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Ive saw this thing about evenhandlers and thought that some of them looks pretty interesting.

Any chance that some1 could explain to me how they worked?

I know the commandref will be out soon, but im an inpatient fellar smile.gif

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Yes!  I second that!  What's ..




Events are ..












Maybe something like ..

addEventHandler ["IncomingMissile", "this action [""eject""]"]

..probably nothing like that..hmmm, where would events be listed?


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format appears to be analogous to AddACtion/RemoveAction


unit AddEventHandler ["Type", "instruction"]


variable = unit AddEventHandler ["Type", "Instruction"]


unit RemoveEventHandler index

RemoveAllEVentHandlers unit


spank = mysoldier addeventhandler ["Hit", "bang = ""LaserGuidedBomb"" camcreate getpos mysoldier"]

removeeventhandler 1

removeeventhandler spank

oh, and _this returns an array specific to the event. (but _this select 0 is always the unit to which the event was attached).

now anyone know the format for putting an eventhandler in a config.cpp?

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If you write in init field of a unit this :

this AddEventHandler ["hit", "player globalchat {touché}"]  

When the unit is hit you have the message.

So Dinger is right dans les grandes lignes.

If you write :

this AddEventHandler ["hit", "player globalchat {touché};this  RemoveEventHandler [{hit} ,0.2]"]  

When the unit is hit you have the message too.


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_obj = _this select 0

_obj addeventhandler ["killed","hint {killed}"]


It's great.  Even on a script exit it still remembers the added event!  So anyone figure out the specifics for each one??

killed - when damage goes to 1 or even back to 0

hit - when hit by area effect only? I couldn't get it to register if I shot a heli w/ just a gun, but damaging it a little with a LAW worked (hit ground near heli)

dammaged (even tried damaged) - couldn't get to work

getin - when anything gets in vehicle

getout - when anything gets out of vehicle (boy it was hard to figure out these two)

init - ?

engine - ? dunno, tried on bike & hummer & tank & heli & nothing happened when driving these vehicles - maybe when vehicle can't move but you can still get in??

gear - ? dunno, tried on jeep & tank & heli & drove up hills & nothing

fuel - ?

fired - when you fire any weapon, even machinegun

incomingmissile - works for homing missile only?


uiox, I like how you clean up the event when the event is called! Nice smile.gif

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I just found this out...if you are in a script...

_obj addeventhandler ["event", "[_obj] exec {something.sqs}"]

..this will NOT work.  It's storing a local variable in a global table so when global table goes to find out what _obj is when "event" happens, it won't know.

_obj addeventhandler ["event", "[_this select 0] exec {something.sqs}"]

This is what I found works.  Maybe it is obvious to you guys but it took me a while to get.  So that answers the question of, when an event is called, what exactly is the this that is doing the calling.

Now that I re-read what I just wrote, I dunno if I'm making sense.


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Check updated official command reference/Scripting topics/Event handlers.

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It occurs to me that we may have a method to track who killed who here in mulitplayer.

TKs about to get ot in the Ass?

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yup, I posted a very simple script to do just that over in ofpec.

player AddEventhandler ["hit", {[_this] exec {killshooter.sqs}}]



_personhit = _this select 0

;n.b., always local

_shooter = _This select 1

_hurtapplied = _this select 2

;exclude legitimate hits

?side _personhit != side _shooter:exit

_personhit setdammage ((dammage _personhit) - _hurtapplied)

_shooter setdammage ((dammage _shooter) + _hurtapplied)


Now, the ComRef says eventhandlers can be added ina unit's config.cpp, but the syntax does not seem to be the same.

So what is it? Is there an example we could see?

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GetIn and getOut not work for me

player addEventHandler  ["getIn",{_this exec "EventManager\playerIn.sqs"}]

player addEventHandler ["getOut",{_this exec "Eventmanager\playerOut.sqs"}]


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getin and getout work fine when applied to vehicles, not the people who get in them.

so, make it

MyM113 addeventhandler [{getin}, {_this exec {EventManager\someonein.sqs}}]

but I can't get "Dammaged" to work, (or init for that matter); and I'm dying to figure out config.cpp (I'll shut up about it now wink.gif )

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Dinger @ Oct. 15 2002,19:58)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">but I can't get "Dammaged" to work,<span id='postcolor'>

Me neither. Hit and Killed are ok though.


