevation of the turret
				maxTurn 					= 85;						/// what is the left-most possible turn of the turret
				minTurn 					= -34;						/// what is the right-most possible turn of the turret
				isPersonTurret 				= 1;						/// enables firing from vehicle functionality
				ejectDeadGunner 			= 0;						/// seatbelts included
				LODTurnedIn 				= 1000;
				LODTurnedOut 				= 1000;
				//enabledByAnimationSource 	= "Doors";					/// doesn't work unless the said animation source is 1

what im doing wrong?

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FFV seems to use the cargo view LOD by default, but switches to the gunner view LOD when you aim.


The roll bars may be missing from your gunner view LOD.


Setting the LODTurnin/LODTurnout to 1000, which is the gunner LOD, will not bring back the roll bars, as they're missing from the model.


Try setting it to 1200 (Cargo view LOD)

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hi lifetap, this dont work


FFV seems to use the cargo view LOD by default, but switches to the gunner view LOD when you aim.


The roll bars may be missing from your gunner view LOD.


Setting the LODTurnin/LODTurnout to 1000, which is the gunner LOD, will not bring back the roll bars, as they're missing from the model.


Try setting it to 1200 (Cargo view LOD)

hi lifetap thanks for yor answer, i tryed this, dont work, im think i miss something in the P3d model... somebody have any idea?? 




A simple space in a proxy name :(

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