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[MP][CTI-COOP] Liberation (beta)

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  On 3/5/2017 at 1:23 PM, diesel tech jc said:

Has anyone had any issues with FOB Hunting on the secondary objectives lately? Or is there a limit to those? Been playing on Everon with the port I did and we were doing really well with things every couple AO's we would do a secondary objective to keep the percentage down and then all of a sudden we can't do them..I had thought somehow after CBA updated that was maybe an issue but wanted to ask here if anyone was having the same issue. I adjusted alot of the stuff so we are now running basically infantry and light vehicle stuff..no big armor or attack choppers..works great for the smaller group I have...been having alot of fun swapping from different islands. Anyway..any ideas about the secondary objectives would help.





  On 3/5/2017 at 1:30 PM, Wyqer said:

Did you set enough of the markers (opfor_point_xyz) for the map, so that the script can find a position where a fob would fit?



Be careful with the number of Opfor points to be setup. There is a fine line on this mission with too many Opfor points and too few. Having too many Opfor points can result in the secondary missions taking a very long time to spawn or not working at all. These are an interesting marker too because they are also used for if you want your first FOB to be randomly placed for you instead of you placing it yourself. 


I hope to make more progress on modernizing the scripts a bit more, maybe eliminate some unneeded things, generally make sure everything is cleaned up. I just worked out a resource-friendly random weather generator script that works great. Now I'm working out how to setup the Arsenal so it can be accessed and saved like in the mission now, with menus and loadout customization, being able to customize your loadout to a friends loadout, all that stuff. One of the functions that the mission uses is a third party Arsenal script in which the author of said script has specifically stated to stop using it, because the commands 'getUnitLoadout' and 'setUnitLoadout' have now been put into the game by BI which are easier to use. ( Reference: https://forums.bistudio.com/topic/139848-getset-loadout-saves-and-loads-pretty-much-everything/ )


The other thing I'd really like to focus on too is the enemy spawning scripts, but those are way above my paygrade for right now...





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  On 3/6/2017 at 1:40 PM, Wyqer said:

I am planning to continue the work of @zbug, because he seems to have most likely abandoned his project.

He worked about 2 years on this great mission and I think that shouldn't be left behind.

His Licence for the mission allow to take everything and continue working on it as long as the work will be published under the same licence, what I would do of course.

If he ever returns to the mission making, I would give him all I've done till then, so he could maybe use some of it or continue working on the mission at that state.


I'll post all necessary informations for a Liberation 0.93 this evening or tomorrow in this thread.



Thx bro !

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KP Liberation for ArmA 3

Current version : 0.93




As promised I spend this day at the first step to continue the work.

Done some code inspections, start to build a framework for coming presets and maps, added some small features and find a good starting point like "so less mods as needed, but many room for additionals" for the upcoming work with this mission.

If you encounter any bugs or issues (and there will be some I bet), please report them on GitHub and not only here or in our Discord. That would greatly help me, to keep a good overview over any reports.

Really hope, that @zbug will return in the future, but if not: let us keep this mission running.


Things that were added since GreuhZbugs 0.924

  • Added the kp_liberation_config.sqf with some additional config values
  • Added ACE support
  • Added fuel consumption script
  • Moved the classnames_extension.sqf to a preset system
  • Added preset system (will grow with more maps) to choose between different classnames_extension presets
  • Added a custom.sqf in the preset system, where you can adjust everything to your liking (like editing the old classnames_extension.sqf)
  • Tweaked the player group organisation (group changing via extended options ingame still enabled)
  • Added BI Revive System. Activate it via Parameters in the MP Lobby if you don't use ACE
  • Added an option in the mission parameters to disable the whole mapmarkers and disable the function in the extended options for every player
  • Removed Farooq's Revive
  • Added the ability to blacklist arsenal items

More informations are on the GitHub page of this mission.


Needed Mods

Currently available maps

  • Altis
  • More will come after I tweaked some things on our community ports for Takistan and Chernarus


ACE Serverside Settings
I've provided our community serverconfig.hpp for the usage with the ace_server.pbo for dedicated servers.
Just copy the userconfig folder into your ArmA 3 Server folder and start the ace_server.pbo as serverside mod.


Join us on Discord
If you like, you can head over to our Discord. But please post real issues and bugs on GitHub, because that way I've much more overview about reported things.

Click to join the Killah Potatoes Discord Server


Get the Mission

Download via GitHub

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Small hotfix


Fixed BI Revive Error

If you start the mission not from the editor or dedicated server, you've gotten an error message.

So I moved the params directly into the list without include. Nice side effect is, that you can adjust the default values now without problems.


Hotfixed Version on Github

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  On 3/6/2017 at 7:44 PM, sarakgaming said:


CBA needed client side or only server side ?

Server and Client.

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So is ACE required? Or is it as simple as enabling BIS's revive system and running without ACE?


My group doesn't use ACE, and absolutely hates the current revive system, heh.

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ACE is no needed Mod.

You can enable the new Revive System in the Lobby via Parameters. Or keep it deactivated to play without the new Revive System.

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Can I add more markers simlpy by editing de-pboed mission for example comying something like

class Item331
			text="Agia Base";

changing Item331 to Item332, changing position, name to unique and text,then pbo files and play game? For now I cant see new marker in mission editor nor launched mission. Can it be done this way, if yes - what I'm missing then?

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The easiest way is you just depbo the mission, put the folder in your Documents\Arma 3\missions folder and open it in the editor.

Copy for example one of the military markers and paste it at the additional position you want to add. Save, pbo and you're good to go.

