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Error with making a module.

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Hello forum,


I keep getting an error when I try to make an module. The error is: [bIS_fnc_moduleExecute] Cannot execute module, error found in "a_function_name".


I've rebuild the module multiple times, I even copied everything from the Arma 3 Module Framework page and still get the error.


Does anyone of you guys know where I'm wrong with this? Or anyone has this issue fixed and knows the solution.

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I've made a new one multiple times but here are two one of them is one I made and the other one is from the BIKI page.
My one:

class CfgPatches
	class etr_operation_assets_modules_test

class CfgFactionClasses
	class etr_modules: NO_CATEGORY
		displayName = "[ETR]";

class CfgFunctions 
	class etr_operation_assets_modules_test
		class Test
			file = "\etr_operation_assets\Modules\test\Functions";
			class test{};

class CfgVehicles
	class Logic;
	class Module_F: Logic
		class ArgumentsBaseUnits
			class Units;
		class ModuleDescription
			class AnyBrain;
	class etr_modules_test: Module_F
		author="ETR Dev Team";
		displayName="Testing Module";
		class Arguments
			class number
				displayName="Some number?";
                                description="IDK what this does just select a number.";
				class values
                                class null
                                class one
                                class two


The BIKI one:

class CfgPatches
	class myTag_addonName
		units[] = {"myTag_ModuleNuke"};
		requiredVersion = 1.0;
		requiredAddons[] = {"A3_Modules_F"};

class CfgVehicles
	class Logic;
	class Module_F: Logic
		class ArgumentsBaseUnits
			class Units;
		class ModuleDescription
			class AnyBrain;
	class myTag_ModuleNuke: Module_F
		// Standard object definitions
		scope = 2; // Editor visibility; 2 will show it in the menu, 1 will hide it.
		displayName = "Nuclear Explosion"; // Name displayed in the menu
		icon = "\etr_modules\data\iconTest.paa"; // Map icon. Delete this entry to use the default icon
		category = "Effects";

		// Name of function triggered once conditions are met
		function = "myTag_fnc_moduleNuke";
		// Execution priority, modules with lower number are executed first. 0 is used when the attribute is undefined
		functionPriority = 1;
		// 0 for server only execution, 1 for remote execution on all clients upon mission start, 2 for persistent execution
		isGlobal = 1;
		// 1 for module waiting until all synced triggers are activated
		isTriggerActivated = 1;
		// 1 if modules is to be disabled once it's activated (i.e., repeated trigger activation won't work)
		isDisposable = 1;

		// Menu displayed when the module is placed or double-clicked on by Zeus
		curatorInfoType = "RscDisplayAttributeModuleNuke";

		// Module arguments
		class Arguments: ArgumentsBaseUnits
			// Arguments shared by specific module type (have to be mentioned in order to be placed on top)
			class Units: Units {};
			// Module specific arguments
			class Yield
				displayName = "Nuclear weapon yield"; // Argument label
				description = "How strong will the explosion be"; // Tooltip description
				typeName = "NUMBER"; // Value type, can be "NUMBER", "STRING" or "BOOL"
				class values
					class 50Mt	{name = "50 megatons";	value = 50; default = 1;}; // Listbox item
					class 100Mt	{name = "100 megatons"; value = 100;};
			class Name
				displayName = "Name";
				description = "Name of the nuclear device";
				defaultValue = "Tsar Bomba"; // Default text filled in the input box
				// When no 'values' are defined, input box is displayed instead of listbox

		// Module description. Must inherit from base class, otherwise pre-defined entities won't be available
		class ModuleDescription: ModuleDescription
			description = "Short module description"; // Short description, will be formatted as structured text
			sync[] = {"LocationArea_F"}; // Array of synced entities (can contain base classes)
			class LocationArea_F
				description[] = { // Multi-line descriptions are supported
					"First line",
					"Second line"
				position = 1; // Position is taken into effect
				direction = 1; // Direction is taken into effect
				optional = 1; // Synced entity is optional
				duplicate = 1; // Multiple entities of this type can be synced
				synced[] = {"BLUFORunit","AnyBrain"}; // Pre-define entities like "AnyBrain" can be used. See the list below
			class BLUFORunit
				description = "Short description";
				displayName = "Any BLUFOR unit"; // Custom name
				icon = "iconMan"; // Custom icon (can be file path or CfgVehicleIcons entry)
				side = 1; // Custom side (will determine icon color)

class CfgFunctions 
	class myTag
		class Effects
			file = "\etr_modules\functions";
			class test{};


As you can see I changed barely anything in the one from BIKI only the path to the file.


And the errors I'm getting are with the function name etr_modules_fnc_test and myTag_fnc_moduleNuke.

