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Does anyone know of a way to set a default side for new people joining a server? It always seems to put them in the Blufor team, but I would like to change that. I don't want any kind of balancing or anything, I just want them all to default to Opfor.

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There are several ways you can do this.


If you are not very good with editing files you can load the mission in the editor and delete the Blufor units and replace them as Opfor.


If you are confident with editing files then you can edit the mission.sqm and replace this line:


 with this line:


for each unit.

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There are several ways you can do this.


If you are not very good with editing files you can load the mission in the editor and delete the Blufor units and replace them as Opfor.


If you are confident with editing files then you can edit the mission.sqm and replace this line:


 with this line:


for each unit.


Sorry, I think I didn't explain the question well enough. I'll start with saying that I'm very comfortable with the editing, so don't worry about that.


- I have 10 playable BluFor units

- I have 10 playable Independent units

- I have 10 playable OpFor units

- players need to be able to select any of the above units (any of the 3 sides)

- there is no AI. If any of the playable units don't get filled by a player, they don't exist in the mission

- when a player joins the server, they should default to OpFor, but must be able to choose a BluFor slot if they desire to


So changing the unit's side in the editor won't help, because I still need the option to play as a unit on each side.

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To begin with you could try if this (joinUnassigned) helps. They won't automatically join Opfor, but they won't join bluefor either.

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This is really weird behavior in Arma. The unit you place first into the map as playable, will be selected by default in the mission. 

So if you placed Opfor first and other roles later, Opfor will be default selection.

Answer provided by @FrankForsyth.

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