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It's kind of silly that you can't copy profiles in the UI. Why?

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Is there a reason that BI have excluded a simple feature like copying a profile?


I know I can copy and edit file names.  Why wouldn't it be in the menu?

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For the same reason any tiny simple feature you can think of for any game or software doesn't exist. Nobody can do everything, and every single thing they choose to do means not choosing something else. The best they can do is assign priorities and act on them. This will always be the case. You may as well be picking things from the change logs and asking why BI have included them. It's the other side of the same coin.


That said, there are of course many things BI may have never thought of or have been suggested, so you should make a ticket for this.

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For the same reason any tiny simple feature you can think of for any game or software doesn't exist. Nobody can do everything, and every single thing they choose to do means not choosing something else. The best they can do is assign priorities and act on them. This will always be the case. You may as well be picking things from the change logs and asking why BI have included them. It's the other side of the same coin.

This. 110% this.

Many other games don't have the Copy Profile feature either...its a simple case of "Less than 0.01% of the user-base are likely to make use of the 'feature', so what is the point?" followed by "If that <0.01% are that bothered, they can simply copy the profile info manually in Windows"

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This. 110% this.

Many other games don't have the Copy Profile feature either...its a simple case of "Less than 0.01% of the user-base are likely to make use of the 'feature', so what is the point?" followed by "If that <0.01% are that bothered, they can simply copy the profile info manually in Windows"

No, because in pretty much every other game, controls aren't bound to your profile. Which i find impossible to believe that "they never thought of" It's incredibly annoying and inconvenient to have to redo all your controls and every single little change you have ever made when making a new profile.

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It's for the same reason why copying playable units in the editor doesn't save their playable state.

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No, because in pretty much every other game, controls aren't bound to your profile. Which i find impossible to believe that "they never thought of" It's incredibly annoying and inconvenient to have to redo all your controls and every single little change you have ever made when making a new profile

OK then, lets look at the main reason for making a new profile in the first place - for someone else to play the game on the same computer. I'd be pissed as hell if after every time my brother/whoever played ArmA I had to go back and reset all of my controls to my preferences rather than his/their's. As it stands now its a simple process of selecting my profile. I frankly prefer controls being bound to my profile.

On topic, you can simply copy-paste your profile in windows explorer, rename it and you're good to go without any editing of controls etc. And if the name is the only thing you're changing, why not just rename your profile?

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