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It's because your function "etr_modules_fnc_test", doesn't exist, because you haven't defined a "tag" for your functions in CfgFunctions, so you need to do the following to make it work the way you want:

class CfgFunctions 
	class etr_operation_assets_modules_test
		tag = "etr_modules";
		class Test
			file = "\etr_operation_assets\Modules\test\Functions";
			class test{};

Here is an example of how my custom module setup looks like, using my simple garrison function:

class CfgPatches
	class JSHK_garrison
		units[] = {"JSHK_garrisonModule"};
		requiredVersion = 1.0;
		requiredAddons[] = {"A3_Modules_F"};

class CfgFactionClasses
	class JSHK;
	class JSHK_garrisonClass: JSHK
		displayName = "JSHK - Garrison";

class CfgVehicles
	class Logic;
	class Module_F: Logic
		class ArgumentsBaseUnits
			class Units;
		class ModuleDescription
			class EmptyDetector;
	class JSHK_garrisonModule: Module_F
		scope = 2;
		displayName = "JSHK - Garrison";
		category = "Garrison";
		function = "JSHK_fnc_garrison";
		functionPriority = 1;
		isGlobal = 0;
		isTriggerActivated = 1;
		isDisposable = 1;
		curatorInfoType = "RscDisplayAttributegarrisonModule";
		class Arguments: ArgumentsBaseUnits
			// Arguments shared by specific module type (have to be mentioned in order to be placed on top)
			class Units: Units {};
			class JSHK_garrisonSide
				displayName = "Side of Garrisoned Units"; // Argument label
				description = "Choose One"; // Tooltip description
				typeName = "STRING"; // Value type, can be "NUMBER", "STRING" or "BOOL"
				class values
					class EAST	{name = "EAST";	value = "east"; default = 1;}; // Listbox item
					class WEST	{name = "WEST"; value = "west";};
					class INDEPENDENT	{name = "INDEPENDENT"; value = "independent";};
					class CIVILIAN	{name = "CIVILIAN"; value = "civilian";};
			class JSHK_garrisonRadius
				displayName = "Garrison Radius"; // Argument label
				description = ""; // Tooltip description
				typeName = "NUMBER"; // Value type, can be "NUMBER", "STRING" or "BOOL"
				defaultValue = 200;
			class JSHK_garrisonPercent
				displayName = "Building Fill Percentage"; // Argument label
				description = "Must be between 0-1"; // Tooltip description
				typeName = "NUMBER"; // Value type, can be "NUMBER", "STRING" or "BOOL"
				defaultValue = 0.2;
			class JSHK_garrisonLimit
				displayName = "Limit Units Spawned"; // Argument label
				description = ">(-1) overwrites percent fill, (-1) to use percent"; // Tooltip description
				typeName = "NUMBER"; // Value type, can be "NUMBER", "STRING" or "BOOL"
				defaultValue = -1;
			class JSHK_garrisonUnits
				displayName = "Types of Units"; // Argument label
				description = "Array of Classnames"; // Tooltip description
				typeName = "ARRAY"; // Value type, can be "NUMBER", "STRING" or "BOOL"
				defaultValue = ["O_Soldier_F","O_Soldier_AR_F"];
		class ModuleDescription: ModuleDescription
			description = "J.Shock Garrison Module";
			sync[] = {};
			position = 1; // Position is taken into effect
			direction = 0; // Direction is taken into effect

class CfgFunctions
	class JSHK
		tag = "JSHK";
		class Garrison
			file = "JSHK_garrison";
			class garrison {};
			class buildingPositions {};

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Nice, got it fixed you're a hero, shame that the BIKI doesn't explain that  :( .

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Nice, got it fixed you're a hero, shame that the BIKI doesn't explain that  :( .


Probably doesn't specifically reference that because it's not about module framework, that's a function framework issue.

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Ok, I got that issue fixed now but currently I'm getting a error in the log files.



15:57:01 Error in expression <_fnc_moduleInit_modules",[]]);

_modules set [_modules find _logic,-1];
15:57:01   Error position: <set [_modules find _logic,-1];
15:57:01   Error Zero divisor
15:57:01 File A3\functions_f\Modules\fn_moduleExecute.sqf, line 50


The function works but I'm just making sure I'm not making any bigger error's with this.

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Ok, I got that issue fixed now but currently I'm getting a error in the log files.



The function works but I'm just making sure I'm not making any bigger error's with this.

I had this same problem with my module. I took a look at A3\functions_f\Modules\fn_moduleExecute.sqf, And that part of the script is activated by setting

isDisposable = 1;

I set it to 0 and it worked without an error.

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