But you have to wipe the save via parameters in the lobby.

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  On 3/7/2017 at 8:28 AM, Wyqer said:

The easiest way is you just depbo the mission, put the folder in your Documents\Arma 3\missions folder and open it in the editor.

Copy for example one of the military markers and paste it at the additional position you want to add. Save, pbo and you're good to go.

But you have to wipe the save via parameters in the lobby.

Yeah, thanks, I'm aware of such possability. Struck a few problems, though: after saving mission from editor mission.sqm changes it's format so it no more represented as readable JSON, and actually this is not a problem, as I just want to know if it possible to edit without ingame editor but way I'm described, I don't understand why it not working as it same thing editor do after saving file. Maybe some other files but mission.sqm need to be modified too?

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The Editor only modifies the mission.sqm and nothing else.

The format change you mention is because you don't uncheck the "binarize" checkbox when saving. Uncheck it and the sqm is readable with notepad etc.

If you change it directly in the sqm you should also check the items count in the class where you add a new marker.



class Entities

If you now add one marker (which is in the Entities class) you've to increment the items counter to 461.


But I really recommend using the editor method.

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  On 3/7/2017 at 9:35 AM, Wyqer said:

The Editor only modifies the mission.sqm and nothing else.

The format change you mention is because you don't uncheck the "binarize" checkbox when saving. Uncheck it and the sqm is readable with notepad etc.

If you change it directly in the sqm you should also check the items count in the class where you add a new marker.



class Entities

If you now add one marker (which is in the Entities class) you've to increment the items counter to 461.


But I really recommend using the editor method.

Much thanks for "binarize" and entitiest count explanation, I'm already modified it with editor, modifying with values is needed for some scripting. Thanks, you really helped me.

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New Version: 0.931



  • Added Takistan mission sqm
  • Added RHS Takistan Classnames Preset
  • Added RHS Classnames Preset
  • Fixed issue where a prebuild FOB on Takistan throw errors
  • Update "Needed Mods" section in readme


Get it on GitHub


Next Plans:

  • Arsenal Whitelist Presets
  • Chernarus mission.sqm
  • Tanoa mission.sqm
  • Enemys need a owned radio tower in the near surrounding of their position to call reinforcements. So that you can cut these off, even with high aggressivity.
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A few more questions:

1. Can I delete/change Chimera base guardians( riflemans, pilots, officer) as they blufor and I've swapped side to opfor for player faction, so they shoot player if he spawns at chimera.

2. Can I delete all helis at Chimera but huron needed to transport first fob

Asking in case if some scripts depends on them.

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  On 3/7/2017 at 10:58 AM, Vodkabear said:

1. Can I delete/change Chimera base guardians( riflemans, pilots, officer) as they blufor and I've swapped side to opfor for player faction, so they shoot player if he spawns at chimera.

Yes, you can change them. But remember, that one officer has the name chimeraofficer. Be sure to change the type via the units attributes or give that name to one of the new placed people there.


  On 3/7/2017 at 10:58 AM, Vodkabear said:

2. Can I delete all helis at Chimera but huron needed to transport first fob

You can delete them all. But keep the empty helipad (the one named huronspawn). The Huron is placed by the mission on load.

You could edit \presets\vanilla.sqf or presets\custom.sqf and enter there the classname at huron_typename variable.

If you use the custom.sqf you've to change KP_liberation_preset to 1 in kp_liberation_config.sqf

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Since you're picking up development, one thing a handful of us have been fighting with off and on, is using the Nimitz aircraft carrier, in place of the LHD, as a starting spawn.

Offhand, do you know if that's possible? I've tried just placing Chimera base at the carrier, but things are spawning inside of it, and falling.


Anyways, thanks for picking this up, I like the changes so far.

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We in our community using the Nimitz instead of the Atlas on our Chernarus Version.

So yes, it is possible without any problem.

But if I replace it on Altis, Tanoa, Chernarus, etc. it is not a optional Mod (like Atlas) anymore. The Nimitz Mod would be necessary then.

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When you have the chance, would you mind sharing how you achieved it?


I tried adding the tags from the LHD object to the Nimitz first, then tried moving the Chimera base to the Nimitz. Both weren't working so well.

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Basically you put down the Nimitz, name it lhd. Move the LHD Marker over it.

Then you have to modify the atlas_manager.sqf that he will always say atlas is present and delete the chimera base with all around.

Also you should modify your huron manager, as the position relative to the lhd (so the nimitz) has to be adjusted a little bit, because it's much bigger than the Atlas.


And that's in fact everything you've to do basically.

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I play with just a couple of friends and at some point, it becomes a little bit intense with tanks and tons of APCs being spawned. Is there a way to focus on infantry, like infantry reinforcements that drops off of transport trucks? Or just having the option to limit the number of tanks and APCs being spawned would already be a great addition, but since it all depends on the enemy awareness level, I'm guessing it's all hidden in the code. Thanks!

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@LCpl Dupre

You can edit everything to your likings in the custom.sqf you'll find in the presets folder inside the mission file.

There under militia_vehicles_extension and following you can for example delete the classnames of the tanks and APCs.

After that, you've to set KP_liberation_preset to 1 in kp_liberation_config.sqf

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Hier ist der Test-Server für Befreiung 0.93:



Server Name:  KP Befreiung v0.93 von www.killahpotatoes.de | @ CBA_A3

Addons:  @ CBA_A3


TS:  ts3.killahpotatoes.de

Discord : https://discord.gg/bpPUU48  





ACE Server will follow in the next weeks

Edited by jus61
ACE Server
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