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Hey dinger, I copied your script, adn I tried throwing everythign I could at it, but I can't get "_this select 1" to return the killer, it only returns the killed person with _this select 0.

How do you get the killer value from the event handler?

when I try to grab "this select 1", it gives me "scalar boor etc", but this select 0 gives me a wacky format for the in game unit name/pos. Whoa.

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Okay, played around more.

The problem with the code is that _this is an array with BOTH the killer/killed values. You have to select from _playerhit instead of _this...

This code should work (or maybe I'm crazy)

</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">player AddEventhandler ["hit", {[_this] exec {killshooter.sqs}}]



_personhit = _this select 0

;n.b., always local

_shooter = _personhit select 1

_hurtapplied = _personhit select 2

;exclude legitimate hits

?side _personhit != side _shooter:exit

_personhit setdammage ((dammage _personhit) - _hurtapplied)

_shooter setdammage ((dammage _shooter) + _hurtapplied)

exit<span id='postcolor'>

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">player AddEventhandler ["hit", {[_this] exec {killshooter.sqs}}]

<span id='postcolor'>

When you do [_this] you are sending an array of an array.  By the time you got to "killshooter.sqs", the _this would look like: [[player, causedBy, howMuch]].  It's a small thing to overlook.  In the comref it has:

</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">object addEventHandler handler


   player addEventHandler ["killed",{_this exec "playerKilled.sqs"}]

<span id='postcolor'>

Notice he didn't put [] around _this in the example.  I've been doing "_obj addEventHandler ["whatever", "hint format [""%1"", _this]"]" just to see what kinda stuff gets sent over and when exactly it's activated.  It's fun with "IncomingMissile" even if you're firing away from the locked on target.


I wish comref would mention WHEN these events happen!

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captain's right. I screwed up. it should be {_this exec ...} not {[_this] exec ...}

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Semaphores!  I can't believe I'm doing this with OFP!  What'm I talking about?  Say you do..

_obj addEventHandler ["getin", "_this exec ""getin.sqs"""]

..for some vehicle's Init.  So every time you got in that vehicle this script would be executed.  Well what if that script did not "return" right away?  You could get in, get out, get in, get out, get in & have 3 "threads" running at the same time.  You might want to do something like this:


? iamhere : goto "wait"


iamhere = true

~10 ; a la do something that takes time

hint "All done"

iamhere = false




~random 1 ; don't want a whole bunch to jump in at once

? !iamhere : goto "wait"

goto "start"

So my question is, Suma, WHY did you guys add in event handlers for us?!  We can do so much wierd stuff now.  You're not using this stuff in your scripts, right (a la within the game that shipped)?  It's like a pretty big addition to the game!  Thank you!


P.S.  Thought of this last night:


_obj = _this select 0

hint "Earthquake!!!"


~random 0.05

_mag = random 1 ; magnitude

_v = velocity _obj

_obj setVelocity [(_v select 0) + random _mag, (_v select 1) + random _mag, (_v select 2) + random _mag]

goto "shake" ; need to set up timer to break out of loop

A cap should probably be done on the velocity to make sure things don't get too out of hand.  I did this to a standing MG & the thing didn't move but it started squeaking around like it was a tank.  biggrin.gif

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Next question, how do we make it work in an addon. kegys hawk for example?

The comref said it would work in both scripts and in addons, now how to we import it into an addon, (.cpp)?

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I have not been able to get Dingers script to work at all. Has anyone?

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Julemanden @ Oct. 16 2002,19:38)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">The comref said it would work in both scripts and in addons, now how to we import it into an addon, (.cpp)?<span id='postcolor'>

Like this:

</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">

class EventHandlers


getIn= "hint ""Get out of there!"";";

getOut= "hint ""Good boy."";";


<span id='postcolor'>

in the vehicles class.

The dammaged event seems to work for me, at least for soldiers... When I shoot their legs off it gets triggered.

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